Amerge (naratriptan hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Amerge (naratriptan hydrochloride)

Works ok if I take it as soon as a headache is coming on but I have been experiencing off and on numbness and tingling in my right arm since starting this medication.

It helped the migraine the first time I took it, but by the third time (over the course of 2 weeks) all it did was make my heart race and made me nauseas.

Nausea, vomiting, racing heart

Didnt help migraines, no better than excedrine migraine. Imitrex is better with compozine. But i am discontinuing compozine1

Sometimes I get a little sleepy, but not bad. The biggest negative effect I sometimes have is "Moodiness'. I feel like I can't control my negative emotions as well, and I get get feeling depressed or easily annoyed. I am a man, but I feel like the effects may be similar to what women go through with PMS. It usually lasts 1-2 days, and then I am back to normal.

Other than that, I am very pleased with Amerge. It has way more positives than negatives for me.

This drug was given after my normal Imitrex wasnt lasting quite as long as before. But Amerge wouldn't even touch the migraine at all. Zero relief. Guess I go back to imitrex.

Chest pain and heart palpitations

Very sleepy slight worsening of symptoms before they get better

Nausea, weak feeling in legs, distorted sense of taste

This medication is slower to take effect than Imitrex; however, its effects also seem to last longer. One thing I don't like about it is that it makes the effects of the migraine (nausea, dizziness, malaise, and the headache itself) worsen before they improve. It's easy to use this medication too often, and it won't be as effective. When I'm in the middle of a bad migraine cycle, where I'm getting them daily, I rotate between Amerge and Imitrex so that neither one loses effectiveness.

No side's a great day when I take Amerge!

Depression and altered my mood -- hostile, annoyed with everything

The depression and hostile feelings only lasted the time period I was on the medicine. I took one early on the first day and one in the evening. Then one the next morning. The hostility and depression started in the evening of the first day and ended by early evening the second day. The good news is it helped put a dent in a migraine I had been fighting for 6 weeks and had gone into my eyes causing dizziness. I was starting to come unglued with the headache.

None this drug saved my life. I don't understand why more drs don't prescribe it instead of that crap imitrex especially for women

Please compare this to all other triptans I've tried them all, this med is far superior to any of them!

feeling cold, very tired, weak, sleepy

I have no apparent side effects.

My "magic pill"! I started taking amerge for hormonal headaches pre and post menopasaul. It is amazing after suffering for years with days in bed; within 45 minutes I can feel the headache disappearing. I am no longer missing work or worrying my family. I usually get a burst of energy for the rest of the day after the H/A is gone.Again it is a "magic pill".

amerge changed my life. i take at onset and the migraine goes away. i cannot function without the drug.

Amerge did nothing at all for my migraines. I had taken Imitrex for years but it stopped working. All Amerge did for me is make me really sleepy and didn't touch my migraine. It may work wonders for some, so give it a shot! I like Frova much better!

Slight drowsiness, no worse than Benadryl

I call this my "magic" pill! I take it on onset of symptoms (aura, first pain) and the headache is gone in less than 2 hours. It is pricey, and the quantity is limited by the insurance company. But, it is worth it's weight in gold. I highly recommend it!

The side effects are tiredness, spacy, some tingling in hands and feet, dry eyes, but the side effects are more desirable than the migraine

I have had migraines for a few years now, but in the past year they are severe and have been destroying my life. With a migraine I lie in bed for 3 days in the dark and vomit. I have been taking amerge 2.5 MG for the past 4 months when the migraine starts. Within 2 hours the migraine is just slightly painful so that I can get out of bed and do things. I can just handle simple tasks until both the migraine is completely gone and the amerge has worn off. I am very happy with amerge.

Severe stomach ache: 12 hours after taking, and after I eat a meal, I get a severe stomach ache. So severe, I can't talk. Stomach ache is excruciating for about 2 hours and then quickly disappears and I am fine again.

I've been taking this med for 5 years. First 3 years, no stomach ache. Now, I get the stomach ache every other time I take the med. I've had thorough ultrasound to detect gallbladder or other issues. It found nothing wrong. Have never had any other stomach issues in my life.

I am one of the few "lucky" men to experience migraines and the only thing that had ever worked for me prior to Amerge was a shot of demerol at the MD's office. However, it's important for me to take it right away before the pain comes on (during the visual symptoms that precede the headache). In the times I've taken it after the headache comes, it hasn't been as effective.

Minor side effects: tingling of skin and slight drowsiness.

Absolute lifesaver! After suffering migraines for 15 years, this is the only drug that has worked for me. Maxalt, Imitrex, Vicodin, Zomig and a variety of over the counter drugs didn't make a dent in the pain. My new neurologist will only prescribe 9 per month (as opposed to the originally prescribed 20) and is trying to trick me into taking Nortriptyline instead. After some research I discovered that this is an antidepressant. Has anyone else been given this and does it work for you? What is going on that insurance and doctors are against Amerge. It's obviously a miracle drug!

AMERGE (NARATRIPTAN HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat migraines. It helps to relieve headaches, pain and other symptoms of migraines, including sensitivity to light/sound, nausea, and vomiting. Prompt treatment allows you to get back to your normal routine and may decrease your need for other pain medications. Naratriptan does not prevent future migraines or reduce how often you may get a headache. Naratriptan belongs to a group of drugs called triptans. It affects a certain natural chemical (serotonin) that constricts blood vessels in the brain. It may also block other pain pathways in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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this is a very dangerous medicine which is not safe do not believe the advertisements. I ended up at the emergency room for rapid heartbeat. The doctors i have seen for this did not tell me it was Claritin. I looked up the side effects on the Internet and i figured out it was the medicine. I have taken this medicine for years and I didn't realize it was Claritin causing me to feel this way. No doctor told me the side effects of Claritin. It is dangerous and should be banned.

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Had severe dizzyness, extreme debilitating fatigue, body aches, nausea, heart palpitations.- i've been off it for 5 days and stillfeel like hell. The body aches and dizzyness have gone away but the severe nausea, extreme fatigue, weakness, are still here and it feels like i have depression.If anyone else has experienced this after stopping the meds please tell me how long it took to recover, im seeing such horrible effects. PLEASE EMAILME.