Botox (onabotulinumtoxina) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Botox (onabotulinumtoxina)

Mild fatigue that lasts for a few hours.

BOTOX (OnabotulinumtoxinA): There are different types of botulinum toxin products (toxin A and B) with different uses (eye problems, muscle stiffness/spasms, migraines, cosmetic, overactive bladder). Different brands of this medication deliver different amounts of medication. Your doctor will choose the correct product for you. Botulinum toxin is used to treat certain eye disorders such as crossed eyes (strabismus) and uncontrolled blinking (blepharospasm), to treat muscle stiffness/spasms or movement disorders (such as cervical dystonia, torticollis), and to reduce the cosmetic appearance of wrinkles. It is also used to prevent headaches in people with very frequent migraines. Botulinum toxin relaxes muscle by blocking the release of a chemical called acetylcholine. Botulinum toxin is also used to treat overactive bladder by patients who do not respond to or who cannot tolerate the side effects of other medications. It helps to reduce leaking of urine, feeling of needing to urinate right away, and frequent trips to the bathroom. It is also used to treat severe underarm sweating and drooling/excess saliva. Botulinum toxin works by blocking the chemicals that turn on the sweat and salivary glands. Botulinum toxin is not a cure, and your symptoms will gradually return as the medication wears off. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My doctor warned me about the possibility of developing a chronic cough when I first started this medication. A few months later I started getting hives on my hands and occasionally on my face. I thought I had developed an allergy to my dog since it seemed tied to me letting him in. Fast forward a year and a half later and I ended up in the ER with severe angioedema of throat and tongue. I could not swallow or talk. I had been suffering from a severe cold so had been sleeping on the couch when I woke up and decided to go to bed. Fortunately I started coughing and realized I couldn't swallow. The ER doctor stated had I laid back down that I probably would not have survived. She said it was a very rare side affect. My pharmacist also said I was the only client he had that has had this kind of reaction. I do know several people who took this medication and developed the chronic cough. Unfortunately for one,her physician didn't know about that side effect and she had spent about $3000 dollars on various heart and lung tests (since she was a smoker) to determine the cause. She called her physician and stopped taking the medicine the next day...and her cough went away.

I used to watch TV in bed after taking rather than going right to sleep. The medicine put me in a highly suggestable state and I was convinced that I wanted to buy the stuff on the infomercials. Once, I actually did.

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for panic disorder with agoraphobia

Mom got diagnosed with a uti, in june 2018. (Had a complete physical, including bloodwork may 15th, and was in great shape, including her kidneys). Only symptom was being a little tired. Dr put her on bactrim on a thurs afternoon. By sunday, she was so weak, i had to put my arms, under her arms to left her to her feet if she was seated in a chair. (Previously, she was mobile, vacuuming, grocery shopping, bending over to pick up dog poop, etc. Didnt use a cane or anything.). On monday morning she was too weak to be able to get out of bed, without my brother pulling her upright. Went to dr monday, they ran bloodwork and took her off bactrim. Wednesday morning they called and said to get her admitted to the hospital, as she was in acute kidney failure. 1 month in hospital, 7 dialysis treatments, then she died 11 days later. I did read later that bactrim can knock out the tubules to your kidneys.I would never take it after losing my mom this way.

I really believe in this drug. It is important, at least for me, to take the drug at the correct time each day. Do not skip doses. I was on Lithum (spelling) for about a year. .. 20 years back, it did not work for me. I can really focus with Depakote. I am not happy with my hair, but I LOVE my life now. The correct dosage is really important. Work with your doctor.

I've been on this for the past 5 months or so (since I got married) and I just recently (this cycle of pills) experienced nausea. My doctor told me it was a side effect but it didnt' phase me since I didn't have any the first 3-4 months I took it. It's not constant all day but it's more on than off throught out the day. I don't have any other side effects, just nausea...I may go and try something else...I'm on Ortho Tri-cyclen Lo.....who knows...but this nauseated feeling really sucks!!! I havne't gained any weight - I've actually lost alot of weight and I don't have the break thru bleeding or anything...just nausea....

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