Savella (milnacipran hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Savella (milnacipran hydrochloride)

SAVELLA (MILNACIPRAN HYDROCHLORIDE): Milnacipran is used to treat pain caused by a condition called fibromyalgia that affects the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and supporting tissues. This medication is a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) that works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances in the brain (neurotransmitters). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Male - caused breast enlargement and extreme tenderness. Controlled Oedema and Ascites but side effects unbearable. Also lost sex drive and noticed thinning of chest and underarm hair

The drug has been wonderful. I stopped taking it for two weeks when I missed filling the prescription and the foot pain came back. I am easily able to walk and work out (3.1 miles 4x week).

email me if you have questions or need support getting off of lexapro.

irregular periods, birth control

loss of concentration, memory problems the day after taking it.

None for me personally. Discuss with your healthcare provider prior to starting nuvaring, some women are at higher risk.

I was on the shot for 2 years, took my last one two months ago. I still am experiencing most of the side effects and have not had a period yet. I would not recommend this shot.

Stopped taking it when I got Ischemic colitis

I was sleepy alot, but that was my norm, i love sleeping. Never really ate, I dont remeber dry mouth, great mood, mostly happy. I went from a F DC student to A B student. I took myself off becuase My Sifu said if I want it, then I will achieve it. So I achieved an extra belt in nun chunks in 1 months. I was proud. But then hello I started not paying attention, not reading and failing. I was not interested in the material. I just daydreaming. Now I need it for work. I cant even do my routine 2 days the same. Im inconsistent and I really try.

I feel just awful!! I cried to my husband the second day and told him I literally felt "like I was dying". I am completely out of it, my heart is racing and fluttering, I'm dizzy, nauseated with no appetite, constantly breaking into sweats, and very emotional (i'm usually a pretty solid gal). Also, the taste in my mouth is terrible-I feel like i'm chewing on aluminum foil. I only need to be on it for five days so I'm going to tough it out. Unfortunately, I am finding it very, very difficult to concentrate on my school work, even my vision is blurry (I'm in nursing school-tough stuff!) and hope it doesn't effect the grade on my next test. There must be a better med out there. Advice-if you are taking any meds that may make your HR increase (ex. pseudoephiderine) STOP! It will only make you feel that much worse. :( :(