Sandimmune (cyclosporine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sandimmune (cyclosporine)

Cancer, kidney failure, cataracts, abdominal upsets (dirrhea), severe weight loss, skin cancers and other skin problems, sleep disorder, hair loss, bone degeneration and death

This drug killed my husband's perfectly healthy kidneys causing death. Why does the FDA allow this drug to be on the market knowing that it will destroy the kidneys? My husband died at 63 little by little suffering greatly until the end. With all the medical research and break-through for other conditions, why is there no better anti-rejection drug?

Thicker hair, fragile skin, slightly bigger boobs, fungus growing under toenails, more vulnerable to viruses and bacteria. I took atibiotics regularly for six years, now just "PRN".

I get to stay alive and spend lots of money on medicine, including mecicines to combat side effects.

I am not taking the drug. I am looking for other's experiences.I don't believe that making me fill out this form before seeingreal responses is a very good idea. Do you?

This drug caused severe migraine headaches as well as a suppressed immune system. It did NOTHING to help my ulcerative colitis symptoms. In fact, my symptoms got worse!

It had an awful taste and smell ( like beer!!) and was not at all affective in helping my symptoms.

overdosed for nine years,gave me a lymphoma on my right foot and leg. reduced dosage of sandimmune and treated with chemo.

are there any other long term side effects that i should knowabout,especially extreme weekness?

Was a day or two away from a Colectomy. I had been in the hospital for 33 days with severe UC. In 3 days Cyclosporine put me in remission. It saved me.

SANDIMMUNE (CYCLOSPORINE): Cyclosporine is used to prevent organ rejection in people who have received a liver, kidney, or heart transplant. It is usually taken along with other medications to allow your new organ to function normally. Cyclosporine belongs to a class of drugs known as immunosuppressants. It works by weakening the immune system to help your body accept the new organ as if it were your own. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My husband before Cymbalta was a smart / strong man who became distorted, weak, nervous, anxious man .. It tore my family apart .. He could not sleep as the dr also gave him Ambien which made things worse .. He had numb feet and they were always freezing, nitemares, doing thing that he would not normally do in previous years .. Cymbalta and Ambien took this mans life and in turn took mine and my family’s, we were married 3.5 years and his mind got so bad he took his own life ! All at the hands of big pharma who didn’t kno who he was. No help except a pill and that is one sad thing to control ones life .

Regulate periods and birth control

Only night sweats. I have IBS and have been symptom free for many years and it didn't interfere with that all.

Weight gain,although my pulmonary dr insists that becuz the meds go straight to the lungs it will not cause weight gain....increased lung infections,i had to go on antibiotics and prednisone every single month to clear it up. Constantly clearing my throat..shortness of breath,wheezing over production of mucous...a non-productive, CONSTANT cough that left me exhausted…the quality of my skin (face)is terrible…just SO MANY side effects.I've been on symbicort for almost three years and I feel worse than ever…have decided to stop taking it…having asthma itself is FAR better than dealing with all of these side effects.

I was 245 pounds at 6'2". I started at 75mg. The first couple of weeks I felt jittery. I have had a cycle off and on of diarrhea for a few days and then constapation for a day or two since I have been on the drug. My rage got worse. I felt like I really wanted to hurt someone when they did something that was not that offensive or disrespectfull. It was hard to control.

Slight itching, keeps me really fatigued.

we found our that our 9 year old was having partial complex seizures and he was started on lamictal 13 months ago. He can't even go outside to play on most days. he is having panic attacts he thinks ever little bug is out to kill him he runs away from them in a blind panic screaming. he never had this problem till the last few months. we has mood swings one hour he is fine and so sweet, then he is yelling at us and makes no sense. he cant sleep at night. when have to tell him things over and over, he can look right at us and we can tell him something he can walk over and to do it and then forget what he was told, i know some of that could be age related but this is a all day everyday thing. and he is still having seizures. and over the last few months he has had to start on adderall for A.D.D. becouse he cant seem to keep his mind on anything. with all the changes in our son we are looking for a different medication for him

The only problem I have is trouble sleeping. I take 4mg. 4x a day and all my meds. cause sleepiness and I am awake 22 hours or more at a time. When I finally fall sleep it is only for 2 to 4 hours.

On the 3 month shot: Migraine like head will explode.back & tummy aches, dry during sex, light bleeding non stop, slept a lot, depressed,cry a lot, short bad temper shouting at kids,Off the shot: no bleeding for 3 months straight, Migraines, back & tummy aches, pregnancy symptoms, hypersensitive tip of nipples(just before i got AF on the 4th month),bloated,gas, constipated, eating non stop, gained fat around belly area which i never had tummy rolls before, dizziness, can sleep 12 hours straight, depression lifting slowly,

Definitely one of the easiest preps out there! No cramping, no sick to the stomach and it definitely cleans you out! Make sure to hydrate the day before procedure! It definitely helps!!!! Good Luck