Chronulac (lactulose) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Chronulac (lactulose)

Doctor told me to start at 30 ml. and gradually increase dosage by 5 ml. every three days until "your bowel movement becomes so powerful that you cannot under any circumstances ignore or avoid a daily bowel movement." He added, "You really can't overdose on lactulose because any excess amount is just expelled. Take with breakfast."At first, all it produced was a gurgling effect in my stomach about noon. As the dosage increased, my constipation decreased and my bowel movements become easier. But, at the same time, I developed pungent and voluminous flatulence that I had to control to avoid social embarrassment. At the above dosage, there is a feeling of a hot bowel movement pushed out by gas and bloating. You can ignore it for a while if you want to, but eventually the urge becomes such that you can think of little else. Finally, panic sets in and you must find a bathroom quickly because there really is no alternative.

Notheing happen and now the doctor is sending me for a lower GI. Don't you think that should have been done first. I have been in pain for 4 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CHRONULAC (LACTULOSE): This medication is a laxative used to treat constipation. It may help to increase the number of bowel movements per day and the number of days you have a bowel movement. Lactulose is a colonic acidifier that works by increasing stool water content and softening the stool. It is a man-made sugar solution. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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