Frova ( frovatriptan succinate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Frova ( frovatriptan succinate)

Slight fatigue, a bit of head tingles

This stuff literally changed my life. I had tried everything : sumatriptan, topamax, toradol, amatriptaline, and more. StruggledWith vestibular and hormonal migraines for 20 years plus. Couldn't function at work or as a mom. This stuff takes about 1-3 hours to fully work but I will take it ! Been on it for 2 years now. Sometimes for bad migraines I take two. Once the migraine goes away, so do the side effects, and I suddenly feel energized again! It's almost as if the little "Frova Fighters" in there know they've done their job and are in there way .... I'm forever grateful to my neurologist who prescribed this to me. Because all other triptans caused partial paralysis and/or severe nausea. Thank you Frova group !!

Tight feeling in throat is the only side effect I get from Frova. GREAT migraine medication for me when I get a full blown migraine. Other one that works for me is Maxalt.

Migraine caused by monthly hormones

I've learned a lot about my migraines in the past eight years since I started taking Frova, and so here's how it works for me: If I take a Frova as soon as I notice the first aura, I will feel no pain whatsoever and it will be like nothing ever happened (with my auras I feel a tingling feeling all over my scalp - it took me a while to realize that's what that feeling I had been getting all those years was!!). However, sometimes I'm not able to take a Frova as soon as I notice the first aura, or I may not have any aura at all and the pain will just start without warning. If this occurs, I'll be ok as long as I take one Frova and two Advil within ten minutes of onset and lay in a dark, quiet room. It usually takes about thirty minutes for the pain to subside in this case. The worst case, though, is if I'm not able to take a Frova within the first ten minutes of onset. If this happens, it can take anywhere from three to twelve hours for the pain to subside. Also in this case, I will take four Advil and drink a caffeinated drink in addition to the one Frova and laying in a dark room. Still better than if I took nothing at all, but you can see how time is of the essence here. Once the migraine builds up momentum, it's very difficult to get under control.

When the first few times I started taking it I would get a stomach ache. That doesn't happen any more. I do get an elevated temp and feel like the room is too hot for the first few hours. Also, I feel like I have a sunburn if I take a shower it can be uncomfortable. Very minor side effects.

Frova has changed my life. I have a real life now with a full time job. I was unable to hold a job for long and had to find alternative work getting jobs here and there because who wants someone to work for them that is gone 2 to 3 times a week. Once I started taking Frova I now can feel a migraine coming on while at work and if I take it there is no interruption. I can continue one with my day. I have tried other triptans and none of them actually take the migraine away they may knock it down some but your day is still ruined. Frova is a miracle for me.

Joint pain, head buzzing, and muscle pain. Side effects only developed after taking it for three years.

Frova saved my life. I used to down too many Extra Strength Excedrins to get the pain under control. Tried everything OTC. Luckily, this was the first drug my neurologist offered me. Every month I take it for a day or two, and it kicks in quickly.

Long 1/2 life. Quite efficient as pain-killer. The crisis is much less painful, but still tiring.

I take it when I get a headache related to my cycle and it goes away completely within 30 min. it really has been a life changer for me. I have been taking it for abou 3 years now. I only have to take one pill per month to make the headache go away. it has changed my life.

This is a miracle drug for me, stops my migraine in its tracks. I get migraines related to my menstrual cycle -2 a month that used to last 2-4 days each, but since taking Frova I have had only one that lasted that long, when I waited too long to take it. Frova will stop the migraine within 30 minutes if taken as soon as the pain starts, it has changed my life.

Dizziness, nausea, tingling, feeling cold and sleepy.

This medication has worked well in relieving my migraines with one or two doses. The side effects are worth the pain relief.

The most common side effect for me is joint "stiffness" for a few hours after taking Frova. It works within 20-30 minutes, during this time I feel a little tingling sensation in my temples and my head. After that, usually the migraine pain is gone, but I have the strong urge to urinate. Once I do that and yawn (to relieve jaw stiffness), I'm good to go. I've been using Frova for 7 years now and for about 2 years now I notice that after taking it, I get mild to moderate muscle and joint pain from head to toe, which is a little unusual. I'm very stiff for a few hours afterward.

Frova is the only medicine that has helped me. I usually get migraines monthly, mainly right before menstruation, but I do get them occasionally with stress or after eating certain foods. I tried other brands for years, in varying strengths and forms, but they were not very effective for me. I like that I can take Frova at the moment I feel the "aura" of a migraine and within 30 minutes it's gone and I usually do not have to take it again. For me, it's mild, but long acting, so I can take it even while driving or at work and it doesn't affect my abilities. For other meds, I used to take them and have to sit in a dark room and put my head down for a while and pray that it would work, which for the most part did not or it would, but then the pain would come back a short while afterward.

I was taking this for over a year and my Nuerologist thought it is great. Every time I had taken it, I've had to go to either 1) get a torodal shot, 2) get IV infusions, 3) get put on steroids with it, 4) take 2 doses and aleve, or 5) all of the above. Hate it. Obviously seeing another dr now! Doesn't work.

this drug didn't do one thing to alleviate my migraine, I might as well have taken a sugar pill

Mood swings, irritability, confusion, unable to think clearly, or remember what people were saying to me.

