Imitrex (sumatriptan succinate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Imitrex (sumatriptan succinate)

No noticeable side effects except euphoria & relaxation when pain & nausea have gone. Nausea is the result of the Migraine & diminishes after Imitrex

Im taking Sumatriptan daily for years. Quite often I will need to supplement my dose with another 50 mg in the afternoon. I find that as the years pass I'm needing to supplement the first dose more often.

For 20 minutes after dosage, I have increased nausea, stomach pain, persistent yawning, hot and cold flashes, goosebumps, heartbeat thumping in ear, frequent urination. After 20 minutes, complete relief from head pain and nausea associated with migraine and a little bit of muscle stiffness. All other symptoms disappear.

Benefits completely outweigh the side-effects. This is a miracle drug for migraine sufferers.

Stiff joints (drinking water helps as it's a blood vessel constricting med), possibly brain fog, dry throat and mouth, sometimes severe fatigue but not always, rebound headaches.

Curious if frequent ongoing use increases anxiety. Didn't need to take any for 6 weeks (the longest stretch since I started this med) and felt less than normal anxiety. Have now had almost a constant headache for 4 weeks so taking this med at least 1x a week and feeling more anxiety. Not sure if that's med related or life related.

Chronic cervicogenic migraines

Aurobindo brand very effective - now Dr. Reddy brand works about half as well (slow to resolve migraine and sleepier) why did So. Cal Kaiser switch?

It really works for me. The only medication that actually takes away migraine pain for a few hours. I have only one side effect of feeling tired, but I better feel tired than in pain spending whole day in a dark room. this is the only medication that actually works for my migraine that lasts for several days.

The only side effect I experience is my fingers become extremely sensitive to hot water.

While the medicine takes away my headache within an hour, within 24 hours, I usually have a rebound headache. Also, I feel like sometimes, the medicine may not be working as well as it used to. I worry if it is damaging my kidneys/liver taking it at least 1x/week.

Side effects included heavy feeling in arms and jaw,tight uncomfortable feeling through my chest and arms. Tingling feeling in my fingers. On the verge of giving me extreme anxiety. I would not take this again!!!!

It took my migraine away,but left me with all these other weird side effects. Side effects for me are too much. Will definitely be finding some alternative.

Heavy arms, tired, dizzy, tingling

Works when I catch the migraine starting. If I wake up with migraine it might be too far gone and am in for 3 days of hell. I don't like the side effects but they are much better than migraines.

Side effects I've felt when taking Sumatriptan 50mgHot/cold flashesChest heaviness/tightnessSour stomachFrequent urination

I can deal with most of the side effects because Sumatriptan is the only thing that wipes out my migraines within a couple of hours, however when you get "comfortable" in bed (trying to get rid of the migraine) I have to get up and pee every 5 minutes. I'm not even exaggerating. And it's not a little bit, it's like I just woke up gotta pee. Or I drank too much alcohol kind of pee. I pee 6-10 times every time I have to take Sumatriptan. The nausea is bad too--I just pray I make it to the bathroom and back to bed when having to pee so much! Otherwise the benefit of this medicine outweighs the side effects for me.

Frequent urination. Urgent need to urinate

urine dribbling after taking Imitrex oral tablet

This is not the first time I've had urine dribbling after taking it. The rest of the time, I have zero urine dribbling.

I often feel nauseous and vomit after taking this medicine. It usually takes an hr or more to work.

This medicine works more than 90 percent of the time. It's worth the side effects.

Stiff jaw muscle, particularly noticeable when eatingFrequent urinationFeeling of intense sadness

Over a year ago, after the first morning pee, I discovered that the bowl was a deep brownish red. Scared the hell out of me. Had scans to determine why and found no cancer in bladder nor kidney issues or stones. Fast forward to this morning and finding reddish urine again only this time I was able to note that I had taken 100mg of sumatriptan last night. Looked up side effects and of course in the rare category was “bloody urine”. Most likely the same cause of the blood 18 mo ago. After the first morning pee the blood is now gone.

