Follistim (follitropin alfa/beta) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Follistim (follitropin alfa/beta)

Worked well! Healthy baby girl

Severe mood swings - went from crying to wanting to punch someone in a matter of minutes.

The needle did not hurt one bit - I was shocked how painless it was, considering I hate needles & get my blood drawn all the time which always hurts. This was a breeze. Mood swings were a killer though, I've never experienced anything like that before.

Bloating, slight tenderness at injection sites

Worked better than Clomid (more follicles matured - 3, and no thinning of the uterine lining). Used prior to IUI.

Hot flashes and period like cramping...definitely no bloating and headaches with Clomid

Definitely recommend this medication. Extremely easy to administer.

Bloating and soreness at injection site(lower abdomen)

This drug was used in my ivf protocol in conjunction with low dose hcg. Of all the IVF meds, this is by far the easiest to use/inject. The needles are so fine you barley feel them. A real pleasure compared to any and all other ivf drugs I have used! Sick and sad, but true! My ovaries did not respond well at first to this drug. However I strongly feel this had more to do with the fact that I had been over suppressed with lupron. My doc had to increase my dose from. 300 to 450 after a couple days of stimming. I would reccommend this drug for it's ease of use and also for the fact that it is portable (does not have to be refrigerated once a vial is punctured).

A great drug! We have a healthy baby boy.

Mild Crabbiness,hot flashes, headache

I tolerated this medication way better than Clomid. I was way happier using this instead of clomid. The shots with the AQ pen are a breeze. Do not panic about the shots....very easy.

I did have mild OHSS with this medication, but I got pregnant in just one month of taking straight Follistim/IUI. Not only that, but I am pregnant with twins. After 2 1/2 years of trying to conceive, this medicine was finally what worked.

A great drug with very little side effects.

Side Effects forfollistim (follitropin alfa/beta) - User Comments


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Severe depression, organic based

was supposed to take this for anxiety and insomnia, nil effects on anxiety, worked wonders for insomnia, half an hour after taking and im fast asleep, produces extremely vivid dreams every night, i take it before bed each night, can feel the effects almost immediately, do not take with anything else that causes drowsiness. after i take it if i close my eyes it almost feels as though my eyes are actually open because of the vivid imagery that goes on, almost like hallucinations, mostly pleasant, this will subside by the time you wake up in the morning. very groggy on this medication, cannot feel happy or sad, simply numb. but havent tried any other meds for anxiety that don't have this effect. just recently started feeling a tightness around my head, not sure yet if remeron is causing it though.

initial weight loss has stabilized. I have very vivid (and remembered)dreams. But it's fun!

great for sleeping, but had trouble getting up. all the side effects weren't worth taking this med. back to my trusty ambien.didn't get the ravenous appetite others had problems with, actually lost a few pounds.. i believe due to the rapid heart beat.

This medication helped our son's physical health - asthma - but deteriorated his emotional health. His altered personality (see side effects experienced) has brought sadness to both him and our entire family. A very upsetting situation.

Depression, Panicky, Moody, Sleeplessness, Dry Nose, Slight Nose Bleeding ... odd heart beat sensations from time to time.

Blistered tongue with white "thrush" on tongue and inner cheeks, vaginal lesions. Extreme Fatigue, did not get out of bed the first day. Called Doctor on Day 3- Dr. had me stop taking it. Still have UTI symptoms.