Migranal (dihydroergotamine mesylate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Migranal (dihydroergotamine mesylate)

MIGRANAL (DIHYDROERGOTAMINE MESYLATE): This medication is used to treat migraine headache attacks. It helps relieve headache pain and other symptoms such as sensitivity to light or sound. Prompt treatment allows you to get back to your normal routine sooner and may decrease your need for other pain medications. This medication is not used to prevent migraines from occurring. Dihydroergotamine belongs to a class of drugs known as ergot alkaloids. It may work by narrowing the blood vessels in the brain. It may also block other pain pathways in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Dry mucous membranes at first, frequent waking at night. Now has nearly killed my sex drive, get occasional muscle aching (myalgia), sometimes feel disconnected.

My pain clinic doctor wanted to put me on a triage of pain meds - vicodin, muscle relaxant, and anti-depressant. Tried several anti- depressants. I didn't like any of them and don't believe they helped me at all. The others had more side effects for me, though.

Does help allergies, but the side effects are sometimes severe. It actually had an adverse effect on me and instead of becoming drowsy, I became hyper, so I had to switch to taking this in the morning. This helped somewhat with sleeping problems, because the weird/graphic dreams stopped, but I would still give this a 2 b/c of the other side effects. It also did not help with excess throat mucus/throat clearing.

Weight gain 15lbs... couldn't sit still, walked around in circles and felt anxious all the time. Sleepy all day long. No sex drive.

I have no energy (bed all day long tired), dizziness, muscle pain all over and in face. The worst is the extreme abdominal pain on left and right side of body. As well as pain that radiates to my shoulder and shoulder blades. My cardiologist said it doesn't have this side effect on anyone and it's not the plavix creating this pain. Yet, I feel this pain within an hour of taking it. When I don't take it, I'm free of pain. So I think they just want everyone to fit in one box and don't mess up the flow. I had an allergy to the other two available. Rash all over body. But all 3 of them make me feel like death and I have zero energy. I feel too heavy to lift myself, I can't function at all. It's an awful medication. All of the blood thinners are horrific.

euphoric feeling didnt get a tolerance as fast as any other pain medications (vicodin norco even percocet) it seemed to last alot longer but be less intense.

Dizziness, sleepiness, extreme fatigueNo gastrointestinal reactionsNo headaches

So far, extreme insomnia. On Day 6 I did not sleep at all. Surprisingly, I continue to function relatively well. Dry mouth. No sense of other more positive effects at this stage. Will stick it out the month and see.

i love xanax in the fact it's one of the only anti-anxiety drugs that doesn't make me tired at all! it totally takes away my anxiety, but i have to be careful on how long i go without it. your body can become quite dependant on it, so short term is best.

Experienced all of the side effects listed - chest pain, difficulty breathing, headache, difficulty swallowing severe insomnia, shortness of breath & shoulder pain and bad dreams.