Clomid (clomiphene citrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Clomid (clomiphene citrate)

Horrible hot flashes. Terrible abdominal pain/extreme bloating.

By the 3rd round I wanted to quit because the side effects are brutal. Fortunately I was already on antidepressants so didn't experience much mood disruption besides on an odd day. I'm now pregnant and glad I powered through the 3rd cycle

Been taking Clomid for 14 days now hot flushes in my face anxious all the time heart pounding getting angry then depressed paranoid aswell libido is gone completely no sexual desire no morning woods nothing sleeping all the time when I wake up still tired and wanna sleep again Yh not fun lol

I would not recommend this drug to anyone stay away from it. I had minor hot flashes the 5days I was taking it. The side effects came after finishing my dose : panic attacks, horrible anxiety, mood disturbance. I hope this is temporary and will go away after I get my period. Only positive thing is I ovulated white on clomid hope I am pregnant

It is so bad I can't function properly as I am having severe panic attacks randomly. I also feel like something funny is happening around my chest area.

I have been trying for a very long time to get pregnant. Almost five years. I've got clomid (clo2preg) and the first cycle did not work which I expected. Then come the second cycle I have just found out that I am going to be a mom to my first bundle of joy!

Lots of bloating and pressure during ovulation. During my first cycle, I had such intense cramping 3 days post ovulation that I thought I had a ruptured cyst. Similar pain and pressure on cycle number 2 where it's uncomfortable to even walk. A plus is that I had 2 mature follicles both cycles and ovulated. Still no pregnancy, but age is probably the cause.

Some annoying side effects included severe breakouts, irritability, mild dizziness and issues with short term memory.

Mild stomach upset and right side pains close to ovulation

Yeast infection, cramping, migraine, insomnia and hot flushes

It is too soon to tell if this worked as I finished my fifth and final dose yesterday, but I do want to provide caution on the mental effects. My doctor warned that it could cause depression and anxiety and I should've taken that warning more seriously. Similarly to another experience posted, I have been experiencing sever depression and hopelessness for the past 2 days. I just want to cry and be alone. I think about how short life is and what we are all doing here. This is very unlike me. It is so bad, I had to book an appointment for a therapist. Hoping it works because I will not do another round on Clomid.

Trying to conceive since April 2020. Miscarried at 7 weeks in September 2020. Experienced a chemical pregnancy in March 2021. Ovulating with no underlying conditions. My doctor suggested Clomid to increase and speed up my chances of a successful pregnancy.

Don't be scared some ladies won't have side effects

Headaches, bloating, hormonal acne on my chin and jaw, palpitations, mood changes. My hot flashes began after ovulation right up until my period arrived. Not a good experience at all.

This is my second round, I'm praying I get pregnant because I don't think I can handle a 3rd round.

Extreme fatigue, loss of appetite, migraines, night sweats and hot flashes.

I'm not sure if it's going to work I have my IUI procedure next week.

Irregular periods and ovulation

I didnt have any issues while taking my first round. All though I was warned about nausea. Symptoms seemed to start after the 5 days. On day 8 I had a little nausea nothing severe it was manageable. On day 13(ovulation) sex was uncomfortable my ovaries felt inflammed. Day 14 symptoms worsened. Abdominal pain and ovaries feel heavy and ache. It hurts to cough or using lower muscles to get up. I can compare the pain to severe period cramps or the feeling after giving birth. As i have a 3 year old i vaguely remember.

Overall it did its job by helping me ovulate. Hopefully i only have to do 1 round because the ovarie pain is not delightful.

I started taking clomid and only had very minor headaches for the duration of my treatment and hot flashes. Cold one minute, sweating the next. I had some ovary cramping on my 4th and 5th day of taking the clomid.

Overall, my nerves got the best of me and this medication barely affected me. I hope it works and gives me my miracle child!

Zero libido, vaginal dryness, fatigue, depression, irritability, mood swings

After 10 months of unexplained infertility, I took 50mg/Clomid on days 3-7. My luteal phase has been on the shorter side lately (10-12 days) so I was hoping that it would give me the progesterone boost I needed to have a longer luteal phase. The side effects were terrible by the 5th day of the pill, but I was encouraged that my Day 21 progesterone check showed that I had ovulated. Unfortunately, I got my period with a 9-day luteal phase, which is unprecedented for me.My OBGYN put me on 100mg for the next month, to see if the luteal phase would lengthen, but it was a complete disaster. Not only were the side effects unbearable, but I didn't appear to ovulate at all. This was the first month out of 12 that I never got a positive OPK. I had a 17-day luteal phase (probably due to progesterone supplementation) and then got a weirdly short, heavy period.All in all, this drug was an utter failure. I haven't felt this hormonal and terrible for a long time. Zero chance of trying it again.

