Relpax (eletriptan hydrobromide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Relpax (eletriptan hydrobromide)

RELPAX (ELETRIPTAN HYDROBROMIDE): Eletriptan is used to treat migraines. It helps to relieve headache, pain, and other migraine symptoms (including nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light/sound). Prompt treatment helps you return to your normal routine and may decrease your need for other pain medications. Eletriptan belongs to a class of drugs known as triptans. It affects a certain natural substance (serotonin) that causes narrowing of blood vessels in the brain. It may also relieve pain by affecting certain nerves in the brain. Eletriptan does not prevent future migraines or lessen how often you get migraine attacks. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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very concerned about the ugly dents i now have in my thighs, smaller 'dimples' in my tummy, discoloration above my hips and the loss of back fat which should be good only i don't know how to take more shots there anymore. regarding the thighs, i've started taking the shots in my saddlebags because if it's going to eat my muscle and fat tissue, then i'd much rather get rid of the saddlebags and it is working even though i'm sure i'll get ugly dents there too eventually. has anyone taken shots in unadvised sites, e.g. further back behind the hips? also, some tolerable side effects: bee sting effect; some sites have lumps underneath skin; occasional bruising. no weight gain but major lean muscle loss - not sure if that's a side effect.

This IS indeed poison!!!!! I'm not a "pill popper," but this med is HORRID! As SOON as I started taking it, I developed all the symptoms of a respiratory infection, the total works! Stuffy and runny nose at the same time! When I would blow my knows or take a decongestant for relief, NOTHING worked! I went so far as to be prescribed inhalers, thinking my asthma that had been dormant since my teens, had returned! A miserable dry hacking cough, and working in an office, this wasn't good! People looked at me as if I had some plague!!! I'm a CHF patient, and the LAST thing I need is to be swelling up from fluid accumulation! Well, guess what, this med had my lower legs and ankles looking like CANKLES!!!! I mean my feet looked like cow's hooves!!! Thank goodness my Lasix prescription cleared that up right away and I am NOT taking this med anymore!! I was on Enalipril, which seemed to work fine and did indeed keep my pressure low. After doing research on this med and understanding that most of our meds are taken from portions of nature, snake venom just isn't something I bargained for! I'm terribly sleepy and sluggish with this med, even if taken at night like my doctor prescribed! The 9 months I've taken this med hasn't been consecutive, I stopped after the 8th month and my heart doc just prescribed it! I got the prescription filled, forgetting why I stopped taking this poison in the first place! Took it for 2 days, 2 DAYS and felt like crap! I've been o

My son (14 years old, 145 pounds) suffers from seasonal allergies. I thought it would be better to treat his symptoms than to have him constantly rubbing his eyes and dealing with congestion while on the baseball field. Bad plan. He took it at breakfast and had a game that afternoon. He did not play well at all and looked like a zombie. He said he couldn't concentrate and felt really spaced out. I think this drug is way too strong for kids, even if they are the size of an adult. After reading other reviews of this product, I feel like a drug dealer! This is the stuff they use to make meth! I will never buy this product again or let anyone in my family take it.

Very swollen lymph node in armpit; sever arm pain for 3 days... triggered radiology attention inmammography; had extra ultra sound testing etc; extra office visit to internist: rec treatment at lymphodema clinic... no second shot to be given

No real side effects, except for maybe a little breast tenderness, plus my doctor okayed continuous use, so no mood swings.

All I read so far. -few! My worse problem is the dizziness. Virtigo that renders you bed ridden hiding under covers in dark, no water no food no life, over 36 hrs. Cannot walk or you fall. No balance. Causing dehydration! Puke tons dark yellow bile. Terrible Stomach upset with sweating spells & coldspells too.It removes the reflux symtoms as did Nexium but the side effects are not worth it!Before this for 12 years I was on Nexium got the exact same results. Severe Virtigo. The day I stopped is day Virtigo left me! But I only manage a few months the heart burn was terrible. Could not eat. Changed to Pantaloc, did not work for my reflux.Dr change it to Dexilent. Now my nightmare sickness has returned after being in it two years. Big pharma laughing their way to the bank at our expence.