Claritin-d 24 hour (loratadine; pseudoephedrine sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Claritin-d 24 hour (loratadine; pseudoephedrine sulfate)

The most dangerous medication I have ever taken. I take nothing for my allergies but my now ex wife bought these is Spain and gave them to me. Anxiety, heart racing, no sleep extreme dryness. Horrible.

Never take this medication it's a very powerful damaging drug.

Within an hr of taking it, fast heartbeat and lightheaded and dizzy, Dry mouth, vision issues, low blood pressure.

I have taken Claritin on and off since the 1990s without any issues. I have not taken any in about a year, until today and I am having serious reactions.

Panic attacks, dizziness, lightheaded, nausea, sweating, insomnia

I would recommend this medication for like a one time use only. I took Claritin to help with the insane pollen allergies this year. I was taking it maybe 3ish times a week for 3 weeks and ended up in the emergency room for back to back panic attacks.

Felt high energy. Fast heart beat. Couldn't sleep.


Extreme Confusion, dizziness, hot flashes, sleepiness,Headache, dry mouth

Anxiety, heart speeding, jittery, insomnia basically horrible.

Jittery, anxious, nervous, vivid day dreams, insomnia, chest tightness, and restlessness.

Horrible. Never taking it again.

Extreme fatigue. Light headed. I had to leave work because i am so weak. It's been hours and I'm stuck in bed because I'm so exhausted.

Horrible side effects. Also made me anxiety way worse.

At first it did what it was suppose to no side effects until I stopped taking it. It's been 72 hours since my last dose and still having extreme anxiety, with fast heart palpitations. Feeling Nervous and jittery, emotional and depressed. I believe I'm experiencing withdrawal from these medication. I feel hopeless

If any can please tell me how long this will last I feel like I'm going crazy.

This product use to do wonders for my allergies, I don't know what happened but now I get bad heart palpitations, nausea, jitters, and chills. I took the pill at 8pm and woke up at midnight sweating and feeling super weird. Waiting it out now, hoping the side effects go away soon.

Horrible experience! I am very healthy and no other medications. Kept me awake all night, jittery, heart rate high, and felt sick to my stomach. NEVER again!!

Post nasal drip (sinus problems)

Sweaty, clams, kind of a weak feeling, light headed

Moderate anxiety, Dizzy / Light headed

I took Claritin 24/hr an hour after I took it i started getting anxiety then 2/hr the dizziness set in, it's been 28.5 hours and I'm still dizzy/ light headed I will never take this medication again... EVER!

Heart racing out of my chest. Woke from sleep with heart racing.

I will never take this medication again!

Lightheadedness, dizzy, night sweats, insomnia, heart palpatations

Took a 24-hour pill at 9:30pm. Dumb move. When I went to bed two hours later I felt so lightheaded I couldn't fall asleep. Then, about 3am I had night sweats. Then had heart palpitations (very mild). Had anxiety all night about the symptoms. I'm still feeling a bit lightheaded, even though its been about 14 hours. A little dizzy if I move my head quickly.

Worst anxiety I have ever experienced, depression, tremors, upset stomach, tingling in arms and legs, raised blood-pressure, dizziness, heart-palpitations, fatigue, insomnia, dry-mouth, confusion, light-headedness, sweating spells.

I was also taking Flonase at the same time, which I have had a negative reaction to in the past. This is probably adding to my symptoms as well. It has been 48 hours since I last took either medication and I am hoping the symptoms go away soon so that I can return to my normal self.

Insomnia, loss of appetite, Vaginal dryness, irritability, panic attacks, high blood pressure, depression

I have always been a healthy female until I moved to a climate with heavy pollen in 2015. For the first 2 years on Claritin d I was fine and did not have side effects. In 2017, I began experiencing vaginal dryness and irritation ( free of STDs ,not perimenopausal, and no Vaginal infections), panic attacks, irrational behavior and insomnia. This medication has caused serious damage to my marriage and work life. I never thought these were due to the med until I had every test ran that did not show any type of illness. My blood pressure spiked last year despite strong physical activity. I sought acupuncture for the stress and anxiety which provided marginal results. I have been off this med just over a day and pray that I will return to the healthy person I used to be. I have lost over a year of my life due to these debilitating symptoms. I am happy to share anything I can to help someone else that has struggled with this medication.

Congestion, sneezing, itchy eyes

Extremely anxious, jittery, shortness of breath, increased and decreased heart rate, awful constipation, lack of sleep.

First 2 days were fine, now I feel all these side effects to an extreme, just waiting for this to ware off.

Side Effects forclaritin-d 24 hour (loratadine; pseudoephedrine sulfate) - User Comments


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Works will for symptoms of panic, but didnt help with the heart pounding at all!!!

I take half in the morning and half in evening, within an hour of taking I'm asleep. I have no energy, in bed a lot. My hair is falling out ,have a few bald spots in back now. My bp is sort of steady but not worth what this med is doing to my body.

severe depression, severe anxiety, panic, agitation, confusion, rapid thoughts, social nervousness, fatigue, feeling very cold, lump in throat, mild sore throat, increased stomach pain

Severe leg and foot cramps and joint pain

Dry mouth. Horrible, weird dreams. Feeling "tranced out." I'm bi-polar, so bad dreams and lack of sleep are very bad for managing my condition, especially after just having a baby. I switched to prescription-strength ibuprofen, which is working fine at 3x a day.

nausea, extreme anxiety, jittery, loss of appetite, dizzy, feeling out of it, tired but can't sleep, heartburn all this by day 3. Scared to continue using it.

Yeast infection during antibiotics

TERRIBLE side effects: I was told my my doctor to take one to three 100 mg per night. The first night I took 1 pill and several hours later I was still wide awake so I took a second one (I did eat before and after I took it). I woke up extremely dizzy, migraine-like headache, and nearly 10 hours after taking the second pill I had extreme nausea and vomited 4 times. Have been dizzy, unsteady on my feet, had headache, extremely fatigued, poor vision, heart palpitations, dry mouth, hangover feelings though I have never been drunk so I don't experientially know what an alcohol-induced hangover is like.

insomnia after taking for a while, anemia, helped with the reflux though

I have only been on this drug for one day, although the dr has tried lasix for the past 3 weeks with no results she put me on this yesterday. I feel better,no chest pain, BUT I GAINED 2 pounds over night and was awake ALL NIGHT! I am still short of breathe, but that is nothing new. So I can't blame it on this medication.