Gonal-f (follitropin alfa/beta) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Gonal-f (follitropin alfa/beta)

WOW! I stimmed for 11 days and at 38 yrs old produced 27 eggs! Got 4, 6 day blasts, transferred 2 and put 2 in cryo. Lost the first 2, thawed the other 2 and now have perfectly heathy 7 yr old twin boys. Do yourself a favor, use Antagon for downreg b4 transfer. Lupron is horrid.

None, I tolerated the medication well.

nothing at first,then growing pressure from follicles,day 7 suddenly vomiting, belching,burning sensation of skin. Nurse said it is normal reaction to estrogen. Doctors overstimulated me as I went from 95 to 11,000 on my estrogen count within 9 days (max should be 4,000-7,000). Estrogen will peak in in further 7 days but no tests to be done to know. I have 9 6 follicles to be retrieved so their interest in my sky-high estrogen level and its side-effects is over. It did what it was suppose to do stimulated ovaries to pop follicles.

I am worried about long term effect, as estrogen exposure is linked with breast cancer. Of course I found it out towards end of IVF as I started to vomit and took interest in holistic medicine oppionion.

none - other than slight pressure from growing follicles.

Have used 5 cycles average 10 eggs retrieved on low dose.

I had hyperstimulation, but retrieved 22 eggs!!! THe pain and bloating were definitely worth it!!

bloating, pain in ovaries, emotional

I didn't stimulate well on gonal f, but generally I think I tolerated it well. No injection site reactions or pain, and side effects were better than I expected.

Side Effects forgonal-f (follitropin alfa/beta) - User Comments


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I have been taking neurontin 3 times a day for a little over 3 years now, with no help. I quit taking it(on my own), but dr put me back on them. Why? If is not helping?? I have some serious health issues that not even fentanyl helps!!! What else can I try??

I was experiencing having a hard time to breath, dizzy, low pulse and until my medication was adjusted. I was told to take 150mg 3x a day and though this was ( am, afternoon and pm) and this was not working. However after consultation with both the Doctor and Pharmacist, I was told to take the medication 3x (24 hour day)because I was being overmedicated. I now take it every 8 hours (6am 2pm & 10am suits my time frame) and with this change I am having no problems. It says the best results is having a constant source in the blood stream. I also take Verapamil as well.

Brilliant! My heart is CALM AND MY BRAIN IS UNCLUTTERED WITH THOUGHTS OF PANIC FEAR ' COMPLETE TERROR due to Custody battle with Psycho Dad Stealung my precious Boy! He has BIG $ LAWYER.. im stay home MOM W LOW INCOME & USA Doesng seen to care about Kids...just $$$$!!! So Xanax has Basically kept me from FULL HEART ATTAXK AND MENTAL SIEZURE FROM EMMENSE STRESS! i Can Sleep Eat NO NAUSIA & NO HEADACHE! ITS LIFE OR DEATH FOR me & it doesnt make u feel too drowsy to drive ... Just MELLOW!!! i can Xcersize on it too! Have a cup of coffee if u need a little boost without raising the heartrate to PANIC LEVEL! All Around LUFESAVER! When its Tapered off tgat will be a lucky day cuz it Means im NIT IN TOTAL CRISES ANYMORE BUT RIGHT NOW ITS A DREAM MED TO KEEP ME FROM LOSING MY MIND!!!Ladts ALL DAY! XR IS THE WAY TO GO ! Not too Xpensive either

Anxiety, shortness of breath, insomnia, skin rash and hives

Muscle/tendon pain and tenderness under rib cage, (anterior and posterior) and right side (serratus muscle?) pain. Foot and heel pain, pain in hip.

Worked wonders for depression when coupled with Seroquel

I never had a problem with acne until I took this pill. That was the only problem I had with this pill. Everything else was fine. No weight gain, no cramps, and short and light periods. This pill would've ben great if it didn't give me acne.

Extreme loss of appetite. Before noon everything I try to eat besides strawberry ice cream makes me gag, even if I like the food normally. If I manage to eat, I get full very quickly. Mild insomnia at first, but my body adjusted. Very irritable after about 4:30.

It worked very well for about a year. Then I seemed to build a tolerance to it and had to switch to Flexeril. When that stops working I'll probably go back to Baclofen

Most of the comments here are from people who did not take this preparation (they are confusing it with Cipro tablets) so should be discounted (though their experiences with the systemic use of Cipro tablets may be valid). This is a topical eardrop preparation of ciprofloxacin and hydrocortisone for external ear infections and is a godsend for divers and surfers.