Zero libido, vaginal dryness, fatigue, depression, irritability, mood swings

After 10 months of unexplained infertility, I took 50mg/Clomid on days 3-7. My luteal phase has been on the shorter side lately (10-12 days) so I was hoping that it would give me the progesterone boost I needed to have a longer luteal phase. The side effects were terrible by the 5th day of the pill, but I was encouraged that my Day 21 progesterone check showed that I had ovulated. Unfortunately, I got my period with a 9-day luteal phase, which is unprecedented for me.My OBGYN put me on 100mg for the next month, to see if the luteal phase would lengthen, but it was a complete disaster. Not only were the side effects unbearable, but I didn't appear to ovulate at all. This was the first month out of 12 that I never got a positive OPK. I had a 17-day luteal phase (probably due to progesterone supplementation) and then got a weirdly short, heavy period.All in all, this drug was an utter failure. I haven't felt this hormonal and terrible for a long time. Zero chance of trying it again.

Breast tenderness, general tirdeness and i felt like i couldnt get the actual taste of food(this symptom appeared 8 days after last pill)

Fluid in my uterus, and serious pains in lower abdomen and back

No side effects until until day 15, which I assumed was ovulation, I had severe abdominal pain, very discomforting that I became scared......Bloating

I'm still waiting for the time to test if I'm pregnant, I just pray it works, also it results to twins.....because I dont wanna take it a second time

I wanted to die!. I've never in my life had a negative thought or anxiety until I took clomiphene. After the 2 day I felt sad and scared then I couple more day pass after finishing my last does on the 5 day is when everything really started. I started feeling really scared to my core and depressed about getting old and knowing that the time we have on this earth is so short I felt what is the point of life and everything eventually we are going to die. And other negative scare thoughts. I've never felt this way in my life I didn't know what depression was till the day I took clomiphene. I'm on 10th day after the last 100ml I took, my side effects are still there mild but there i still feel and think about those thoughts and the anxiety is there I'm so scared this damaged me permanently. Can I recover!! Please someone.

It's my first time taking this medication and never again. It's not as bad as the first week on clomiphene but I still don't fine joy in the little things in life like I used to its so hard to feel any hope.

First time I took it, I had 0 side effects. This second time, 3yrs later, cramps, bloating, anxiety, mood stings, breast tenderness, nausea.

I for sure ovulated the second time not sure if we conceived yet. After experiencing all the side effects this time, I'm not sure I could do it again

CLOMID (CLOMIPHENE CITRATE): This medication is used to treat infertility in women. It works by stimulating an increase in the amount of hormones that support the growth and release of a mature egg (ovulation). This medication is not recommended for women whose ovaries no longer make eggs properly (primary pituitary or ovarian failure). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I will not take this medicine again.

I started taking tri-sprintec mid-cycle a month ago, as recommended by my nurse since I had to take Plan B a few days before and was already pumped full of hormones. It was also cheap (co-pay was $10 for three cycles). I had a bit of bloating for the first week or so, but none of the scary, crazy side effects other people reported. My breasts were tender for a while, but they also got slightly fuller which is great for flat girls like me. I had no break-through bleeding or spotting (period came on day 4 of the inactive pills) despite starting it two weeks into my previous cycle and if anything, my sex drive has gone up because I don't have to worry as much about pregnancy. I've never had much of an acne problem, but whatever spots I had on my face before are now gradually disappearing!

Severe anger and agitation, Insomnia, mood swings, worsened anxiety,crying spells

YAZ-extremely moody, sad, some what depressed, loss of self confidence, weight gain

Definitely the ringing in the ears (not too bad), slight headaches.

I thought my wife was going to die...... I believe the nurses od'd her on this med... She was in such a deep sleep that she stopped breathing... Her O2 level dropped into the low 30's......

As I typed above- I just realized I sleep like a "Normal person" now vs requiring 14 hours and still not bring able to do much. I fought taking this medication for the 3 years it has been prescribed. I get 90 day supply, but never touched it. Heard to many "horror stories". I'm kicking myself for not listening to Dr. much sooner. I wasted 3 years of my 30s resting. I get slightly revved up feeling if I don't need as much so I adjust dose (with Dr's permission) as needed. Some days I need 20mg. Some days 5 mg. I listen to my body. My entire family noticed a change immediately (even those who have no clue I take it). I feel like I felt prior to getting sick. I've actually lost a pound. Starting to exercise (baby steps) water aerobics has been amazing for me starting out. Obviously do research and listen to your Dr, but please don't discount this med because of some random Internet post about how "evil" this med is. Saved my life and gave my husband/children their wife/ mom back. I have hope for my future. Good luck on your journey~

severe right leg pain and cramps for 2 weeks which then went away when I discontinued to use Aleve

Started out with loss of appetite after 1 day, by the 3rd dose I was having chest discomfort and muscle pain like I have never experienced before along with increased muscle pain.

working pretty good, i make way more eye contact with people and not feel panicky. Stopped the panic attacks