Strattera (atomoxetine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Strattera (atomoxetine hydrochloride)

This drug sucks. I wanted to try something that wasn't a stimulant and my Dr. hesitantly suggested I try Straterra (Atomoxetine was the generic I was prescribed). The first day I was on it I developed a very distressing tingling sensation that wouldn't go away and some nausea. Throughout my trial of being on the medication I grew increasingly agitated and had absolutely ZERO interest in food. Having been on Adderall for several years I knew I didn't want to be on another pill that pulled away any delight I had in food, so I wasn't expecting this to be a side effect with a non-stimulant. Considering I now know the differences that Adderall and Straterra have on my mental health challenges I can safely say that Adderall is 100x more effective.

Nausea, TERRIBLE silent acid reflux, sore throat from the acid, and weight loss

I literally couldn’t get out of bed around 6 weeks of taking it because of my silent acid reflux and nausea.

Initially dry mouth, sleepiness, mild tremors, strangeMild jumping in my chest. Then resolvedI still get nausea if taken on an empty stomach

I did experience significantly better focus and less anxiety. I was less agitated, less angry. I couldTolerate issues in my house better

So far: tiredness, dry mouth starting after one week, headache, increased dream intensity, and coldness/chills.

It seems to help a little with task initiation so far but it is still early. I also feel calmer than when I was on stimulants. The side effects have been tolerable, I take it at night with dinner and fall asleep a few hours after taking it and sleep about 7 hours. I wake up feeling mouth dryness. If I took it in the morning however, I would probably be too sleepy to function.

Brain fog, increased dizziness, high blood pressure, increased fatigue, increased muscle and joint pain

Dry mouth fatigue - faded after a few days

Strattera Wellbutrin has been the key to finally feeling like what I want normal to be. Not only is my ADHD much better (without feeling strung out from other stimulants) but my depression is just nonexistent. Granted I have done years of work on the issues that contribute to depression, but this combo really helps me feel like Im not even gingerly walking around a giant void that Im always this/close to jumping into. Now when I have setbacks, I have the ability to face and deal with them instead of retreating into myself.

Cold chills / hot flashes / heartburn chest pain / brain fog feeling of a lump in my throat

Cold sweats,trouble getting erections, unpleasant almost painful orgasm,lightheadedness,drowsiness,decreased appetite and decreased libido

My first few days taking strattera have been strange.ive never taken any meds before for my add and decided to try and find a solution,all day i feel extremely cold but am sweating,i feel nauseous. Sex is less desirable to me and when i reach orgasm its very uncomfortable and almost painful. I almost pass out every time i stand up. Hopefully these side effects subside soon enough. If not i will stop treatment.

anxiety, severe panic attacks, weight loss, no appetite

helped some of my symptoms like overactive thoughts, racing mind, slightly helped my focus, but not enough to be worth the fact that I had crippling anxiety, leading to very regular and severe panic attacks

Gave me crippling anxiety, constantly felt like I was going to pass out. Dizziness. Mood swings, sweaty feet and palms,

brain fog, dizziness, dissociation, visual spots, memory loss, learning problems, increased blood pressure.

I've really not enjoyed this medication. It has put me into a permanent fog and has made learning and memory way harder. I've also had a lot of fatigue and almost no motivation.

Bed wetting. Sudden need to use toilet and wetting myself. Anxiety, worse depression, agitation, crying, negative thoughts, itching, ringing in ears, dark urine, cough, sleep issues.

Brain fog / spacing out, memory loss, heartburn, stomachache, headache, lack of appetite, nausea

I started taking atomoxetine to treat my ADD without stimulants and it's worsened my attention while also killing my ability to function. Before I started taking my medications I was concerned about my inability to follow through with tasks and my emotional sensitivity worsened by my ADD. Now I'm about 2 months into this medication and I have periods of blankness and such an inability to focus it's genuinely terrifying. I have problems with my memory that are far worse than they ever were before medication. I entered a blank state while driving a few days ago which is a huge issue as my career focuses around careful maneuvering of equipment and attentiveness with regard to safety. Even on days I forget to take my medication I have issues with spaciness and alarming gaps in memory. My most upsetting episode of this was very recently, I had taken an item to work and thought a coworker grabbed it by mistake, only to find the item in my own home today (about 2 weeks later.) I feel like I'm developing Alzheimers or something, it's like I'm losing myself and I'm terrified. I immediately stopped taking it, the risks far outweigh any benefits. My brain feels like it's melting. I cannot recommend this medication and I regret starting it.

