Pamelor (nortriptyline hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pamelor (nortriptyline hydrochloride)

PAMELOR (NORTRIPTYLINE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat mental/mood problems such as depression. It may help improve mood and feelings of well-being, relieve anxiety and tension, and increase your energy level. This medication belongs to a class of medications called tricyclic antidepressants. It works by affecting the balance of certain natural chemicals (neurotransmitters) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Quit sleeping after my Mother died, 15 yrs. ago. Doctored for about 2 years now trying to find out what was wrong w/me, that I just couldn't function anymore after about 2 p.m. All blood tests would come back normal, so no answer could be offered. Then just recently I read an article about Ambien, saying it was very dangerous, like smoking, which I gave up 40 years ago, and that it could cause great fatigue during the day. That was it. I am now going to an acupuncturist to help me start sleeping normally, and it seems to be working for me. I originally started out taking 1/4 of a 10 mg. to just get me to sleep, and if I woke up in the middle of the night, I would take another 1/4, so I never had any of the weird things going on. But I was now up to 1/2 of a 10 mg., and not knowing where it would stop. The first 2 nights off, even from that small of a mg., was hell. Just to lay there awake all night, and feel like a zombie all the next day. And I was so addicted to it right from the start, that I hope I will never have to take it again. That was when I started w/acupuncture.

Extreme fatigue, massive migraines, shortness of breath, zero energy. If you're trying to wipe us out you're doing a good job .

Add me to the chorus of those who are relieved I'm not dying/going crazy. I had an extremely uncomfortable episode yesterday after exerting myself slightly after a week in bed. I got a gripping head pain across the back, a wave of strong nausea and anxiety. It passed after about an hour, but I'm still nauseous, and slightly dizzy. Also have an unpleasant odd taste in mouth reminiscent of cooked onions that won't go away. And I haven't eaten any onions. Gross. Diarrhea pretty bad - stomach ravaged. I am taking high-end probiotics too. On the plus side, I will say that my violent cough is slowly improving and my week long fever went away after the first dose.

Felt so bad I decided to go to the ER. I was dehydrated, my electrolytes were off and my sodium was low. Felt much better after an IV with fluids and anti-nausea medicine. Luckiky, I was able to still have the procedure the next day, but doctor told me it was good that I went to the ER.

My daughter has been taking Zyrtec for almost 2 years. The past year and half have been horrible. She is 6 years old and will throw fits and scream and cry like a baby. She has a hard time concentrating and in kindergarten last year, her teacher was worried she may have autism. We have been to a neurologist over her headaches. I had no idea about all of this and am so thankful for this website. Me and my neighbor were talking the other day and she had said that she had given her daughter zyrtec one time and it totally changed her and it made me think. So my daughter hasn't had any zyrtec in 5 days and yesterday her teacher called me to tell what a good day she had in school. I was amazed. I thought I would look up side effects of zyrtec today and it feels like I wrote a lot of these posts b/c my daughter has such similar issues. No more zyrtec for any of my kids!!

Severe depression at times. No self confidence, no self esteem, suicidal. Everything around me seems black. No joy anymore.

for 6 year old daughter after chest xray at Children's Hospital. Stopped after 4 days: Horrible taste caused her to lose her appetite completely, tired all the time and almost constant headaches coupled with pain in her right arm. Coughing increased and sneezing and nose running all the time.Behaviour also changed so much her school called and one night she was behaving like she was drunk! Said she couldn't stop talking (and she didn't) and stated she would wake up and couldn't get back to sleep. .

felt creepy about something in the vagina for a 3 month period. Am a RN and know I positioned correctly above pubic bone. It dislodged after a bowel movement. Perhaps nature needs to take its course and we ought to accept the natural course of aging

At first I was jittery right after taking and experienced a extreme hunger. Those side effects are now gone.

This medication has helped my mood greatly! I am only on 40mg at night as I cannot function during the day at work due to the drowsiness. I did find that it does go away somewhat. The muscle spasms only seem to come when I am sitting still. The other side effects I can live with as they are better than the bi-polar!