Moviprep (ascorbic acid; polyethylene glycol 3350; potassium chloride; sodium ascorbate; sodium chloride; sodi) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Moviprep (ascorbic acid; polyethylene glycol 3350; potassium chloride; sodium ascorbate; sodium chloride; sodi)

Had to wear pads to get to the hospital as I was emptying my bowels every 10 mins for 2 days

A few days after the procedure had terrible bladder / thrush problems and felt awful .

Extreme nausea followed by violent vomiting during both doses. I'm sure this meant my body didn't absorb it as I only had a few bowel movements starting 5 hours after the first dose! I would absolutely not recommend, horrific

Nauseous shivery Dizzy. Couldn't finish. Had good bowel prep but bowel not back to normal yet after 4 days. Never take again.

Taste really bad one sip of moviprep then I sip of water to try and swallow.

Constant gagging and retching as I attempted to drink first dose, severe bloating and headache (that lasted around 15 hours) shortly after taking it.

Impossible to drink the quantity in the specified time. Vile taste that even nice drinks, eg apple juice, could not take away. Had to miss my colonoscopy appointment as even the thought of taking the morning dose had me retching.

This salty seawater was utterly vile. Started OK, managed the first vile load, then shat myself for 3 hours, managed half of the second vile load and woke up sweating to death, unable to move my arms and legs, violently ill, had to cancel the colonoscopy and eat something (considered calling an ambulance it was that bad) UTTERLY SAVAGE, second time this has happened to me now

Pill cam endoscopy small bowel

Chills sweats cold like symptoms sneezing nausea cramps headache's when will it end ?

9 hours with no control over bowel with burning as came out couldn't make bath room even though 4 feet away

The stuff had to be taken in two huge amounts I was empty by first one the second was brutal it burns

It's vile, makes you feel like throwing up..then when it kicks in you end up with what feels like burning hot liquid pouring out..surely with modern times there could be something easier or more pleasant to take

Had an extreme reaction to movi prep. I missed my appointment because I was too ill. I was meant to be having a colonoscopy with general anaesthetic so as you can imagine the hospital weren't pleased.I was having projectile vomiting and diarrhoea all at once over many hours. My body thought I had been poisoned. With that I had a temperature and sweat dripping off me.I'm hoping there is another way because this is brutal and would never ever take this again and would not recommend!

Absolutely horrendous, first batch is just about tolerable but second is just so hard to get down and keep down! Explosive yellow watery pooh if you can call it that. Such a blistered and burnt skin around my bottom that bled after every visit to the loo. Surely to god a better substance can be created in this day and age - 3 colonoscopies to-date !!!

Felt awful from 2nd cup. Severe bloating, abdo pain, nausea, temperature and chills. Took 2 hours for a bowel motion and was just pure orange water spraying and dripping out for hours after. Horrible stuff!

Nausea while drinking, feeling cold and shivery immediately after, lower back pain a few hours later, anal irritation, general discomfort.

First dose 5pm: took 1hr 30min to drink, not too bad, tasted awful and very lemony but I drank it fine. Started working at about 5pm with no side effects. Laid on my parents bed as they have an en suite and watched movies.Second dose 8pm: took 2hr 30min to drink as began to feel very sick, taste was awful and thought I might throw up so drank very slowly, skin around anus became very sore and burns when I pee.Finished around 10.30: fell asleep after about an hour and a couple more bowel movements.Woke up about 4am (now) and went to the toilet again (just clear water and mucus at this point) and noticed aching lower back pain, assuming from straining?Overall: it was hard to get through the second dose but seemed to work well, I'm hoping the back pain disappears soon and my irritation is already improving. Feeling just generally sorry for myself but ready for my colonoscopy in about 4 hours.

Took it at 5pm then at 8pm. Takes an hour each time to drink it. Awful stuff. Causes blistering hot fluorescent yellow coloured liquid to pour out of your backside. Went on from 6pm to the next morning. Caused throat to be so sore. Caused total malaise and to be run down. Caused fever and chills. Caused shortness of breath and dizziness in the morning.

Felt like it took the enamel from my teeth.

Chills - flu like and muscle achesSevere abdominal and back painNauseaWeakness

I would highly discourage based on my experience. Have used picolax in the past and this had 0 side effects for me, other than the desired loose stool!

Tasted like sea water So much salt Drank 1st dose violent cramping and explosive diarrhoea Spend 8 hours on and off toilet just water coming from me Managed to sleep on loafs of towels woke with yellow mucus discharge I felt very weepy and low The procedure was successful but still going off and on 24 hours later Surely in this day and age this is an assault on your body and something not so forceful with lesser side effects can be made but I suspect this is cheap to manufacture

Here's a challenge for pharmacists Make something more gentle and palatable

Horrible took tues at 5pm now fri and i am like a leaking tap back ache accidents its horrendous never again

Had 1.30 appt for colonoscopy so had to take first litre night before (6pm) and next one in the morning (6am). First litre wasn't too bad even though the taste is vile, even putting squash in doesn't help. Ending up throwing up. Morning litre is even worse. Serve vomiting, severe abdominal pain. Cancelled appointment. It's been nearly 6 hours since the morning sachet and pain is significantly worse, ended up ringing 111.

AVOID. Worst experience of my entire life.

Dizziness, headache, cramps, wind, vomiting and discomfort and diarrhoea hours after finishing

Missed 2 appointments due to being unable to travel as I was too unwell with the moviprep.

The taste wasn't too bad to start with but got more unpalatable as I drink it. Sat heavy on my tummy and eventually made me feel nauseous. After a couple of hours I had tummy cramps and had explosive watery poo's and was a little sick. This carried on for about 2/3 hours whilst developing uncontrollable chills/shivers in the mix. Didn't sleep well the night before my procedure as I was really worried I might need the toilet as my tummy was gurgling/ irritated and felt nauseous.

Try drinking the moviprep through a straw. Try and go light with your eating way before the leaflet says as I think this helps with less diarrhoea episodes. Have a hot water bottle to hand to help with the shivers and a little flattened Lucazade/lemonade is useful to settle the stomach.

Stay very close to a toilet. Wear pants that come off quickly. It will be literally like several huge pees via your bottom.

MOVIPREP (ASCORBIC ACID; POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL 3350; POTASSIUM CHLORIDE; SODIUM ASCORBATE; SODIUM CHLORIDE; SODI): PEG (polyethylene glycol) with electrolyte is used to clean out the intestines before certain bowel exam procedures such as colonoscopy or barium enema X-rays. It is a laxative that works by drawing large amounts of water into the colon. This effect results in watery bowel movements. Clearing stool from the intestines helps your doctor to better examine the intestines during your procedure. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I took t his drug for all of 4 days and I will never take it again. By the fourth day I felt like I was going to have a stroke! Even as I'm writing this I still have a headache. It is not a good drug.I took it to stop smoking - I think i'd rather smoke than be on this drug!

I'm on the 150 mg SAD dose and won't be going up to 300. Headache and flu symptoms the first night. Vivid dreams. Super increased energy and focus on whatever I'm doing. Paradoxically this focus produces a kind of "out of touch" feeling. House is VERY clean. Marked appetite decrease, a sense that I've had enough so I should stop eating, definitely a plus when SAD mkes you feel ravenous and CRAVE fatty, carby foods.