Brain zaps if dosage missedAffects period/bleeding

Most Undesired side effect is tinnitus but it's not constant.Sometimes I would get a little dizzy and have xerostomia but those would subside with time.Within an hour or two of taking this medication I would get a nice warm and fuzzy feeling but I wouldn't describe it as a high, more just a sense of wellbeing.

Atomoxetine helps with blocking out all the background noise that neurotypicals can without thinking about it. It also helps offset the jitters I get from my stimulant medication.The best way I can describe it is that this medication to me is what blinders are to a horse.

Nausea, belching, indigestion, watery diarrhea, nasty taste

Odd sensation where I would urinate but would feel like I did not empty my bladder fully. trouble holding an erection and premature ejaculation. Lost about 8-10 lbs the first week and definitely did not have an appetite. Couldn’t sleep and had increased heart rate at night.

Dizzy, headache, can't eat or sleep, cannot stop crying!!!!

Headache, I literally cannot stop crying, I'm starting right, I feel dizzy and I don't want to leave the house at all. I feel frightens of people. She took me off Wellbutrin cuz it made my automatic worse, but this is terrible. I want to crawl in a corner and just cry. I can't eat I can't sleep, writing this comment is so difficult. Clenching jaw... no way I'm taking this anymore

Constipation, Jaw Clenching resulting in headaches, insomnia even WITH taking ambien, no appetite, depression, anxiety, etc.

I have been on adderall XR & instant. We tried to switch it up with Vyvanse and It was awful. I was open to this medication and had high hopes for it based on what information I was given. However, within days this medicine had me in a full blown depressive episode with no motivation to even take care of myself or do anything. My brain was quiet but numb and dark and my body was physically in pain. I felt weak and the jaw pain was EXCRUCIATING. I had to stop on the 6th day. It was 6 days of hell and the first day not taking it - I feel like a completely different person. Stay self aware on this - that's the only reason I didn't try to push past symptoms. I strongly say RUN from this drug. It may work for some but the damage it did In a matter of days seems absolutely insane.

Random ejaculations throughout the day. Would randomly ejaculate while in class or sometimes after urinating. There wasn't an orgasm either, just Seeman spewing out of me. It made it difficult to get an erection or maintain one. Also kept me very thirsty. Would feel sick if I took it without food. Doctor switched me to Adderall XR, since then things have been great since.

I have a coworker who takes it and did not have the side effects I had. He says it works great for him.

STRATTERA (ATOMOXETINE HYDROCHLORIDE): Atomoxetine is used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as part of a total treatment plan, including psychological, social, and other treatments. It may help to increase the ability to pay attention, concentrate, stay focused, and stop fidgeting. It is thought to work by restoring the balance of certain natural substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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But to take care of side effects I use to take Ery' after food.To avoid more gastric discomfort use to take early morning Esomeprazole.

breast tenderness/breast growth: B to almost C and still growing :), headaches & nausea in the first week, increased sex drive, less acne

After taking 15 laxatives and gastrografin I have had only a small movement. This has caused my colonoscopy to be put back.

I got very ill, flu, dizziness,was vomiting felt like i had covid19 ,leg pain everything yooo not sure if i should continue or stop

i am done taking the drugs seems like ovulation is happening now i wait to test for pregnancy

I took 40mg for 3 months, 20mg for 2 months and 20mg every other day for 3 months

would not recommend this drug to anyone and obviously doctors dont know anything about it

acne, sore teeth, no libido,low energy,achey joints

Trying to get off the drug now so I can get my bones density back in order as a lot of recent research points to this being a side effect of the drug.

I take the generic form-it is cheaper- it is one of the only things I can take to help me sleep