Ajovy (fremanezumab-vfrm) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ajovy (fremanezumab-vfrm)

Severe constipation, severe insomnia, anxiety, sweating, lack of appetite

severe constipation that nothing helped. Had to use mestonin. Did not sleep at all for 3-4 days. Would then sleep an hour or two then awake 48 hours. Day 22, still can't sleep. Severe anxiety, shaking, swearing, lack of appetite. Lost 12 lbs in 22 days.Quit my job. Dropped my classes.

Vertigo,dizziness, blacking out, brain fog, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, joint pain.

It actually reduced my migraines greatly, but the side effects were much worse. Won't take it again.

Hives at injection site, tingling in my neck and back

Decreased migraine frequency from 3-4 migraines per week to 4-5 migraines per month.

AJOVY (FREMANEZUMAB-VFRM): This medication is used to help prevent migraine. This medication may work by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain. Fremanezumab-vfrm belongs to a class of drugs known as monoclonal antibodies. Preventing frequent migraine attacks can help improve your ability to concentrate and do your usual tasks. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Horrible antibiotic. Feel so crap physically & emotionally. Haven't been to work past 2 days. Couldnt get out of bed today until 1pm. Get nausea immediately after taking pill. Someone said it feels like jet-lag; I totally agree I feel like I've just been on a round the world flight. I'm halfway through my course. 6 more days of this crap! I hope to God it gets rid of the ureaplasma- this it the 3rd antibiotic i've tried

Severe tinnitis, severe nausea. Worst is severe constipation lower intestines extremely painful when I need to go. Am on a diuretic so May be why not diarrhea

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Please e-mail me if your child has experienced anything similar. He's acting like a crazy person, but I can't believe any type of mental illness would just suddenly appear like this. His irritability and temper when he doesn't get his way are making our lives very difficult. Any information would be appreciated.

I have been on Depo for over 8 years. I have noticed that i have gained alot of weight while on Depo Provera. Recently i have been extremly moody towards things that i should not be. Other than that i haven't had any serious side effect in the past 8 years.

I went to the walk-in because it is the holiday season and my family dr. was not working. Was prescribed biaxin xl. 500 mg. 2 tablets once per day. I am going to stop the medication today and go to my family dr. because I have not slept in three nights! I am a very sound sleeper and this has never happened to me before. I have the most awful taste in my mouth and pain in my stomach and around the kidneys. The cough seems to be drying up but the nausea is making me feel as though I am pregnant. I threw up from the nausea on the first night. I detest this medicine and will never take it again. Hopefully I will be able to sleep tonight after I get something else for this infection. It's 4:45 in the morning and I am wide awake! I went online to see if insomnia is a side effect of biaxcin xl and am so glad to know I am not the only one experiencing similar side effects.

I will request another medication next time.

I finally found someone actually many others addicted to the nicoteen gum honestly thought it was just me i quiet 5 years ago have not had a cigarette in 5 years but chew the gum every day approx. 15- 20 pieces a day 4MG I don't know what to do I'm so scared, I just am begging to find answers, I had cancer once that's why I quit smoking in first place... But was ovarian cancer... But decided to quit to be safe, smoked for 25 years I am a 39 year old single mother and I am just begging for help! I don't know what to do or where gotten anymore I'm losin my mind, I went and bought an electric smoke today that so didnt help, I couldn't go more then a few hours without my nicoteen gum.... If anyone knows what to do please contact me [email protected] would be greatly appreciated!! I tried to chew normal gum past few months.. But it's just not the same...Please someone anyone that understands... How can we quit the gum??? Or should I just start smoking again I'm so stressed out!!!!!

WHile Paxil did do its job, the baggage that came with it was not worth it. At the time, there was no information about the severe withdrawl symptoms available from the manufacturer or my doctor. Just do a Google search for