Suprep bowel prep kit (magnesium sulfate anhydrous; potassium sulfate; sodium sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Suprep bowel prep kit (magnesium sulfate anhydrous; potassium sulfate; sodium sulfate)

This was my 3rd colonoscopy prep. First two were Miralax and yesterday/today with Suprep. It doesn't taste good, but I had no trouble getting it down. No nausea. After a while, I started to feel bloated, but once the purge started, I was okay. On Miralax, my body just didn't want to stop purging and the bloating discomfort was more intense and lasted much longer. The first prep, I recall leaping out of bed in the middle of the night and it being a close call to arrive to the throne on time. The second prep, I actually had some diarrhea the following morning. Suprep was a breeze in comparison. I didn't even feel much in the way of uncomfortable bloat for Stage 2.

No side effects to speak of. The taste is like (insert your personal aweful tasting thing here). But once you get beyond the taste it definitely does the trick and considering its basically just electrolytes (various salts) you wont have issues with that if you drink the required water. Could probably be best served super chilled. I chose neat with no garnish, no chaser.

I was nervous after reading the horrible reviews. The was my first experience with colonoscopy prep for routine surveillance. I will say that I'm very healthy and had no serious adverse effects. The taste was horrible, as many have described. I did take the preventative zofran to help with nausea and did fine. The 1:30am dose was a little harder to drink, but got it down in 45min. All in all it was a success, and the test was performed without issue.

I mixed first dose with Gatorade which made it saltier. I think chilling it and adding water made it (slightly) more palatable. It really was just mind over matter to get it all down. The whole experience was not pleasant, but tolerable.

Horrible stuff. Followed all directions as to diet and prep, and report states "suboptimal" prep. So, somehow this expensive and barbaric prep failure is all my fault. Supposed to do it again in a year. Wouldn't do it again if you held a gun to my head.

I completely followed the instructions! My doctor was not able to get a complete reading on the colonoscopy as I was not totally cleaned out! What a disappointment. Will never use it again.

.nauseated, chills and vomiting.

Taste was so terrible. Kept gagging while drinking it. Took a long time for bowel movement. Was not cleaned out enough. Failed colonoscopy.

Second time taking suprep. Took me hours to drink it. I was sweating one minute freezing the next. Gagging with every sip. Was still having loose stools 11 hrs later.

I will never take this again. I've taken miralax with Gatorade with ducolax tabs. Much better to tolerate.

I couldn't choke this down. It was horrible. After two mouthfuls I was gagging. I had to cancel my test.

I did colon prep 10 years ago and although it tasted foul, nothing was as bad as this stuff. Come on, after all this time, the drug manufacturers can't come up with anything better. Shame on them.

Nausea, Severe Chills, Vomiting

I have debated whether or not to write a review regarding Suprep but feel compelled to since my experience was quite bad. This was my third colonoscopy, having prepped before with Golytely both times. Accordingly I knew what to expect ... or so I thought. Golytely was not a great experience so I was hopeful that this new, low volume Suprep would be better. Wrong. Much worse. I had over 12 hours of severe nausea, over 12 hours of unbelievably intense tooth chipping quality chills, repetitive vomiting and emotional panic that I was going to have to go to the ER rather than to my colonoscopy. I had to call my GI doctor at 3 am for help and guidance. My colonoscopy was almost aborted. I was only able to keep the second Suprep dose, taken at 4 am, down long enough to finally start having clear bowel movements. Immediately after seeing that I was “in the clear” I let myself throw up the rest of the Suprep, which I did, over and over and over again. Three days later I am still having problems with diarrhea, nausea and abdominal pain. Suprep is wicked stuff. It worked for me and I had a clear high quality colonoscopy, but it also damn near killed me. Suprep is very harsh and, in my opinion, dangerous. Use something else if you can.

Was constipated to my throat, basically

The first time I had this was for a colonoscopy and I had the flu-like chills and body aches. It eliminates my bowels quickly and thoroughly but the *taste*!! Disgusting!! The second time I had severe constipation up high, so doc and I decided to end it all- LOL. Terrible!! Day three and I STILL have bubble gut and sporadic dumps!

