Orencia (abatacept) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Orencia (abatacept)

I'm no longer taking this medication. My last infusion on 4/11/24 I, ended up with such low blood pressure, went unconscious turned gray. My husband laid me on the floor rubbed my heart, I came to. Please know I am hypersensitive to meds & Months before that, I felt very toxic. The dose is too much for me. I see my Dr 4/16/24. Will switch to another biologic. But I will take a 4 month biologic vacation.

Severe tinnitis, severe nausea. Worst is severe constipation lower intestines extremely painful when I need to go. Am on a diuretic so May be why not diarrhea

I have not gained weight, have actually lost, but stomach huge, and I am bigger all over.

Allergic skin rash that my lrheumatologist says is NOT orencia. It works so well for my arthritis I believed her and continued it. For the last 1 1/2 years this rash has persisted and become an allergy to the sun or even light exposure!

I'm finally scheduled to see another dermatology group at Hershey Medical center. I can't contiinue living like this....sold my little beach house and I can't watch my grandkids in the pool! ! ! Even under umbrella covered with UV clothing...I break out at night and itch like a crazy lady.

I have no side effects upon date 5/9/23 I'm doing well

I've had experienced flares I still do but very frequently since I've started Orencia I've been doing well and continue doing well as expected. I had to change doctors and in that time which was 2 months I started to get flares again I have started Orencia again and hopefully will continue working well for me.

After third month of injections I was immediately sent into a month long flare, to where I could not move or walk at all. It was horribly excruciating

It helps with the arthritis, but I've also been experiencing leg pain as well as excruciating back pain. When I stop taking it, the pain from it goes away as the RA joint pain come a back.

I've experienced "allergic skin rash" x the last 16 months. Thought t might be Orencia, but this medication works so WELL for my arthritis-I eiminated everything else. However, this still persists.. Seeing my next week. Due for infusion this week and I'm so afraid to take it. My rash is improving as I started Prednisone yesterday and that certainly helps. As soon as I go off Prednisone (reducing dose) it seems to return probably because I get my next infusion.

Does anyone else have this problem? HELP.....frustrated

I've done well on Orencia infusions. Usually 48 hours after the infusion I feel exhausted, just don't feel well. Lasts a day or two. I rarely have a flare.

This is my 5th drug I've been on for RA.

Started to have anxiety irritability and agitation out of nowhere after taking it for awhile.I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder last year and for some reason now I can't take Orencia because of this

The drug itself has worked ok for my inflammation but it's just not worth taking when it's causing my anxiety to get worse and if you've known anyone with an anxiety disorder you know what I'm talking about.it's worth a try if I was looking for a new RA medication

The day after infusion. Headache and extremely exhausted. Working the next day was very difficult. Felt totally out of it.

Low back and hip pain. Difficult to walk.

I've had and still have a myriad of side-effects over the year I've been on this drug; frequent urination, itching, fatigue, dizziness, sweating, nausea, heatburn, flushing. And when I was coming up on one year I am now experiencing some pretty intense low back pain, sinus and ear congestion, cough. Im going to an allergist to see if I have developed allergies or if this is a side-effect, I can't tell at this point. I've also developed a sensitivity to gluten. Enough to where I have to watch what I eat.

I am a severe arthritic and have taken 12 different drugs or combination over the last 8yrs to combat psoriatic arthritis and RA. Orencia is the drug that has helped me the most. Enbrel, humaria did absolutely nothing to stop flare ups. Im not taking mtx with it due to liver enzymes being elevated. I take orencia intravenously. Not overjoyed with all the side-effects, but it has calmed down flares. I still have mini flares about 1x month but just deal with them.

Orencia nearly killed me. I had just two infusions and during those four weeks I had so many side effects I felt like I was being poisoned. High blood pressure, high pulse rate, dizziness, headaches, flulike symptoms, fatigue, chest pain and most importantly I had difficulty breathing. It got so bad and I couldn't breathe properly I thought I was going to die. This medicine is poison. Do not take it.

During those four weeks I had an eye infection, a sinus infection and a UTI infection. That's a lot for a short amount of time.

I have completely stopped sweating. It started slowly 3-4 years in. I didn't realize it was complete lack of sweating (anhidrosis) until last year 2020 during Covid. I thought it was related to menopause but my gynecologist said no and that it's very serious. A pharmacist confirmed that it's very rare but a definite link to Orencia. I discontinued use 7 weeks ago and hope it reverses. I previously had drug-induced lupus with Remicade and Enbrel. Fortunate that after 8-12 months, the drug was out of my system and lupus systems went away. Afraid of trying any more biologics.

As with Remicade and Enbrel, Orencia worked very well for 3-4 years before onset of drug-induced lupus, now anhidrosis. Very little known about not sweating but already experienced some kidney damage that I believe can be reversed. But risk of sudden death due to heart attack or stroke because my body can't cool itself is enough to know I can't continue.

Severe back and hip pain. Still taking as has helped some joint pain and dry eyes. Has really exacerbated previous sciatic pain. Rheumatologists say not possible. Pain began a few days after first infusion.

Severe back and hip pain. Still taking as has helped some joint pain and dry eyes. Has really exacerbated previous sciatic pain. Rheumatologists say not possible. Pain began a few days after first infusion.

Extreme fatigue two days after infusion. Lower back pain, dizziness, stuffy nose and the worst...facial and head tingling. During an episode, either eye would stiffen and freeze up for about five seconds then release.

I was quite hesitant about biologics and was hoping Orencia was a good match for me.

Muscle, joints and lower back pain.Tired all the times

After 1 week, joints are more painful. I figured push through. After 3rd weekly injection, the pain in my lower back and hamstring Leg muscles are uncomfortablly painful and cramping. No thanks. I live with enough pain,. Don't need to add to the list.

Previous meds were methotrexate, couldn't tolerate the nausea, 2nd Humira. Worked well for 3 months, then I started to get rash, fluid retention and the feeling like throat was closing due to swelling. So this is my 3rd attempt at a med that works. On to the 4th....

ORENCIA (ABATACEPT): This medication is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, a condition in which the body's own defense system (immune system) attacks healthy tissue. This leads to swelling in the joints, which causes pain and makes it harder to move. This medication is also used to treat other types of arthritis (such as juvenile idiopathic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis). Abatacept works by weakening your immune system. This effect helps to slow down joint damage and reduce joint pain and swelling so you can move better. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have been on and off Ortho tri cyclen for years. It's great for clearing skin and regulating periods. Bad side is that it causes weight gain no matter how much you workout or eat healthy. I went on Ortho lo for awhile and it helped me lose weight by I broke out with SEVERE ACNE on ortho lo... the higher does orthotricyclen helped clear it again

I love this medicine. I have been on it since 1991 as needed. I have requested that they bury me with a bottle of this just in case I might need it! I have been very satisfied.

Ringing in ears-fatigue, rash, pain in hip and leg. Flu like symptoms after each injection.

Has helped me lose weight without any other lifestyle or diet changes.Auto injector is easy to use