Limbitrol (amitriptyline hydrochloride; chlordiazepoxide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Limbitrol (amitriptyline hydrochloride; chlordiazepoxide)

When I abruptly stopped I went threw hell after being on it for 29 years limbitrol /amiptryline

anxiety, depression, sleeplesness,

none...a little drowseyness during the day!

I think it has kept me from being a nutcase. It has helped most of my symptoms a lot. Helps me sleep!

I really didn't have ANY side effects from this medication. All I can say is that this medication saved my life! It's an older medication but it's one that works very, very, well!

I actually didn't have any side effects from taking this medication. As a matter of fact, Limbitrol saved my life! Due to a bad marriage and other factors, my doctor ran out of medication options, because we tried so many different medications which I could not tolerate. He said, "I'm going to try you on one more medication," and if this doesn't work, I'm going to admit you into the hospital. At this point I was too depressed to care. I took my first pill, nothing! Then the next day, I took another dose. By the third day, I could actually feel something happening which was a good thing. By the second week, I was feeling very hopeful! I could actually get dressed in the mornings, and things just got better and better each day. I would recommend this medication to anyone who has severe depression and panic attacks. I can't say anything bad about it, only good things!

chronic tension headache/migraine

This medication helped so much with my headaches. Now only if I can take it without gaining weight!!

Sexual dysfunction. Slow at first, but got worse as I kept taking it, and continued on for a long time after I stopped.

It helped me sleep and relaxed my stomach, but the doctor of course didn't tell me about the sexual side effects. They didn't happen right away, but continued long after I stopped. Inability to sustain an erection for a long time, hard time ejaculating, decreased sensitivity, etc..

This drug has helped me to be calmer and very seldom get panic attacks now. I take one every day and if I get especially nutsy, I may take one more. Really no side effect except possibly making me a little sleepy after lunch.

Makes me drousy, but I take it at night. No problems.

As a headache preventive measure, this has helped me. I've tried Verapamil and a few others, only this has worked.

Side Effects forlimbitrol (amitriptyline hydrochloride; chlordiazepoxide) - User Comments


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I have never gained 20 pounds! It seems from/this different packageing/ingredient!

This gave me ringing in the ears, muscle pain and weakness, severe sodium and potassium depletion requiring 8 trips to the ER, and lethargy

I'm still taking this medication. It's going really well now. All the reactions I was having to medication had to do with my extreme Vitamin D deficiency that was affecting my MCAS, once that got sorted I didn't have side effects after taking the Famotidine. I take PepcidAC now by the way.

Side effects - sweating, anxiety, nausea, and drowsiness

Serious mood changes while using the Norplant, had it removed after the recall but 23 years later had blood clots in my lungs and 20lb tumor removed from my ovaries.

Immediately after inserting Monistat 3 cream, I had the worst burning. It was intolerable.

Tired all the time, my bones hurt and ache like they all had been broken in every joint, hot flahes, night sweats which made me even more tired due to being so uncomfortable.

I took t his drug for all of 4 days and I will never take it again. By the fourth day I felt like I was going to have a stroke! Even as I'm writing this I still have a headache. It is not a good drug.I took it to stop smoking - I think i'd rather smoke than be on this drug!

I wish I had never taken this poison. I went to my doctor, whom I trusted, and he prescribed this for for because I had been having stomach pain and I was worried about a possible ulcer. I hope that I can get this stuff out of my system asap, and have been drinking lots of juice and water to flush my system. I will never trust a doctors prescription again and will thoroughly research any new meds I put in my body. I wish I had before I started taking this. I STRONGLY ADVISE NOT TAKING PRILOSEC.

bloated abdomen, fluid retention, swollen/hard/sore breasts, fatigue, cystic acne breakout