I mixed this with chilled, almost frozen Powerade Zero orange. Take a chug of mixture, DO NOT BREATHE THROUGH YOUR NOSE and chug some of the remaining plain Powerade- then breathe. ALMOST tolerable this way.

Tasted awful. Did step one, following all instructions from my doctor, mixing with water (I did add ice), then following up with 32 ounces of water within the hour. Felt not great after, but nothing terrible. An hour later, bowel movements started with watery discharge. That lasted about an hour. Step 2 began at 1:30 am. Could barely get dose 2 and the water down. It somehow tasted worse than it did 7 hours earlier. An hour after I started, I completed all Suprep and water drinking. Five minutes later, vomited violently for 5 or 10 minutes. 45 minutes later, bowel movements started and lasted about 30-40 minutes, Woke up at 5 to go to the procedure, had to move bowels a few more times after waking up, before the procedure, with results progressively getting cleaner. Ultimately worked out, but the taste was awful. Was afraid to move off strict instructions, but will try mixing it with something other than water next time, if I have to use this again. Did the job, but was not pleasant.

I was surprised that the taste was not as bad as I had expected.I drank almost all of the first bottle of prep mixed with water as directed.Less than 20 minutes I threw up 5-6 times in the kitchen sink.This is my 4th colonoscopy and I've never thrown up before using other preps.

Called my Dr.'s office after hours and spoke to a on call Dr. Who told me to try miralax. Husband went to store to buy some and I mixed 1 capful per 8 Oz. of Gatorade, and drank 4 cups in a little over an hour. 3 hours later and so far so good.I haven't felt nauseous and have made several trips to the bathroom.Dr. Instructed me to try the second bottle of superprep tomorrow when my second dose is due. This time to drink it slowly, as I think I drank the first dose too fast. Will give it a go again tomorrow but am definitely not looking forward to it!I just hope that in the end I am cleaned out enough for the colonoscopy. My Father had colon cancer and I have had several polyps removed in past colonoscopies. It's been 5 years since my last one and I just want to get a good report.

After reading some of the reviews online about this product I was pretty petrified to use it. However, I did not experience any of the horrid side effects that I read about. Did it taste good? No. Was it unbearable? No. I refrigerated it overnight and mixed it with white grape juice. I drank it slowly over about an hour and chased each sip with hot ginger tea. It started working before I finished drinking the first dose. I spent a good amount of time in the bathroom but was able to sleep for about five hours before the second dose. I followed the same procedure for that second dose and before I finished drinking I was going practically clear water so I admit I did not drink all of the second dose. I had no cramping or nausea and I had completely stopped going by the time I had to leave for the appointment. Overall, it was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

Several people I know have used this prep with no issues.

Prepping for a colonoscopy is never fun. None of the preps are pleasant but Suprep was certainly tolerable and effective. Mix it with cold water and just guzzle it down. I would alternate between a few gulps of the suprep followed by a few gulps of pure water to rinse my mouth. It was fine. No cramping or anything like that. Starting working its magic in 45 minutes. For the most part, was done with the bathroom in about 2.5 hours. The morning dose was tougher because of the taste but again, not terrible.

When reading reviews, remember most people will come on to talk about awful experiences. Rarely do people come to these sites to report how wonderful a product was. Bottom line, don't get too worked up over it. Just swallow it with some extra water and relax.

Followed directions exactly and drank massive amounts of water. No problem gulping it down and absolutely no nausea or pain, but...within minutes of first dose, had a complete intestinal voiding with no warning or sensation at all...quite a mess. Next three hours, stayed on toilet and expelled uncontrollably. Second dose produced the same results; never left the toilet for about seven hours in total. Around 3:00 AM all discharge was perfectly clear and stopped shortly thereafter.

