Aimovig (erenumab-aooe) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Aimovig (erenumab-aooe)

AIMOVIG (ERENUMAB-AOOE): Preventive treatment of migraine in adults (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Severe nausea, headache, reduced sense of smell, diarrhea

Preventative for tooth extraction

The side effects while on the patch were minimal. Just as described by the drug's website, the withdrawl symptoms began 24 hours after taking off the last one. I was light-headed, very fatigued, and dizzy. These symptoms improved over the next 24 hours. Like any drug, there are side effects. People need to be take responsibility for their own health care and research any medication recommended by a doctor so they can make an informed decision. The withdrawl symptoms were unpleasant, but I would never have been able to go on the cruise without it. I would use it again.

Significant weight gain; 15 pounds in 4 weeks. Muscle cramps, fluid retention, increase blood pressure

Suspected vaginal bacterial infection

I did not have any effects until day four of taking Bactrim. My URI was staring to feel better, however I developed a red blistery looking rash on the palms of my hands. I did go to my Doctor and was removed of this drug given another. Warning this rash does hurt, it feels like you are placing both your hands by force into a pricker bush.

weight gain. Mood swings, irrational anger.

Severe ache (never had skin problems in past). Severe weight gain- gained 20 lbs in 4 months while exercising everyday. Horrible mood swings. Completely skipped period for 4 months straight- worried I was pregnant every month.

This drug worked quickly and lifted the fog of depression to the point where I was grinning like a goofball just because it was a sunny day. Cartoon Birds around the head happy. Alas, since my wife and I are trying for our second child, I simply could not live with the side effect (neither could she.) Switched to Wellbutrin after 10 days of Paxil.

It's a touch difficult to get the solution down (it has a strange, dense, salty texture), but I mixed mine with Crystal Light powder instead of the provided flavoring (the pharmacist said this was OK). By the time I started the Nulytely, I'd already taken four prescribed Dulcolax, so things were already rocking and rolling. I had an almost immediate BM after drinking just the first 8 oz. of the Nulytely. A glass every 10 minutes and by halfway gone (1/2 gallon), things are already looking pretty yellow/cloudy/clear.I did manage to have one slight "accident" while running for the bathroom, but it was minor. The worst thing going on currently (I'm about 3/4 through) is the chills. I am just FREEZING and shaky. Also, my bum is burning like on fire. Can hardly use toilet paper at all right now.BUT: this really was not bad at all. No pain or cramping at all.