Nulytely (polyethylene glycol 3350; potassium chloride; sodium bicarbonate; sodium chloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nulytely (polyethylene glycol 3350; potassium chloride; sodium bicarbonate; sodium chloride)

Vomiting profusely, shaking, chills, migraine.

I started drinking the solution and actually didn't think it was as horrible as I had been told. It was easy to take. However, my body totally rejected it after about an hour and I vomited it all out. I never had diarrhea, but the other effects had me stuck in bed for about 24 hours. I was unable to complete the solution and had to cancel my procedure. I hope there is an alternative route to get this done without the horrible effects that came along with Nulytely. I would not recommend.

No other side effects other than the intended diareah.

The taste wasn't as bad as I suspected.I performed a low- fiber diet one week prior and a clear liquid diet 2 days prior to this prep. Made passing everything extremely easy. I consumed 4 liters split dose. Was able to consume the 2 liters in the 2 hours allotted relatively easy.

This is my 4th colonoscopy and first using NuLYTELY. I was nervous as the Golightly I've had in the past tasted awful and made me throw up. This time I was given, and too Zofran for the nausea an hour before I started the prep. I used orange Crystal Light and it tastes like someone made Tang and didn't put enough water with it. The flavor is fine and it's not too thick. I'm just getting tired of drinking it but I'm doing a split prep so I won't have to drink it all tonight. I am used to feeling like I'm going to faint but so far I'm ok.

horrible cramps for hours before it worked.and horrible chest pain and hard time breathing until I took prescription pain meds.i take for bone scares me to death as my upper and lower GI is tomorrow

Blotting an vomiting a few times feeling full and peeing alot

I drink half of it so far the last drink I just made I added chicken broth and he needed up in is going down smoothly now so I'm open if I can keep doing this I can have this down I have made about movement a little bit once it was like I have to now but I'm sitting on the toilet but nothing is happening so we'll see my procedure is on the 29th of October of this year 2019 my 1st one ever and this stuff is nasty I didn't get a choice of what kind I could have I got the Limon line which is nasty I hate lemons and limes gross but I added chicken broth and he did it up in has gone down smoother since reading all these comments and reviews has helped me out a lot so we'll see how my procedure goes tomorrow hopefully I did everything right in not the notes found and might: is klyn's to

Horrible taste. After drinking 3 water bottles full of the the solution, I almost vomited it all up.

drank this poison on 7/7/15, close to death for 6 months, I now have chemical colitis and permanent never damage that is incurable as per my physician. From my mouth to my rectum was burned from this poison. I have spent my entire life savings on treatments trying not to die. The only reason this is given to medicare pts is because it is the one medicare will pay for. In my past I had 7 other colonoscopies without a problem. This drug has destroyed my life from what I had prior to taking the drug.I am basically a shut in a go only to the doctor or to purchase supplements.It is always about money for the drug companies, not for the safety of the patients. My advice to everyone is don't take this poison as there are many gentle cleansers available, medicare just wont pay.

Prep for colonoscopy for gi bleed

Gas and very slight but tolerable nausea

The stuff worked like a charm literally no blood with movements and took effect within an hour and a half. The worst part is the slightly salty, unsweetened Gatorade taste. And the rawness that accompanies the hospital tp but if you can do at home that's the way to go

Temporary bloating, feeling full.

The medicine worked well but tasted horrible. I mixed it with powdered lemonade,powdered tang, and orange powdered kool-aid. I could not possibly drink all that they expected and around glass 9 started throwing up from the taste. All in all, I prob drank 12 8 Oz glasses and the dr said I did good with my prep.and everything went fine. Everyone's body is different but I think the amount is major overkill.

Nausea, cold chills, bloating, bloody diarreah, nasty, nasty taste!

I can only hope the doctors prescribe something else. I have to go for a colonoscopy and endoscopy every year due to having a genetic defect for cancer. It's at the point I will start refusing to get these done. I can't stand the nausea.

WHY does it taste SALTY? And it is somehow a thick or slimy sensation going down. I have zero gag reflex issues and I never vomit but this stuff gagged me and made me wretch. Half of this concoction may be realistic, but the entire JUG? My gut bloated and burgled and it made me belch long before it started clearing me out. And what is this FLAVOR PACKET others mentioned? My jug said lemon lime on it. I got no flavor packet or choice of flavor. I tried putting Apple flavor mio drops in it. That's the only way I have gotten 2/3 down. It's 1 a.m and I doubt I will get any sleep tonight.

