Phenergan vc (phenylephrine hydrochloride; promethazine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Phenergan vc (phenylephrine hydrochloride; promethazine hydrochloride)

manic symptoms, insomnia, headache

be careful taking this medicine if you have bipolar disorder

Side Effects forphenergan vc (phenylephrine hydrochloride; promethazine hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Headache, muscle aches, fatigue - not really sure if it attributable to Femara or not yet.

3 yo daughter sick for 2 days. Older sibs with flu symptom earlier in the week. Dr. diagnosed H1N1 and prescribed TamifluDaughter without fever after 24 hrs, but not sleeping and complains of foot pain and itching. She constantly rubs her legs and feet together and complains of feet hurting.

This was best BP med ever, went to 110/70 in 2 days. The PVC have become calmer on 2nd, it works great. Hope stomach thing is temporary

Bipolar, Severe Depression, Panic

Irritability, shortness of breath, crying spells, all over dull feeling

Headaches (which went away after 10 days) Severe insomnia which I'm still dealing with.

No siezures since surgery, thus the 3 rating, but I've had exhaustion, been dizzy off and on although that's finally gotten better, coordination and balance problems, severe mood swings & crying jags, hair loss and breakage, physical pain throughout body and especially in joints lately, to the point of not being able to move about easily, leg weakness, intestinal problems, itching and hives. Lower dose of 1000 mg of Keppra per day stopped hair loss. I take Vit B6, 200 mg. per day and it brought the mood swings way down to manageable, can't tolerate the cold, but suddenly can get hot indoors when it's freezing out, especially at night, addictive thoughts & feelings where I suddenly desperately & intensely need chocolate or salty things, want to drink, or have sex. Very intense although taking the B6 has also brought those feelings under control. Worried about the leg and joint pains, my knees are clicking and feel like the bones are turning or twisting, also some burning f

Headache, frequent urination, extreme dizziness, stomach pain, muscle aches, constipation, loss of appetite, shakiness/tremor, chest pain, feeling off, twitching, drowsiness.

Most of the side affects that are listed on the data sheet I have had. The thing that I didn't do was read all the side affect before taking the dostinex.

Hoping anyone using Vyvanse for Eating Disorder (Bulimia/Binge Eating) has any comments as I am finding emotional regulation impossible.