Fioricet (acetaminophen; butalbital; caffeine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Fioricet (acetaminophen; butalbital; caffeine)

FIORICET (ACETAMINOPHEN; BUTALBITAL; CAFFEINE): This combination medication is used to treat tension headaches. Acetaminophen helps to decrease the pain from the headache. Caffeine helps increase the effects of acetaminophen. Butalbital is a sedative that helps to decrease anxiety and cause sleepiness and relaxation. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Eliminated my extreme irritability almost completely. It has brought me such relief. Life altering.

I wouldn't recommend this pill for long term use. This is my third year on it, and I've had really bad breathrough bleeding for the past two months.

Love and hate relationship for pepcid. Its super duper helpful if you have LPR symptoms. Had to take it a few days ago and I knew I would get mad side effects from it (due to past experiences) but I had no choice since my reflux prevented me from having any sleep. I get internal tremors and anxiety as my side effects every time I take it which isn't a great combo! I took it for 2 days and surprisingly no side effects on those 2 days i took it, but 2 days later I got the side effects (starting from yesterday). Man if only this didn't have side effects for me it wouldve been perfect

sleepwalking, memory loss, bad dreams

EXTREME depression to the point of suicidality, aches especially in neck and back, horrific nightmares, exhaustion, mood swings from here to the next millennium, impulse control issues (legit almost quit school and my job bc it made sense at the time), crying nearly all day every day

Was on Provachol. Dr. switched me to Lipitor since he said it was more effective. After 78 days on Lipitor, I had constant low level pain in my butt and upper thighs. Strong pain would come and go randomly. There would be spikes of pain so severe that I felt like I would collapse. Would have to stop standing/walking and sit down for 5 or 10 minutes.

It's hard to remember what I said to my wife during the time between taking the drug and falling asleep. Also, better lay down right after taking it; I was sending e-mails and it was a little challenging getting from the computer to the bed.

severe tardive dystonia - this drug worked fine until after missing a night time dose we gave it in the morning with Strattera - about 7hrs later my daughter's eyes started rolling up in her head and then she would bend her head all the way back without even realizing she was doing it and she walked all bent over and couldn't really speak - freaked us out as we thought she was having a seizure or a stroke. they used benadryl which cleared up the symtoms but now not so sure about continuing with the drug

Started at 5 mg but so much stress that didn't control bp. Went to 10 mg. Had tried 1 cardura right before but that caused racing heart. I had taken generic coreg for years but it made me SO sleepy & weight gain. Norvasc gave me flushing, hot ears, etc initially at the 5 mg. Going to 10 really upped side effects. Edema but the racing heart and high pulse! Really bad. Didn't realize it was this medicine. Now at 5 mg plus generic coreg for 1 wk then off norvasc & back to coreg until heart calms down. I also agree drs never want to say it's the medicine. Thing is every bp med has bad side effects- just which is lesser of evils. Awful.

psychosis- swinging between mania, which was awesome, and OCD, which helped me get every closet in our house organized but drove myself and my husband insane. I had intense rage and no patience for people. Extreme joint pain, which continues (I've only been off for two weeks). I took Ativan to help counter some of the side effects, which helped chill me out, but made me sleepy. Luckily, no weight gain and no moon face (I felt crazy enough I think that would've put me over the edge). Insomnia.