Nasalcrom (cromolyn sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nasalcrom (cromolyn sodium)

NASALCROM (CROMOLYN SODIUM): This medication is used to treat mastocytosis, a disease that occurs when the body has too many mast cells. These normal body cells release substances (e.g., histamines) that are needed for normal body defense and healing, but when too many mast cells are present, they release too much of these substances. This can lead to symptoms such as diarrhea, stomach/abdominal pain, itching, rash, and flushing. Cromolyn belongs to a class of medications called mast cell stabilizers. It works by preventing mast cells from releasing the substances that can cause these skin and gut problems. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I had taken prednisone for 2 days and had side effects from that. Unfortunately, the Dr and pharmacist assured me that Levaquin wouldn't interact with the Prednisone. The Dr said side effects with Levaquin are rare, but I insisted on stopping after the 2nd day and he agreed.

I took Accutane for the first time in high school and it completely cleared my skin. I was comfortable wearing no foundation or powder, which I had not been before. During college it reappeared but shortly after beginning treatment my skin was clear again. The dry skin and chapped lips are annoying but become easy to deal with. I was glad to stop the treatment when I did because I began to experience depression symptoms. However, it was never anything to get too worried about.

THEN, about 15 years ago, during a routine endoscopy, the anesthesiologist began slowly administering the drug, while I remained conscious, and very calm...the drug was working. Unfortunately, my O2 sats began to drop like crazy. The GI Doc and the Anesthesiologist went berserk and started screaming at each other. LOL The nurse found the syringe of Flumazenil, the antagonist to Versed, and injected it into my IV before I passed out from hypoxia.Now I have LOTS of Ativan and Dilaudid and Phenergan for light sedation, (which actually turns out to be much heavier sedation), and Ativan for pre-op sedation.I will only use ONE particular anesthesiologist...they LOVE being requested by the way...and he knows all about my drug allergies, etc. I had a VERY atypical reaction to this drug. It has been used very safely for years. If you have any kind of bad reaction when receiving Versed, just tell the hospital you are allergic to it and broke out in hives at your IV site the last time you had Versed. They will NEVER give it to you again as they would be liable for a lawsuit. Just make sure you write Versed as a drug allergy whenever you go to ANY physician, and list hives as the reaction.

Felt slight drowsiness for the first day or two but it could have been because I was at my sickest. It really helped control my cough. I have a very weak stomach but I was able to take this without any problems. I usually have dizziness as a side effect with other medications but was ok while taking this one.

taking claritin D 12hr, i have learned to control the dose intake by cutting it into pieces and taking it throughout the day, that way i don't feel the side effects as strong as if you take it all at once. claritin D 24hr makes me feel crazy and wont sleep for days, so i take the 12hr in small quantities.

dry mouth for first few days, mouth tension and teeth grinding, very vivid dreams, nearly complete loss of libido and it's very hard to orgasm

to help maintain a steady blood sug

Diarrhea, unless probitoics and management of dosage is taken.

I had just finished radiation treatments and originally thought my symptoms were from that. My husband suggested it was the Macrobid since I had not had any side effects prior to starting Macrobid. After researching this drug my side effects are definately from it. I had pounding headache, nausea, stomache cramps even though I took it with breakfast and dinner. At one point I had the feeling of not being able to breathe. on day 5 I had chest tightness like bad indigestion, was afraid to take antacid because warning label says don't take with antacid containing magnesium.I also had some hoarseness. I have never had any side effects from meds. By far the worst drug I have ever taken. I agree this drug should be taken off the market. I took for 5 days and suffered before it even occured to me it was from the antibiotic. Will not be taking the last 4 doses.