Prograf (tacrolimus) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Prograf (tacrolimus)

Switched to Advagraf about ? 8 years ago

Slight tremors, some kidney function impairment

Minimal side effects compared to other drugs tried - Sirolimus, Mycophenolate. Med team trying me on substitutes to reduce kidney damage but difficult to find one with acceptable side effects. I seem to be extra sensitive to drugs generally.

Decline in Vision, severe tremors, and massive hair loss.Always feel brain foggy and very tired

I have had no problems with proGraf. I am going to try tapering off. Last time I tried the GVH kicked in and I had to go back to original doses. I am hoping for better results this time.

I have been very fortunate and have no complaints.

My kidney transplant has been a very good experience. Thankfully prograf and the other drugs have been very kind to me.

First 9 years with Neoral was switched to Prograf and over the last 5-7 years I've had patchy hair loss. Also, scarring on my kidney. Transplant says this is still best for me.

I did not tolerate traditional drug therapy. Prograf has worked well for me. Now my insurance has denied coverage. Reason is FDA has not approved for treatment of autoimmune hepatitis. Generic brand has caused significant increase in skin lesions for me.

Massive hair loss, foggy thinking, achy, joint pains.

I am switching to cyclosporine- will my hair come back?

Bad headaches tremors diahrrea hair loss problems eating

Too strong real bad side effects

Tingling in the fingers at recommended FK levels (>5). Hair loss. Long recovery from colds (problem with young kids). Absorbtion is erratic, based on eating, sleeping, and health.

The drug is so powerful, that I recommend moderation and regularity in eating, drinking, sleeping, and exercising to minimize differences in absorption. For example when I had a bad case of incontinence my fk level spiked to 18.9 at the trough. ON the same dose, I am have an fk level of 5.9 when normal.

Night sweats, massive hair loss, nails weak-coming off in layers

I am not rejecting my liver. Which is a good thing

Initially: bad night sweats lasted 1.5 month. Tingle & loss of heat detection in hands & feet. Constant ongoing hairloss!!

So far the only side effect I am aware of are frequent tremors.

The shakes and thumbing beats in my head

Taking 1.5 mg to avoid rejection of stem cell transplant from an unrelated donor. Tremors started immediatley, hair loss after 8 months

I have been on prograf since day 1 after my transplant and have had no major issues except headaches, while pretty much constant, only debilitating 1 or 2 days a month.I think a small price to pay for a drug that has worked so well

tremors, thinning of hair, stopped growing body hair, neuropathy in feet, brain feels "trembly", scattered thoughts

I had already been on cyclosporine and rapamune for my kidney transplant. Cyclosporine caused scarring and rapamune made me really sick. I like prograf the most of the three. I haven't had to shave my legs in a year because it made me stop growing leg hair. At first it made me throw up in the morning, but it gets better over time. I shake all of the time and people think I am cold or nervous.

Initially, at high doses, trembling, hair loss, vision deterioration and decay of teeth and acne, but I'm not sure whether the last two are due to Prograf or Cellcepta and Prednisone

Prograf must be regularly checked. In the case of high doses or too small dose in the body, or comes to decay or to the rejection of kidney.

Please consider this as a warning to all kidney transplant recipients: Prograf is a powerful drug which stops rejection but inevitably leads to scarring, causing loss of your kidney. I have had my kidney only 7 years and must find another donor, which isn't at all easy because Prograf so badly scarred my kidney It is all due to Prograf (biopsy). I am now trying Rapamune because it does not scar. What a sad state of affairs.My side effects are extremely high blood pressure, and parasthesia all over my body in warm weather. Extreme hair loss, premature aging.

I think Prograf has prematurely ended my life. My blood pressure was high for 7 years while on it; a biopsy showed I have moderate atheriosclerosis, extensive kidney scarring and all due to this drug. It is an extremely imperfect drug. Ask your nephrologist to be honest with you before it's too late.

PROGRAF (TACROLIMUS): Tacrolimus is used with other medications to prevent rejection of a kidney, heart, or liver transplant. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as immunosuppressants. It works by weakening your body's defense system (immune system) to help your body accept the new organ as if it were your own. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have only stopped taking Yasmin 36 hours ago and have to thank this site for helping me undetstand why I have felt so numb emotionally. I actually wanted and still wish my husband to leave me because I cannot feel the love for the man I've loved unconditionally since the moment I've met him,since taking Yasmin. Surely my love for him couldn't have dissapeared in the one and a half months since I've started using Yasmin. We just came back from our GP and she's not understood the magnitude of the effects it has, so maybe before using Yasmin read through this site and make sure you are familiar with the potential negative side effects (because they are not all listed in the prescription booklet) and when they start appearing rather stop using it than wait the 3 month trial period out, its not going to change if it is severe or noticible.

I take no medicines except calcium supplements. I have never researched a drug before. Thank you so much for this site. Based on these I won't start Evista, but I am interested in those who have no adverse symptoms for balance. Where are their stories?

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