Condylox (podofilox) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Condylox (podofilox)

CONDYLOX (PODOFILOX): This medication is used on the skin to treat external genital warts. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I didn't bc I never touch or did don't even know what It about

When I first started Lexapro I found this site and got really nervous! Luckily all seems ok after the first 3 days. And I’M LESS HUNGRY and losing weight (I think I’m obsessing less about food!). If things change, I'll post again. Good luck all.

Flagyl makes me feel weak, extreme pain in stomach area, slight urination burning, loss of appetite, extreme fatigue.This pill has a horrible after taste and it tastes chalky and horrible. I honestly hate this Antibiotic, i will never take it again, no other antibiotics has ever made me feel this way, can't wait till i'm done taking this pill

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chest infection with breathing prob

This stuff is awful. I would not recommend it to anyone. Was supposed to be on it for a week for a UTI. The second day I felt fatigued and a little achey but didn't think much of it. Then on the third day I became really ill with flu-like symptoms. It's now the fourth day and I have since stopped taking it. I have felt a bit better so far but still pretty awful. Avoid this if you can.