Someone PLEASE come up with something that isn't salty!!

Tastes disgusting. I thought I was going to throw up.

This is my first time taking this; I have used miralax in the past for colonoscopies and have not had any problems. I began taking nulytely at noon and it is now 4:34pm and nothing. It tastes awful; have a headache and cramping. I haven't had anything to eat for 2 days

Bloating, feeling full, shivering.

I mixed mine with lemonade drink mix. I Was told to drink 8oz every 10 min....I did 8oz every 15 or so to try and ward off possible nausea. Got very bloated feeling until it "kicked in" (about an hour and a half in). I opted to go on a low residue diet for 3 days before prep so I became cleared out pretty quick...only my first bathroom trip had solid matter. Worst part of it for me is still having the rest to finish and the shivering like I'm cold. To anyone who is facing this prep keep a positive attitude and don't stress too much! It's not the most fun I've ever had but it's a necessary evil.

I've experienced chills,burps ,gas and headaches.

I having very bad constipation ,sometimes laxatives don't work for me ,this fluid I am drinking is wasted my time.

this is my 3rd colonoscopy. Before I took go lightly which seemed thicker and tasted salty. So far this solution seems lighter and easier but takes longer to work. I sip a little 7up before and after each glass, more like a mouthwash really I'm not done and I was scared too even had some "D" this morning from nerves but this seems ok. Also use A&D ointment often find in baby section, very soothing. Some day they'll have an easier way we can only hope😛

Absolutley Horrible! The taste is disgusting and iit is so nauseating. The only reason doctors use this vile chemical is because in the case of Medicare, that is what they approve. Guess why? It is all about MOney! The insurance companies dictate what meds we can and cannot have, not the doctors...Drank this most horrific solutions, cleaned out, lost 6 pounds in less than 24 hours, vomited, had a migraine headache and a full blown Meniere's attack. My gut was completely robbed of all good flora. I have been taking pharmaceutical probiotics for a month and my gut and stomach still feel as though they are being eaten from the inside.. I have had 7 i.vs trying to replace the fluids I lost. Tuesday will be exactly 4 weeks and I am still very ill. I did call the company but all they wanted to know was what color is the label? they didn't seem concerned at all. Adding that I am 74, female and weigh 110-112. I have had 5 previous colonoscopies with no problem what so ever with the prep

The taste is almost nothing; it was very easy to get down, even without the flavor pack. It tastes vaguely like ocean water, no aftertaste. If you've ever taken cod liver oil, this experience was far better than that.

I felt the need to review because I read so many reviews that scared me beforehand that I was ridiculously nervous. I'm an anxious person who hates all things medical and I've suffered from chronic and painful diarrhea and intestinal spasms, hence this colonoscopy. I hope I can assure someone else via my review NOT to get nervous and worked up over this prep. If it's true that this is the worst part, I am a happy camper. (procedure tomorrow). I mixed my solution with Glacier Cherry Frost Gatorade per the pharmacist. (note that even though it's "cherry," it's white.) The taste was FINE!! No, I don't love it. But it did not make me gag or vomit or any such thing. It get's sickening 12-13 glasses in, but so would anything and chasing each glass with some cold ice water and lemon was enough help to get through it. It took me about 2 hours for it to produce movement. I felt bloated and a bit uncomfortable, but no big deal. The diarrhea was not at all crampy or painful like my normal problems. It's very mildly uncomfortable due to the bloating. The worst part was honestly having to stay up all night! Mine was split into two shifts, 2 liters at 8:30 pm and 2 liters at 2:30 a.m. but due to the spacing and the diarrhea it basically meant no sleep at all. In the end hopefully that helps with my anxiety actually going in to the procedure. I'm tired! I hope my review helps someone else relax over this stuff.

