Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Elmiron (pentosan polysulfate sodium)

ELMIRON (PENTOSAN POLYSULFATE SODIUM): This medication is used to treat pain/discomfort from a certain bladder disorder (interstitial cystitis). It may work by forming a layer on the bladder wall and protecting it from harmful/irritating substances in the urine. It is also a weak "blood thinner" and therefore may increase the risk of bruising/bleeding (e.g., bleeding from the nose/gums). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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HUNGRY all the time... resulting severe weight gain in short amount of time. Mood swings. Round face. Tired. Memory not so great.

I started on the patch for a week and then the doc switched me to Chantix. After two weeks I had the worst panic attack I have ever had in my life. The anxiety lasted all day and I had five more attacks the next day. I went off it, and now after not taking two of the pills I have anger like I have never had before. This med worked great to help me quit smoking, but it is not worth the mental side effects from it. If you are looking to start the med, do research ahead of time. Anxiety is one of the side effects they don't list (it's buried in the literature) and from the research I have found there are over 55 suicides linked to it.

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At 1:30am I took Aleve w/ a full glass of water to help with muscle/back pain. Woke up about 10 minutes later and my whole body was sweating, then my hands, feet, lips, scalp all started to itch. By the time I work up the boyfriend, my face was swollen and bumps appeared on back and stomach. Then my breathing became restricted. After 2 hours all side effects subsided, did not go to doctor. Woke up the next morning with sore stomach and throat. Weird thing is that I have taken Aleve for years and never had a problem! I won't ever be taking it again after that scary reaction!

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Been taking Lunesta for about 2 years. First began on Ambien and had the hallucinations that freaked my husband out( my daughter's stuff animal became a "real frog" and was leaping around the living room) and I was scared of it. Sounds funny now...any way lunesta truly helps me sleep. I dont mind the bitter taste. If I take the drug and go straight to bed, I am fine. I dont get up for any reason unless my daughter cries. But when I get woken up -- or dont get right to bed I have been known to start doing housework, emails, shopping online, homework, eating, etc. ALso I have noticed that I have gained like 25-30 lbs in about 8 months. Dr's ran test. everything seems fine? I have always been rail thin (actually the weight I am currently is the weight at the time I gave birth to my daughter she is 5 now) I had my gall bladder removed 8 months ago? Could it be that? could the weight come from sleep snacking?Just thought some of my side effects were a little different. WOuld like

I have had abnormal spotting and bleeding the past 2 months. In order to stop it and to balance my estrogen levels I was prescribed Sprintec by my Gyne. I started 4 days ago with mild side effects such as headaches in the 1st 2 days. Today was my 4th day and I have ample of anxiety and headaches, low appetite and headaches. My dr said this is a low dose and i would have zero side effects, well I really cant take this to stop my bleeding. Theside effects are too much to tolerate.

Upper and lower back pain & spasms

I'm taking 40 mgs for about a month now (up from 20). I would highly recommend this drug.

Tirosint saved my sanity, and probably my life. 5 different Endos were uncaring, arrogant and rude. They insisted I had to take Synthroid which made me suicidal. I have since learned that Synthroid is the drug of choice because it is the 'darling' of Medical School I found Tirosint out of desperation, when yet another physician insisted I take a compounded replacement hormone. I ended up in an Emergency Room with every symptom of a full-blown heart attack. She'd knocked my TSH up to 59.0, and I suffered through an onslaught of other medical procedures.