Colonoscopy was performed and result (per doctor report) was "inadequate preparation" and "poor preparation" - both comments highlighted in bold on his report...a total failure that seems to have been my fault! (not)Bottom line is I was tortured, blamed for the problem and wasted my time and money.The new plan is to take the same garbage over a longer period. Needless to say, I wont do it!

My mom and husband both took Suprep for their colonoscopies and both had a great experience so I can only speak for myself. I took the first bottle at 8:10 pm. Abouy half an hour later, right before drinking the first glass of water I started feeling mild discomfort in my abdomen. About 20 minutes later I took the 2nd glass of water. About 10 minutes later I started having these HORRIBLE cramps. I started burping so much, too. The pain felt like it was going upward towards my chest cavity. It is now 10:14. Cramps every 15-20 seconds, no urge to “go” at all. Will I recommend this? NO. Not even sure if I want to take second bottle tomorrow morning. We are in the middle of our Summer here in SoCal and I have chills and I am very cold. My back is tingly, I feel weak. I have never had so much pain in my life. Cramps are EXCRUCIATING. On a level of 1-10 these are a 20! Please consult with your doctor before taking this prep. It is too aggresive on some people.

I would NEVER take it again! Worst medical experience of my life!

Absolutely the worst tasting I have EVER been prescribed

If you stuffed a cadaver in a barrel to rot and covered it with cherry syrup you'd have SuPrep. This is the worst tasting thing I have ever experienced. Fasted liquid diet previous day to prepare, Read entire brochure, followed instructions, became nauseated immediately, forced it down gagging. Flu like symptoms started almost immediately Headache and wracking chills with shaking followed which remained all night. Started at 6 pm, first prep ended at 11 pm. Explosive diarrhea nonstop. Became very dehydrated. Researched online from bathroom for helps and put 2 Nd dose in frig and water tooGot up at 3:30 to drink water, felt real fear I wouldn't be able to get the next dose down. It's godawful no excuse for this- bit lemons and drank thru a straw which helped slightly. By now crazy chills, sweating, so cold .massive purges began quickly after 2 Nd dose and continued for 4 hours. So weak near collapse. Finally stopped at 8 am, Absolutely horrible product. Side effects are awful. Taking something that causes horrible nausea is a terrible way to do this. Still nauseous later that day and that night. Still not able to ear 24 hours later. Never again. SuPrep packaging Does not adequately address the negative side effects of this horrible tasting productIt's foul. Presenting it as palatable under any circumstances is a lie. Very concerned that so many people had a similar bad experience.

SuPrep must address the taste issue which causes the horrible nausea. A colonoscopy is an important test and the process is tough enough, beginning it in a horrible way that is so bad that it creates real fear that the patient will throw up or not b able to stomach the 2 Nd dose and fail in the process is a terrible way to do this. We have to do better, or too many people will not be able to do this or refuse to ever repeat it. Fix it

Extreme Nausea and Chills. Vomiting. Shaking.

Chills, shaking, and bad nausea for the day before prep. Choked down any vomiting. Morning prep I could not hold back the vomit. Could not finish the water chaser. 3rd colonoscopy. First time with Suprep. Worst prep yet.

Nausea, gagging, needed to spit after each sip as if I'd drunk ocean water.

I had difficulty getting the first dose down, using a drinking straw and all of the other ideas that were recommended. The second dose, I could only get through a fourth of what was required because I gagged with each sip. I had to stand by the kitchen sink just in case. I did get through the colonoscopy but I felt dizzy and tired for days afterward. I ended up blacking out and fainting a few days after my procedure, hit a hard tile floor, and ended up in the ER with severe dehydration,needing IV fluids, a CT scan, and x-rays of my bones. Two weeks later I'm still bruised. I'm 5'3", 119 lbs., and feel that the amount I was asked to drink was too much for my size. I also have low blood pressure. This was my 4th colonoscopy and I had never fainted before in my life. I never want to take this again.

Side Effects forsuprep bowel prep kit (magnesium sulfate anhydrous; potassium sulfate; sodium sulfate) - User Comments


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Extreme dry mouth to the point I could barely swallow and felt like I was choking! Could barely think or form a sentence.HORRIBLE..made my agoraphobia come back!

