Fioricet w/ codeine (acetaminophen; butalbital; caffeine; codeine phosphate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Fioricet w/ codeine (acetaminophen; butalbital; caffeine; codeine phosphate)

Side Effects forfioricet w/ codeine (acetaminophen; butalbital; caffeine; codeine phosphate) - User Comments


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I eventually stopped the evening dose and now take 1mg tab every day, around 9am. I have had 3 fullblown panic attacks since the original large doses were stopped, and about 5 that never really became full blown. Learning that they are self limiting and that you are NOT dying seems to take a lot of the fear away after all these years.To me addiction is a physical and psychological need fpr something that is bad for you and decreases your quality of life. I do not consider Xanax to be bad. Nothing that could give me back my life could possibly be bad! I have tried the SSRI's, zoloft, paxil, prozac, all without any help. In fact, it was during the time I was being treated with them that I had the fullblown attacks again. I feel that if you call taking Xanax to prevent a disabling disease, ie panic attacks, it is no more of an addiction than a diabetic would have to insulin injections, or someone with asthma has for their inhalers. They would not be told to try to get off of them becaus

Weight gain drooling and seizures

I almost got the implant out many times I'm the past three years, but somehow I convinced myself that it wasn't that bad. Looking back at the past three years - I should've immediately taken it out. Many of the aforementioned side effects greatly impacted my personal life in a negative way. I am having Implanon taken out this week. I can't wait to get the 'real' me back! Again, I wish I would've done it sooner - it would have saved me a lot of heartache.

I have only been on this medicine for a week and it has been a GODSEND!! After only four days I started feeling better and each day is an improvement on the last. I recomend taking this with huperzine A to counter the anticholinergic effects. This medicine puts zoloft/Prozac/lexapro to shame. The SSRIs have more side effects (don't believe the anti tricyclic marketing) and can barely come close to the fast depression relief anafranil has offered-much less the anxiety and obsession relief. This drug has cured my mind of all doubts, worries, obsessions and paranoia and has left me with clarity to concentrate and happiness to show compassion once again! If your afraid of the side effects, done be, just give it a try and your life as well as those of your loved ones will benefit !

I was terrified and put off doing the shot for about 4 months b/c of reading ratings such as the ones on here. I realized that the typical person posting on these is the extreme situation of having a negative experience. My experience has been fantastic. I have lost 8 lbs (much needed) since being on the shot. I have had energy and been able to work out.I hope this will help with our venture in having a baby!

Bad taste in my mouth that was completely disgusting. I will never take this again. I guess I will count sheep for the rest of my life.

I began using Flonase (generic brand) on 3/20/21. At first, it seemed to provide some relief to my allergy symptoms. I was doing two pumps per nostril per the instructions. Slowly, into the next week I began feeling irritated, but just assumed it was my allergies. By Thursday, 3/25/21, I was a full on insufferable, miserable prick to anyone around me. I was beside myself with intense, internal feelings of pure rage. Everything at home annoyed me, I couldn't handle even the slightest amount of kid stress without flying off the handle. By Friday things stayed about the same... I was okay at work, but when I got home, the chaos of family would put me in a mood so bad I had to hide in the basement just to not snap at my family. Friday night I thought something was seriously wrong with my head... I thought I was losing my mind. It hurt to think, it hurt to simply exist. I've never experienced such extreme mental pain, ever. I stayed in my basement all day just to avoid being mean to my wife and kids. Sunday rolled around and I had to force myself to go to the grocery store. Got home... straight to the basement. I began back tracking "what is different in the last week that could cause what I am experiencing?". I researched all my supplements for side effects and then it hit me. FLONASE. I googled around and found this website. Thank God.... I immediately felt better knowing I wasn't ju

Just went off of it, called Dr. to tell him I am not taking it, on a diet

My heart kept doing a funny beat every few minutes would go erratic for a seconds then back to normal. My Dr even rang an ambulance for me. Only since taking this. Now googling it to see if I'm going mad I find this!