D.h.e. 45 (dihydroergotamine mesylate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for D.h.e. 45 (dihydroergotamine mesylate)

Sick at the stomach, migraine intensified before gettijg better, dizzy and hard to stand

I took this for about a week and a half in a row and then a few extra days a month or so afterwards. The initial impact is terrible, I felt so sick and it made my headache so much worse, but eventually after a nap and some food I felt better and my migraine decreased and eventually broke after multiple days of injections.

Began with DHE protocol for rebound from relpax- left hospital with PICC line, RX failed. Hospitalized again And D/c with PICC for 9 months- have been taking 1- 4 mg of DHE 45 SC Daily for years now.This drug can cause terrible rebound just like triptans. Do Not recommend at all !!!

Now its off the market, i quit my Job, have to Short Sale my House, move in with my Mom And Then go cold turkey. Terrified of pain to come. My goal is to get off of all meds except nausea meds and free my self of what feels like addiction - very scared of pain to come and don't know how long it will take to get rid of the rebound effect- feel like I will be entering a torture chamber, but I don't want to live like this anymore.this is no life!!!!

Vomiting, off the cart blood pressure extremely high, horrible stomach pain, loss of bowels ,misery, rash, new iv with almost every injection the iv tech said it is like Razor blades though the vains. That was 5 months ago and and I still have the stomach pain and the nauseating fealing and it has taken all the quality of life. I am no home all the time from the pain and no doctos have been able ti help me. This is something u should know about they did not tell me about this. I was a healthy and happy 11 year old and now I have to spend every day in awful stomach pain and have nauseating fealing and my life is not the same it is miserable.

I am 24 female in Tennessee, I have suffered migraines daily and am constantly in excruciating pain for the last 13 years. I tried to get a rx for this Med and I was able to get it. I have read countless reviews from others that use this drug. The problem. I went to the pharmacy to get it filled and it was gonna cost me $1,500 I almost fell o er dead right there on the pharmacy. That is ridiculous. I have no insurance, and have to pay cash for everything, which I'm not complaining about that because I believe that if I need it, ill pay for it, but I couldn't afford this and I feel like on losing hope, I have tried all the beta blockers, triptans, numerous preventives, ergots, even depression meds, and anti seizure meds, nothing works so I was excited to try this. This is ridiculous. Does anyone know how I might be able to get this Med at a discounted price? I have contactes Valeant Pharmaceuticals and haven't heard anything back. I don't know what to do. I don't just have headaches, I have migraines that last 2-3 months at a time. And when the migraine finally goes away I will get another one within 3-4 days that will also last for months at a time. I need help and I don't know who else to contact about this. Any advice or helpful information is extremely, greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

It took 2 rounds to break a cycle. But definitely worth it. Administered at a hospital and at the doctor's office. I am a chronic migraine sufferer.

I am so thankful for this drug. I was having severe migraines 2-3 times a month and having to go to the ER at least once a month for treatment. Now I can give myself an injection and it is gone in 20 minutes. I don't have to ask someone take me to the ER and then take care of my children while I sleep off the medication given in the ER.

I have had migraines since I was 9 I am now 24 B4 getting these injections I had tried EVERYTHING all triptans such as imitrex just to list one people are familiar with I did bio-feedback therepy I also did physical therapy for my neck and shoulders, I tried anti-seizure meds such as topamax and I did the diet taking out all things I mean its been years of trying it all some many scans and a lot of hospital visits which are hard b.c they think your seeking pain meds when all I wanted was relief I also have tried against my better judgment but I hate pain management I don't want to mange my pain I want it gone and to know whats causing it to begin with so I have tried stadol once and it made me so so sick most pain meds do I am not a large person at all my migraines typically last three days and I have a sever migraine weekly sometimes twice weekly which means six days a week the diet did help I have A LOT of triggers..chocolate, onions, tomatoes, avocados, MSG...the list is endless lol anything good makes me sick :( but I went to a new doctor along with my regular Neurologist and I tried the five day hospital stay for the DHE treatment AGAIN...and I was still sick afterward I still was taking my midrin if needed but was told to try my hardest not too...I was still sick and my doc. put me on the injections DHE 45 when I have a migraine I cant get shake and would normally go to the hospital for...and IT WORKS....THE HEADACHE GOES COMPLETELY AWAY NOTHING has ever worked I am so

Injection every 8 hrs in hosp f/3 days. On 3rd day severe migraines started again & they gave me Toradol to help w/the pain. The migraines continued f/2 more days. I fought thru the pain & tears. Under my Doctor's advisement I did'nt take percocet(narcotic)for pain and took toradol instead. It was well worth the 3 days of pain because now my migraines are manageble. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis(MS)5 years ago. There's no cure for MS,but my migraines are under control & I'm thrilled!

Nothing material, a little nausea once.

This is a far better option than pills. The rebound effect is eliminated and the results are consistently better than other drugs I've used over the past 20 years.