On top of the urine issue - I found that this medication took awhile to calm myMigraine. I have returned to using Relpax which did not give me side effects at all but insurance had denied me due to cost. However a generic version is now available.

When I have a migraine or feel one coming on I take one tablet. It takes 60-90 minutes for this drug to take effect but when it does the sensation is like a full body dissipation of energy. This drug knocks me out. I am useless for hours. I cannot drive or work. But it does stop my migraines which have me writhing in pain for hours.

Just started this medication again in the past I would take half a pill so the side effects wouldn’t last as long. After 10 mins of taking this medication my migraine increases in severity, I get dizzy and extremely nauseous. I also get a mild stomach ache and my neck feels stiff.

Headache normally dissipates within 45 minutes. However, as the migraine dissipates it leaves me with stiff joints and joint pain for several hours. This medication also leaves me extremely sad to the point of despondency for several hours. Both of these side effects are much less noticeable if I am able to sleep following taking the medication.

Felt as if I was going to die! Was on my way to the ER when someone told me that some people have terrible reactions. Yes it helped my migraine - but feeling like death is no better. Clammy, hot body temp, profuse sweating, foggy mental feeling, aches and pains, general unwell feeling. Side effects lasted all day. Never again

IMITREX (SUMATRIPTAN SUCCINATE): Sumatriptan is used to treat migraines. It helps to relieve headache, pain, and other migraine symptoms (including nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light/sound). Prompt treatment helps you return to your normal routine and may decrease your need for other pain medications. Sumatriptan belongs to a class of drugs known as triptans. It affects a certain natural substance (serotonin) that causes narrowing of blood vessels in the brain. It may also relieve pain by affecting certain nerves in the brain. Sumatriptan does not prevent future migraines or lessen how often you get migraine attacks. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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None unless I take it right before bed, which gives me a stomachache. I just make sure to take it about an hour before bed and drink plenty of water.

The first 3-4 days were hell. I was crying, over emotional. Dizzy, Couldn't think straight, very agitated. I went straight from Effexor to Wellbutrin, so I thought some of these side effects could be Effexor withdrawal?

My GI doctor prescribed 10mg of Reglan twice a day. She warned me of the movement side effects but never mentioned depression or anxiety, if she had I NEVER would have taken that chance! After taking it for five weeks I started to feel the anxiety and it got so bad I was afraid to drive and leave my house. I researched the medication on line and only found the regular warnings. It took another four weeks for me to search Reglan and my symptoms next to it and it brought up all these people with the EXACT symptoms I was having and I stopped taking it right away! I have been off for a week and this week has been pure HELL! All symptoms intensified and I would think of suicide. Im a bit better but very worried that it will come back and take longer to go away. My doctors and pharmacists all deny that its the Reglan that caused the severe depression and anxiety. They all say the medication would have been out of my system in 24 hours. Can anyone please contact me to give me any hope about

1st injection: After 6 hours, sore upper arm. After 12 hours, very sore upper arm, felt slightly unwell--a little flu-ish, fatigue. 24 hours; flu-ish, slight headache, nausea, very sore arm, fatigue. 36 hours: several waves of sweats and explosive diarrhea that came on suddenly and ended abruptly each time. Felt feverish, but had no actual fever throughout this entire period. 4 days after injection: very slight sore arm, sweats and diarrhea ended. NO flu-ish feeling, no headache, no nausea, no fatigue. In summary, 3 days of a definite reaction with a variety of symptoms that laid me low and kept me at home. I only took Tylenol once during the 3 days, when the body aches were intense.

Constant nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, increased blood pressure, ringing in ears, over all feeling like a contant bad flu, severe anxiety, massive bloating

Doesn't work if taken by itself. Take with a probiotic to cure your bv and keep the recurrent down to zero.

Extreme hunger. No real wt gain yet but major bloating and puffiness. Angry, am usually happy. My husband said rather go with no sex than live with me like this. Try something else next month.

Mild hypertension - mild edema