Chlordiazepoxide and amitriptyline hcl (amitriptyline hydrochloride; chlordiazepoxide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Chlordiazepoxide and amitriptyline hcl (amitriptyline hydrochloride; chlordiazepoxide)

zigzags sickness one sided headache affected by smells

Side Effects forchlordiazepoxide and amitriptyline hcl (amitriptyline hydrochloride; chlordiazepoxide) - User Comments


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It has already helped the asthma but didn't anticipate the pain. This is my first dose.

Constant nausea, alternating constipation/diarrhea, very anxious, sleepy but can't sleep, clenching jaw, waves of sadness, total loss of appetite, tremors when trying to write, moody and low. lethargic, no desire to do anything I used to love to do, feeling like I want to cry all the time

Some stiffness, infrequent mild headache.

This is the second time I've taken amoxicillin. I became extremely depressed last time too but thought it wasn't caused by the antibiotics. After taking it twice and having the exact same symptoms I know it has to be the amoxicillin. I cry uncontrollably and my brain feels fuzzy. It's extremely difficult to focus. Dizziness occurs too at random times.

on 300 mg I felt like my head was clear(vs. foggy on cymbalta) and I was able to focus. Still felt depression symptoms though. On 450 mg at first got hot flushes, but has gone away completely. Extremely decreased appetite (food is not appealing and I only eat when my stomach hurts from not eating. Even then I only eat a few bites before I don't want anymore.)

I did not like trazodone because I only took one tablet at night, then was taking two because one wasnt working. Trazodone did help me to sleep but then getting up became a problem.I think it made me even more depressed, and if I conotinued to take them I could have come addicted. I felt like I couldnt get to sleep without them. Would panic if I didnt have them when I ran out I didnt get more just had to do without them. Now I take seroquel which I like way better doesnt give me a sleep hangover are make me feel dizzy.

Worked very well to clear up UTI. After 6 days of taking it, I broke out in hives on my legs and stomach. Called the pharmacy and they said to take an antihistamine like benadryl. Called my Dr. and she said to stop taking it. Clearly I was becoming allergic, even though I had taken Bactrim 2 or 3 times before for UTI's. Can't take it any more, though it worked well to get rid of the UTI, but not at the risk of another reaction.

Have taken 50 mg. dose daily for 2 years. I thought I was lethargic and weak because of the aging process. I developed a hand tremor, and have to wear socks to bed for my cold feet. My wife tells me that I have mood swings that I did not have before taking Toprol. I am unsteady on my feet. I have exercised all my life, but with this drug, I just don't feel like undertaking anything. I told my GP that I was feeling weak during my last physical, and he told me that was a normal side effect for Beta Blockers. He did not want to discuss a change of diet, or the importance of exercise, or the fact that this drug has severely impacted my quality of life during the last two years. I am in the process of weaning myself to zero with this drug.

1st time taking antidepressant. Never had suicidal thoughts before taking celexa, also had thoughts of hurting others.Took it for about 21 days, 20 mg to start then cut it to 10mg after 10 days. After having the thoughts, stopped taking it cold turkey and suffered bad for a few weeks and now have started to feel better. Thoughts have subsided.

This stuff is AMAZING!!! I am only on my second month, and I take it between days 16 and 26, but I have NEVER felt better in my life. Not only did my IBS stomach aches go away, but my period is lighter, with less cramps, and I have even lost some weight (10 lbs that I have been trying to kick for some time.) My acne has also decreased. I wish I had gone on this earlier, I have never felt so good.I was scared to try it too, after reading the comments on here, but I am glad I took the chance!