I was prescribed Frova from my neurologist for menstrual migraines. I was instructed to take one Frova daily, starting one day before the start of my period and to keep taking it until my period ended. About day 2 of taking this medication, I noticed I didn't like how my mind was feeling. I couldn't think clearly. My husband and kids would be talking to me about something and it was hard for me to remember what they were telling me. I also found I was extremely irritable. However, it did work for getting rid of any sign of headache - which was wonderful! 4 days into my period, I had to stop it because of how it was making me feel. I am at day 5 now, and I think the drug is still slowly leaving my system! I can't wait until it is out of me! I won't be taking this again. I will take a headache over this any day. Sorry makers of Frova. I am sure this is a blessing for some people.

Most effective triptan so far because of its longer half-life. One 2.5 mg dose usually gets rid of most of my migraines especially if taken early in the attack. On a couple of occasions, the migraine came back after around 16 hours; a second dose of 2.5 mg was then sufficient to clear it completely.

Immediate effects: clearing of blurred vision; elimination of dull thudding pain.After 30 minutes: insomnia, shakiness, jittery, talkativeDuration of 48 hours: muscular "knots," joint aches, nausea, diahrrea, hunger -- all too extreme to warrant taking this medicine.

This medicine was given to me as a sample medication by my neurologist to try.

None. Best triptan I've ever used. Imitrex made me feel worse, Maxalt made me fall asleep. Frova let's me take it and forget about it.

I've had migraines for 15 years. In the last 2 years I've tried almost every triptan, antidepressants, occipital nerve blocks, you name it. Those got my migraines down to just monthly, during that time of the month. I used to use Maxalt to treat the migraines as they came, but that stopped working after about 6 months. Now I take Frova as soon as my cycle starts, 1 a day for 5 days. I also take magnesium during those 5 days. I've been migraine free for three months. That's the longest I've gone without one in years.

None so far. Best migraine med I have taken. Others made me feel weird, drowsy or throat closing up.

Tingling of skin in warm water like a sunburn. Fatigue. 2-3 hours to start working, but strong enough to get rid of the migraine for at least 24 hours. No weight gain noticed here.

I switch between this and Maxalt. I love Maxalt since it is quick, but Frova is stronger and better at preventing rebound headaches.

Heart palpitations, initial restlessness, frustration from waiting for its peak plasma levels to be reached (3-4 hours after ingestion of drug). Better side-effect profile than other Triptans, but I wasn't that thrilled. Also, my doctor friend told me Frova was the worst weight gainer out of all triptans. Screw that.

Only use I got out of it was usually to sleep! I have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, and sleeping long enough (usually sleep for 4 hour intervals then nap; when on zero medication I could stay up (involuntarily) for probably at least 3-4 days without nodding off. Anyway, Frova is a triptan with a mild side-effect profile; downsides are the 3-4 hours it takes to reach peak effectiveness, COST COST COST (omg this med is SO expensive), and the fact that it causes weight gain (not for everyone, probably a small percentage of people). But be aware that, long-term, daily or near-daily use might cause weight gain.

Sleepiness, aching fingers/joints, tight throat when swallowing.

This drug is the best triptan I've taken for migraine. It lasts a long time preventing recurrence of my migraine. Takes about an hour and a half to work but well worth the wait. Side effects are minor compared to the crazy/scary side effects of sumatriptan and maxalt. This drug does not have the high rate of adverse effects, especially on the heart, that imitrex (sumatriptan) and other first generation triptans have. Great drug!

FROVA (FROVATRIPTAN SUCCINATE): Frovatriptan is used to treat migraines. It helps to relieve headache, pain, and other migraine symptoms (including nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light/sound). Prompt treatment helps you return to your normal routine and may decrease your need for other pain medications. Frovatriptan belongs to a class of drugs known as triptans. It affects a certain natural substance (serotonin) that causes narrowing of blood vessels in the brain. It may also relieve pain by affecting certain nerves in the brain. Frovatriptan does not prevent future migraines or lessen how often you get migraine attacks. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I felt terrible while taking this bc, dull headaches, restless, anxiety like nothing I’ve experienced before. Made my cycle weird and I would spot in the middle of pack pretty much all the time.

I recommend caution with this medication! It sounds like I’m not the only person that’s had serious side effects. Everyone has different experiences, but until you know how it affects you don’t drive and be careful.

First had a shot directly into muscle. Was to follow up 8 hours later with 800mg pills 3 times a day. After shot at first felt extremely tired, then drowsy ...then by the second day nausea and vomiting, and when trying to get out of bed, fell down, blacked out.


took 3 erythromycyn bad stomach etc etc then got prescribed metronidazole next day bad reaction its been nearly two months and still have gas trouble eating etc doc said it was because of the two types of antibiotic i took hate these drugs. has anyone else sufferd from side effects long after youve stopped taking them?