Golytely (polyethylene glycol 3350; potassium chloride; sodium bicarbonate; sodium chloride; sodium sulfate, a) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Golytely (polyethylene glycol 3350; potassium chloride; sodium bicarbonate; sodium chloride; sodium sulfate, a)

I don't want to drink it ever again

Nausea, Bloating, Reflux, Chills, slight dizziness

Taste like drinking salt water very hard drinking 2nd glass had to pause to take it giving a 4 because I had to strain first then the bowel movements started to come

Nausea, chills and fatigue. Lowered pulse O2, lowered blood pressure. Burning pain between buttocks during 2nd round. (Still had it the next day.) Sheer volume of liquid to drink was almost too much. Wanted to quit after the first round, but managed to choke it all down. A fat milkshake straw helped a lot!

Not pleasant, but bearable. Colonoscopy is stressful in and of itself and this just added to it. BUT it did what it was supposed to do. Because of my age, no more colonoscopies in my lifetime. Hallelujah.

Horrible stuff. Tastes like drinking straight out of the ocean that's been contaminated by an ExxonMobil or BP oil slick. I can never complete the full gallon before wanting to check out from the misery. However, colon cancer is worse I hear so chug chug.

Do not let it sit. Once mixed, I started drinking within 20min. Much better results.I let it chill in fridge the first time doing this and it was horrible !!! Second time..... just drank it. Much better.

1/2 1st day, Second 1/2 2nd day. I was taking it according to the instructions: 15 min intervals - 8 oz, & I followed by water. I started going about 30 minutes after my first drink. I couldn't finish on the toilet before the timer went off for the next drink. This went on for awhile then I felt very nauseous and cold. So I stopped & gave myself a break. I was already almost finished with the first half by that time so I just called it quits for the day. Then I made a plan for Day 2 to start earlier & take it more slowly. I started doing 6 oz approx and drank a glass every 20-30 mins, just depending on how my body felt. Much better doing is slowly than every 15 mins. I think it just really shocks ur body and if you pace yourself a little more, it won't be as bad.

I just had water, chicken broth and lime jello only. The lime jello really muddied the color to green so on Day 2, I stopped eating everything after having some Jello for breakfast and before beginning my drink. This stuff really cleanses you out so be prepared to go to the restroom immediately when you feel it. Pat your bottom dry & I used Aquaphor on my bottom to help. Works well. Also, if you're able to move around and walk, this helps keep things moving too. Just slow down if you're having a difficult time or begin to feel ill.

Everyone stating that this product is the worst thing in the world is way off base. It is not as salty as drinking the ocean like several people have said... Is it the best thing I've ever tasted? No. Is it the worst thing I've ever tasted? No. Do I like drinking a half gallon of laxative before bed and another half gallon upon waking the next morning? Of course not. Is this necessary for a colonoscopy? Yes! I did not puke. I did not gag. It wasn't terrible. Just sack up, drink it, and get over yourself. You'll be back to eating your terrible diet again tomorrow.

Chills, abdominal pain severe. Blood in output last two hours. Headache. Next morning felt like acid had been put through my colon. Still achey intestines next afternoon. This stuff is poison to some people. (Me)

Don't use unless you have no other choice.

Nausea, chills, heart racing, bloating/stomach cramps, felt like death.

I suppose its better than chemo.

Pain, nausea, vomiting, flushed skin. Chills, bloating, severe abdominal cramping. Headache, weakness, that never ended!! I could NOT! FINISH that drink! I started vomiting when I had drank half. I'll never ever take this again!!

It made me gag and puke and felt like I was dying, freezing and shaking

Acid Reflux, violent puking, hell on Earth.

The taste is not horrible and not good, it is not something I would chose to drink. I had stomach and lower back cramps, dizziness, nausea, all over body discomfort, and occasionally a gag reflex if I took too big of a drink.

The overall experience was uncomfortable but not as bad as I expected.My prep was 12 cups, 1 every 15 minutes, the day before my colonoscopy starting at 6pm and 4 cups the morning of.My symptoms peaked about 11 pm, tapered off through the night, and we're gone when I got up at 6 am. I was able to fall asleep around midnight, waking up 3 times between midnight and 6 am to relieve myself. The symptoms from round 2 were not as severe as the night before.

Omg shit flying out of me every 5 mins! I took my time drinking it. I kept active did some laundry and ironing. Only got 1/2 of prep down. Had two Dulcolax at noon, two at 2. I think it's the laxatives that are working not that prep.

Golytely is horrible! My advice is drink a glass using a straw. Drink glass about every 30 mins. Don't rush yourself. There is no time limit to get it all down. I wonder if I would of mixed it with clear gatorade if it tasted better better yet made Jell-O out of it. Not sure if I can get the rest down. Might use a fleet enema just to make sure I'm clean. Goggle say you can use a enema. I don't know why you just can't take the laxatives and an enema I don't think you really need to take this crap it is horrible

Did not fully clean out my bowels.

Did not completely clear my system even though I completed the entire jug, docelux and reglan both times. Now I have to do it all over again.

Sipping on broth between drinks helped me get it down. Ginger ale made me nausea.

extreme back & lower abdomen pain, extreme bloat, chills

okay dont get me wrong, the pain is pretty bad, the taste is bad but it honestly isnt crazy terrible like some of the reviews make it seem. All in all, its a nasty & uncomfortable job that has to get done so of course its rough, but the product itself definitely gets the job done. It would be nice to look into some of the side effects though because the bloat & pain are excessive given i havent even ate in 24 hours, along with this feeling of being really cold.

Just commenting to thank all the people who mentioned chills. Nobody told me it could do that. I am absolutely freezing and can't stop shaking.

GOLYTELY (POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL 3350; POTASSIUM CHLORIDE; SODIUM BICARBONATE; SODIUM CHLORIDE; SODIUM SULFATE, A): PEG (polyethylene glycol) with electrolyte is used to clean out the intestines before certain bowel exam procedures such as colonoscopy or barium enema X-rays. It is a laxative that works by drawing large amounts of water into the colon. This effect results in watery bowel movements. Clearing stool from the intestines helps your doctor to better examine the intestines during your procedure. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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