Omg where do I begin?! I hate this shot. I got it for bc protection. I usually use pills, but I decided to try the shot since I have a sensitive tummy. Few hours after the shot, I got hot flashes, emotional, loss of appetite,tingling in my arms hands and feet, foot cramps, headaches,sore eyes, and slight tummy aches that were tolerable. I also had an allergic reaction, so my breathing was off with a rapid heart beat, yes I got that fixed. I am extremely disappointed in this. My doctor failed to mention ALL of the side effects. I do not recommend this, and I strongly believe it should be off the market. Too much use of it causes osteoporosis and more complications. Though it may work for others, it did horrors for me. I have yet to meet up with my Gyno to discuss my issues with this shot that is in my system! =( Best of luck to you all. :)

I was in a tremdous amount of pain and discomfort and within 1 hour of taking this medicine I got relief I hadn't felt in a week. Stopped intake of vitamins and any over the counters until treatment is complete. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day is highly recommended.

THIS DRUG SAVED MY LIFE! I developed severe rosacea and accutane helped to clear up the lesions that I developed all over my face. Ive been on 2 courses. One high dose for six months and the other was low dose (10mgs every other day) for about 3 years. After seeing many specialists and trying EVERY other drug out there I got a doc to prescribe me accutane. Almost overnight my skin lesions stopped! Once off accutane, they started coming back so i did a low dose regime to treat the swelling in my nose. THIS DRUG WORKS WONDERS BUT MUST BE USED WITH CAUTION!

Anxiety; increased depression seeing grey skies (weird); paranoia; nightmares; itchy feet; disturbed menstrual cycle

if u can especially magnesium and vitamin d i have had lots of test done and they all was normal but vitamin d which is in level the d pill helped with my symptoms but comes back when i stop my levels are at 70 so what i think is d helps with depression and maybe it helps with anxiety too maybe why the pill helped so maybe the doc was right it in my head so my next step is to see the crazy doc yeah that's right never thought i say or do it but i'm desperate i have lost both grandparents and my father of cancer my father died about a year and half ago and cpl months after i found out about my cancer always have been a tough fellow and pick myself up but i believe these med no i know this med caused all this maybe the other added too it i am broke from these doctors back and forth so please don't do it to yourself o prayed cancer would take me as i insure u this is way worst its torture and it last for ever i hope some anxiety meds and the crazy doc can set me straight i surrender i need help!! i cant take or live like this anymore been living with burning eyes and mouth and joints and confusion for 24/7 for over a year now o cant think or function at all pray for me as i will u and if doc or fda read this shame on you to let this go on and yet walmart has em soon as u walk in i spent my birthday my christmas my holidays suffering crazy doc here i come 2 days away i cancelled the 1st but i'm coming this time hope u can put me back together again

Gave one dose to my 3 year boy. He could not sleep the whole night and complained about flu like symptoms. Ear pain, slight fever and tummy ache were most notable and also is listed as common side effects. Heart was accelerated and he complained of strange dreams. All from one dose!!!This is a 3 year old that sleeps a solid 10 hours a night with no issues.This stuff is poison. Glad we found out after only one dose.I feel terrible for those who suffered long term issues from long term use of this drug.

When My daughter was 3 months old I had Mirena in. Right away I felt bad and not myself. It now been in for 15 months. Absolutely has affected my relationship and ever bit of my life. The next step getting my taken out! I would rather be blessed with another child then feel like I am and most of all how I was treating the ones I love. July 30 can not come fast enough. Word of advice don't just let your doctor treat your side affects with more drugs. Your bond to really loss yourself. Great for some just not me. Thank you all for sharing.

I got the white, chunky, gel-like discharge after the 1st day of use and continuing through all days of use. No other side effects.

just want to amend my entry below and add that I had only been on the drug for one day when I began to experience the negative side effects. Also, I did experience some mild palpitations too. Altogether, a bad experience.