Injections every 8 hours in hospital for 3 days....Headache gone....no side effect...Took 2 years ago..this is first headache in 2 years

Went into a Brady code, Heart rate dropped to 30 beats a minute, cold and pale, coldness in fingers/hands and feet, severe mood change (anger/ anxiety)

I would not recommend this drug to anyone. The contraindications for the drugs are long. I thought I was going to die, and now my migrain is worse than ever, and am back on dilaudid (strong pain medicine), again. If I was given all the information prior to use, I would not have had the injection at all.

I take Ondansetron for the nausea about 1/2 hour before the DHE. The shots are annoying but I get longer relief than from the nasal spray. (at least 48 hours) I'm not convinced this is the answer but at least I am off the triptans and analgesics that have a higher incidence of rebound.

I've been using DHE for 17 years. It works very well for me. I currently have 2 to 3 migraines a month, down from 5 or 6 when they started 27 years ago. Prior to using DHE I would have to go to the ER for injections that put me to sleep for a full day. I highly recommend DHE45 but I do wonder how long it is safe to contrict/dilate blood vessels with this or any other vasoconstricting drug.

tightness in chest, headache was worsened with each injection, pain in legs, my body/immune system was weakened after treatment and my head still hurts. I have been on bed rest for a while.

I do not believe doctors have done enough research. I would not recommend this treatment to anyone else.

I had 4 doses, and before the DHE was given, they gave reglan. the 4th time, i experienced very bad side effects from the reglan: dystonic reactions, and tremors (not sure if it was caused by reglan or DHE).I stopped getting more doses because of the side effects, and it barely helped the migraine i've had for months.

I GAVE THIS MEDECATION A 2 DUE TO IT CAUSED ME TO HAVE A STROKE AND I AM NOW PARTIALLY PARALYZED ON THE LEFT SIDE. I believe some physicians need to learn more about DHE before administering. I had tightness in the chest numbness on the left side. These side affects were immediately following being given DHE intravenously.

tightness in the chest/left side weakness as the doctors would say. Its called paralysis!

GAVE THIS MEDECATION A 2 DUE TO IT CAUSED ME TO HAVE A STROKE AND I AM NOW PARTIALLY PARALYZED ON THE LEFT SIDE. I believe some physicians need to learn more about DHE before administering. I had tightness in the chest numbness on the

tightness in the chest/left side weakness as the doctors would say. Its called paralysis!

GAVE THIS MEDECATION A 2 DUE TO IT CAUSED ME TO HAVE A STROKE AND I AM NOW PARTIALLY PARALYZED ON THE LEFT SIDE. I believe some physicians need to learn more about DHE before administering. I had tightness in the chest numbness on the

Weird Taste, Chest Pain/ tightness, unrelenting nausea

today, not a pleasnat expirience, caution for folks with heart other circulatory illnesses.

mild Nausea, diarhea, tastes bad benefits far outweighed the side effects.

Suffered Chronic migraine 3 years, tried dozens of preventatives and abortive medications. Went to Cleveland Clinic Headache Center and they took me off Imitrex(Had been using 15-20 days/month) Replaced with DHE injection. Improvement was so dramatic I went from 15-20 days of pain/month to 4-5. I understand DHE has been around for years, but none of my Headache Dr's tried it until Cleveland.

D.H.E. 45 (DIHYDROERGOTAMINE MESYLATE): This medication is used to treat migraine headache attacks. It helps relieve headache pain and other symptoms such as sensitivity to light or sound. Prompt treatment allows you to get back to your normal routine sooner and may decrease your need for other pain medications. This medication is not used to prevent migraines from occurring. Dihydroergotamine belongs to a class of drugs known as ergot alkaloids. It may work by narrowing the blood vessels in the brain. It may also block other pain pathways in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Doctors need to be informed about these horrific side effects of these heartburn medications before prescribing them ! And their patients as well before starting them as a daily medication so they can decide to take the risk or not ( especially mentall health patients like myself !!) They have destroyed my quality of life over the last 6 months with no warnings or possibilities of what could happen. There should be a lawsuit against these companies and the doctors for their part in destroying my life !

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None had to stop taking because it was covered by my insurance and cost me $50 through Humana and one day when I went to refill the liquid version was $2000. The man next to me with United Heath Care had the same problem.

Felt like I needed to crawl out of my skin, and felt the intense urge to want to rip out my IV and leave the hospital. I was extremely ill and could barely eat/drink anything when I was admitted to the ER, but after being given this drug, it didn't matter. All I wanted to do was squirm around and scream and act like a crazy person. Luckily, the nurses knew what was happening and gave me Benadryl and the effects eventually wore off.

I would not wish this med on my worst enemy...Wyeth Lied about the side effects and withdrawals..The FDA has warned them and made them correct some things in their packaging insert...I can't talk good, think..my mind just goes