Fluad quadrivalent (influenza vaccine adjuvanted aiiv3) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Fluad quadrivalent (influenza vaccine adjuvanted aiiv3)

Headache, aching muscles, low grade fever with chills

Side Effects forfluad quadrivalent (influenza vaccine adjuvanted aiiv3) - User Comments


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I took Seroquel 10 years ago when I was a lab rat for Astra Zeneca. I was young & naive and thought they knew what they were doing. I was 105 lbs when I started taking this and was up to 120lbs in just 3 months. My hunger would not cease. Round the clock I was so hungry. It was terrible. I'm not sure if it worked for my bipolar as I only took it for 3 months, but it wasn't worth it. The withdrawal symptoms were hell. Not as hellish as Effexor withdrawal but really bad. I was sick for 2 weeks after Astra Zeneca took me completely off this horrible drug.

Why is this med still on the market with so many people complaining of bone/joint pain?! I'm not sure I will take another dose.

I've taken this in the past on a number of occasions and remember having bad headaches but this time not only did I have bad headaches, I had abdominal swelling, flu like aches, extreme fatigue, pressure in my chest and sore throat. It completely wiped me out and I'm scared now after reading up on similar reactions. It's been 3 days since my last dose and while I'm much better, I still have a sore throat, some body aches and fatigue. I have fibromyalgia and have a history of drug reactions and a depressed immune system which was greatly improving prior to taking this drug. Now I feel that it's caused a flare of the FMS symptoms and my immunity is lowered. This drug needs to be taken off the market and I'm very mad that it is being prescribed!!!

Applied this cream to wound and felt immediate burning and itching. The next day I awoke covered head to toe in a rash. Also experienced blurred vision which, luckily, returned to normal after 3 days.

Depression, Anxiety, Disorientation

I'm taking 100mgs and so far I've experienced fatigue, vivid dreams and my arms feel like they're on fire. I'm still having some mood swings, but not as bad as before. I also take Zoloft 100mgs, Ativan .5 mgs twice a day, Remeron 15mgs at night.

Have heard about the jaw problem and want to learn more about it.

shocking feeling in my head when something surprised me. like if my dog barked i would get an electric shock in my mind. didn't help with sleep, caused vivid dreams and nightmares, only took for 9 days but the withdrawal was horrible.

total exhaustion, puffy sore eyes, nerve pains all over my body, dry mouth, dehydration, serious constipation, dizziness, light-headedness, headache and body aches, loss of appetite, itchiness.

anxiety, felt like a zombie, insomnia, extreme fatigue, legs and arms felt exhausted, achey, raised my resting heart rate, breathlessness, in general felt ill