Miralax (polyethylene glycol 3350) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Miralax (polyethylene glycol 3350)

MIRALAX (POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL 3350): This medication is used to treat occasional constipation. It works by holding water in the stool to soften the stool and increases the number of bowel movements. It is known as an osmotic-type laxative. This medication is also available without a prescription. If you are taking this medication for self-treatment, it is important to read the manufacturer's package instructions carefully so you know when to consult your doctor or pharmacist. (See also Precautions.) (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Fatigue, drowsiness, had to take it with food or it came right back up! Also had a great deal of anxiety/paranoia, to the point where I'd be afraid of dying in my sleep.. ehhh..

This poison put me in the ER twice in the past seven days. I took one 200mg pill and within ten minutes my heart started racing so bad I thought I was having a heart attack. I've been out of work and bedridden for a week because of this crap. DO NOT TAKE THIS IT IS NOT WORTH IT. It's been seven days and my heart rate is still racing and I'm still having bad chest pains and can barely breathe.

Just had a blood test and after being on Niaspan for 6 months, it did absolutely nothing. My HDL was exactly the same as it was before I began taking it. My doctor has taken me off this medicine. Now I have to drink Ensure to gain some weight back.

weight gain-I went from 125 to 145, but managed to get back down to 125 after 1 year of taking it. Otherwise, everything has been working smoothly.

Pls Pray God and be content with your life to avoid any anxiety related emotions...Don't beat yourself up if you are withdrawing...affirm that you're improving for better.

I am usually extremely active and haven't been able to do anything for last 4 days. Hope to get over this med ASAP and will try to eat probiotic (yuck) yogurt as recommended by some, and will try drinking a lot to flush it out. I am happy it solved the suspected MRSA but afraid of reaction if I ever get this prescribed again and will try not to.

I've been on WB for almost a year and defintely recommend it. Although I did feel some side effects in the beginning, in the long run it has changed my life for the better. I had been on Prozac before, but it caused me to have horrible memory problems - sometimes it felt like something had never happened when everbody knew it did - so I changed doctors and started taking WB. It helped me lose weight, manage some anger issues I had whenever I was overworked or stressed out, and brought back the sex drive that had been killed by Prozac. I really hope it does to you what it did to me ;) !

Use this with great caution, only in the a.m. and only every other day to prevent adrenal shutdown.

The only thing that has changed since I started Effexor 5 months ago is that I now get migraine headaches. They come once a month and last for 48 hours and are REALLY bad. It may be related to hormones, but I never had anything like this until now. My urine is also very stinky (and I don't have an infection)!! I'm wondering if anyone ever had that???

metal taste in my mouth, nausea, dizzyness, tremors, severe dry mouth