Neoral (cyclosporine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Neoral (cyclosporine)

NEORAL (CYCLOSPORINE): Cyclosporine is used to prevent organ rejection in people who have received a liver, kidney, or heart transplant. It is usually taken along with other medications to allow your new organ to function normally. Cyclosporine is also used to treat severe cases of rheumatoid arthritis and plaque psoriasis. In these conditions, the body's defense system (immune system) attacks healthy tissues. Cyclosporine belongs to a class of drugs known as immunosuppressants. It works by weakening the immune system to help your body accept the new organ as if it were your own (in the case of an organ transplant) and to prevent further damage to your joints (in the case of rheumatoid arthritis) or skin (in the case of psoriasis). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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