Flublok quadrivalent (influenza vaccine riv3 recombinant) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Flublok quadrivalent (influenza vaccine riv3 recombinant)

First year in decades that I did not get sick during the winter. I'll be getting the flublok again this coming September.

Very sick and nauseaus for weeks. Blurry vision, stomach pain, body pains, burning skin. I believe the 65 contains thimerosal (mercury). will never take another flu vaccine. recombinant and adjuvant. Do your research.

Patient: Nearly 4 days since jab. Within a few hours of vaccination I have had aches all over my body, including my bones. Headaches, exhaustion, chills, no energy. I still have all these side effects, several days after having the Flublok

Administered by nurse at GP surgery. First side effect was a dead arm sensation and tingly fingers. This subsided after two days.

Vaccinated at the pharmacy, injected in my right arm. No side effects. No flu (so far!)

After one week of injection I had swelling on right eye and right side of bottom lip. Lasted 24 hrs. In the 2nd week, swelling in left side of bottom lip. Lasted 12-13 hrs. Currently (5th week) - Eyes are itchy, swollen, watery. Very bad headaches, ear aches, sore throat. Negative test result for COVID-19.

Received flu shot 9/2/2020. Vaccine was done by injection given by pharmacist. This is the first flu shot I have gotten in three years. Never had a reaction until this one. I do not have an egg allergy or any kind of allergy to food or medication.

Some soreness in left arm where dosage was injected. Otherwise non-event.

Randall's pharmacist injected dosage. Experienced and talented pharmacist. I got shot August 20 so earlier than normal Sept/Oct but expect will last. Expect a lot of mandatory vaccine requirements in fall.

When I first get the vaccine, I have mild flu-lke symptoms which goes away after 12 hours. Normally, I go to bed and I'm fine the next day.

I've had this 3 times over the past several years. The first year in 2016. This vaccine has a higher rate of protection because it teaches the body to 'look' for flu proteins, even if it is mismatched that year. I have never gotten the flu since 2016.

Terrible fatigue, muscle aches, headache beginning 12 hours post-vax. I have never had a reaction like this before. Had I known the pharmacy was giving me a recombinant protein vax, I would have declined. I do not have an egg allergy. I do NOT recommend this vaccine, and hope I do not experience more serious side effects over time.

Received Nov. 2, 2019, injected by pharmacist at a grocery store in Colorado.

Headache, muscle aches, chest pains and general malaise still going on 1 week after injection.

Received the Flubok 9/25. Never have I had any problems with the flu shot in the past 15 years. I was talked into Flublok by the medical assistant telling me it was far superior to the regular quadrivalent vaccination. I am still experiencing the headaches and muscle pains that are so intense they wake me from sleep and are not helped by Tyelenol or Motrin.

Side Effects forflublok quadrivalent (influenza vaccine riv3 recombinant) - User Comments


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Will have to wait and see on the results, which of-course are the results of Lupron and the other drugs. Thought I would share because I found this site helpful to see that other people were experiencing similar symptoms.

Effexor worked really well for me when I was in the pit of law school despair. It pulled me up and made me feel like living again. It curbed my anxiety, but it also made me pretty apathetic about things that would have normally excited me didn't get a reaction -- like having an entire glass of wine spilled on me. I initially lost about 30 lbs, but regained about 50 over the course of a couple of years. I tended to be sleepy on Effexor in the beginning, but that tapered off. The worst side effect of Effexor is the withdrawal symptoms -- brain shivers, irritability, inability to focus, nausea, you name it. My advice is take it very slow -- I found that opening capsules, counting out X number of specks and licking them off my hand (and gradually decreasing them) greatly reduced the symptoms. Granted, you'll feel like a junkie as you do that, but you'll manage to get through the day. Overall, if you're in a deep depression or very ridden with anxiety, Effexor will probably pull you

First day: tingling feeling in my head, almost like shivers down my spine, but in my head. Second day: total insomnia.

Joint Pain, Body Aches, Fatigue, Loss of Energy leading to Loss of Mobility and Excruciating Pain. I had to be rushed to the ER and spent a week in the hospital where I was diagnosed with an extreme case of Rhabdomyolysis (breakdown of muscle fibers)attributed to the Crestor. I could not move, or be moved my entire time in the hospital. The pain was more than I could bare.

I'm positive this stuff destroyed my joints. I used to be a runner. One day was prescribed this stuff for a severe case of athletes foot. It worked while i was taking it but within months my joints har worn and degenerated so bad i couldnt run anymore. I surmise the lamisil suppressed basic healing and recovery processes necessary for joint maintenance. My joints have been permanently damaged. I've been waiting years for my joints to recover but they havent. Too much damage was done. Now i'm already experiencing symptoms of arthritis at my young age and running of any type is pretty much out of the question. Knees, ankles, hips and neck. This stuff pretty much ruined my life. Dont take it under any circumstances. The fungus came back and turns out it responds much better to less sugar and regular doses of bitter orange tea.

Dry mouth, Sexual side effects, Insomnia

Weight gain, loss of libido, minor headaches.

rectal bleeding, bloody nose, abdominal cramps, extremely tired, soft stool, rushing after eating, headache, gas, some diahreah.

So far, after the second dose I had horrible stomach cramps, bloating, gas, almost threw up once. Since then my tummy still feels unsettled and sensitive. lots of rumbling and gurgly noises. Also, terrible insomnia, vivid dreams, tiredness, I am very emotional and have anxiety and feel angry, and depressed. Burst out crying this afternoon, and realized it was probably this medicine.

When it kicked in, very happy within 15 minutes after that non-social, focused, motivated, no appetite, inability to sleep,when wearing off, irritable, depressed,