Ok guys I'm the biggest wimp on the planet. I'm post chemo for stage 3C colon cancer, I also have Crohn's disease & a bunch of other things wrong with me & a TON of allergies. This is my first colonoscopy post chemo. Here's the secret, the CHERRY flavor packet. I hate all the other flavored (lemon-lime, orange, pineapple). I have to do it slower than norm because of my issues. Cold, cold, cold. Then put it in a measuring cup, hold your breath, drink thru a straw (I'm doing 4oz every 15 mins). I can get 4 oz down in 3 drinks, the chase with cold Mt. Dew. So far so good. I'm 1.4 liters into it but have only gone twice. I've got a headache & I'm cold but it's also cold outside. This is NO WHERE near as horrible as I thought it was going to be. Esp the taste, I've had to take worse. The after taste reminds me of a cherry zinc lozenge. Kinda gross but not unbearable. I honestly thought I'd be miserable & going nothing but water by now. So we'll see. If it gets unbearable I'll post again. But I'm used to going a lot more than this with having the whole right side of my large intestines gone & the Crohn's.

Side Effects fornulytely (polyethylene glycol 3350; potassium chloride; sodium bicarbonate; sodium chloride) - User Comments


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anxiety (this is difficult to attribute to Zoloft, considering I have an anxiety disorder)

severe headaches, mood swings(pretty severe- I couldn't stand anybody!), dizzy spells, started bleeding heavy after 1 week of taking it.

Eliquis makes me feel icky roughly about an hour after taking it. I get a horrible case of restless leg syndrome combined with an itch sensation around my tail bone. It's as if all nerve endings are firing full blast. It's horrible and usually much worse at night than after the morning dose. Sometimes I'm so tired that I'm circling the living room with my eyes closed half asleep. I've tried taking it apart from my other meds - no luck. I've tried Vicodin - initially I thought it helped but false alarm. It is better than dying but sometimes the effects can last for hours. It's so uncomfortable to be twitchy!!! This reaction doesn't seem to be listed anywhere...has anyone else experienced this????

I had the standard side effects loose stool metallic taste sometimes tired sometimes awake. Pretty much just made you some times like not getting better... because of so many pills. Not digging the yeast or the acid reflux. It seems during the medication. Really no acid reflux but now it's more prevalent. But overall satisfaction very pleased. Got testing next week hopefully it will be cleared out of my system... if not I'll try something else :-)

This site and another has saved me. I used Flonase in the past with no side effects. But over the past year I started getting unexplained shortness of breath and heart palpitations which I went to a cardiologist. Never in my mind did I think it was Flonase. I finally put it all together after I thought I had COVID but two neg tests. In short I had all the symptoms other people had. Shortness of breath the most troublesome and thoughts of feeling like I was dying, jittery, you name it. Well, last week in the middle of thinking I had potential Covid I ran out of Flonase. I didn't take it for four days. The "COVID" symptom got better and then I took Flonase again yesterday morning. And All OF A SUDDEN shortness of breath returned, dizziness, everything!!!!' I went online and suddenly found all these other testimonials. I am going to a new doctor next Friday and will definitely bring this up. My current doctor NEVER even brought up the possibility. I am feeling better this morning but I am sure it will take a week to fully recover again. I have thyroid issues and intermittent asthma so should never have been told to take this crap. Just reading other people's experience is helping reduce my feelings of dread and anxiety.

well i was diagnosed about 3 weeks ago and put on aldara. the first few applications didnt do much just burned a little and i didn't see any results, then it started to hurt...ALOT. it hurts to walk,sit and pee. it burns and i am so uncomfortable but alot of the warts are slowly going away. ill probably be on it for while but i really want these horrid things to go away.

It's the first time in months that my head cleared up BUT I was considering going to the emergency room or to the doctor tomorrow. I have no history of heart problems and normal/low blood pressure. I am going to stop taking it tomorrow and see if I feel better as the days go by...

Have had Crohn's since 1986 with surgery in '86, prednisone for years, horrible reaction to Imuran, prednisone for more years but overall good health (and diarrhea). Bowel obstruction in May with surgery - had adhesions, stricture and megacolon discovered in surgery without having had many symptoms and rare pain. I feel so much better now though with Humira. Food tastes wonderful; I still have to avoid a few things and I can tell I'll have to watch my weight! Hope I can continue doing well.

Severe muscle pain-left arm, Severe mid back pain, left foot underside pain when jogging, short term memory loss, fatigue by mid afternoon, eyes- oversensitive to light and broken blood vessel. Chest pains.

It was great the first few years. I don't know if the switch to sprintec had made my PMS unbearable, or the changes and stress in my life. But since I've been using sprintec, my PMS is bad. I cry, have anxiety, get moody and depressed, and still have the break through the week before. I used to never have bad PMS at all. I'm thinking of going back to Ortho Cyclen and not the generic.