Imuran (azathioprine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Imuran (azathioprine)

I'm no longer taking this medication. Made me violently ill. Stomach cramps, & Diarrhea, Went off it immediately

extreme muscle and joint aches and tremors and shaking at night. Starts about 4 hours after i take it and lasts about 45 minutes. Also sides of my head hurt.

Fatigue, joint and muscle aches, hair loss

It seems to be keeping my liver tests and labs normal. I hate to complain about the side effects that are affecting me, the doctors blow it off and say that's the immunosuppressant that makes you feel that way. I'm so tired of hearing that.

I take Imuran and Placquanil both as I get an Infusion of Benlysta every month. The only real side effect I have noticed is the weight gain and fatigue.

Extreme joint and muscle weakness. Wake up each morning with a different body part affected. Thankfully no nausea or vomiting. Platelets are dropping with the reduction of prednisone. Back down to 35,000. Haematologist says it is probably the azithiaprine. Weening off prednisone now at 2.5mg a day. At least I could walk when on that. I've been referred to a surgeon now to remove my spleen. Still undecided of this treatment.

undifferentiated connective tissue

some nausea or heartburn shortly after dose, but it passes shortly after

take with plaquenil to help w bad joint pain and moderate fatigue. seems that the combo is helping. was sort of gimping about due to sore feet and ankles and sleep probs due to shoulder pain. lately sleeping through the night and even went for short (and slow) jogs recently!

Nausea, Lethargy/weakness, bloating, weight gain (probably because my intestines were starting to absorb food again), minor hair loss

My NP put me on this after I begged her not to make me go on remicade infusions. (I wanted to try oral options first). It seems to have made my bowel movements more regular but other than that I have not noticed much because it has only been a short while.

Nausea to begin with ( taking at night combats this). A K lesions due to sun exposure after 12 years ( easily treated) which may or may not be connected to azathioprine. Recurrent anemia which was thought to be down to asymptomatic underlying Crohn's however when taken off drug crohns symptoms returned full throttle without any sign of aneamia.

Worked well with infliximab to kick me into remission for well over a decade until my consultant unfortunately took me off the drug. Could live a very full active life which continued to improve year on year with no sign I had a chronic illness

Aggresive Rheumatoid Arthritis

Lower back pain that goes down legs. Very tired but cannot sleep due to pain. Brain fog.

I would rather be sick from Methotrexate and Folic Acid then sitting and crying from the horrific pain this med is causing!

Weight gain, stomach disturbance, bloating,chest tightness,toomuch tiredness,hair fall

Along with predisolone. methotrexate making elevated liver alternative option start imuran

elevated liver enzymes, moderate thrombocytopenia, mild macrocytic anemia

This drug has been effective at treating multiple autoimmune diseases at once for me. It's been stopped a few times, but I would start to get really ill whenever that was done. I started to develop some toxicity after many years and take it at a lower dose with allopurinol now. It's a little dangerous, but if you need it, then you do.

Hair loss,weight gain and in the morning or after sitting for a long time (2 hours) my feet and ankles are stiff.

I have been on this drug twice before but it was 25mg. With Allopurinol. That worked great with no side effects except it could could cause bone loss. Was taken off but had a flare up so new Dr put me on just Imuran. Working great. I don't like the side effects but I would rather be bald and fat than dead.

I been taking Imuran for about 3 weeks now for crohns and an obstruction, so far so good. It completely cleared up my psoriasis and has regulated my BM and are starting to become more normal. I have no side effects as of yet except the first dose caused me to vomit but nothing after that. Iā€™m hoping this is the drug for me but we shall see as time goes on šŸ¤žšŸ»

Extreme fatigue and weight gain but it has put me in remission2x skin cancer on leg which they think may be related to this drug

I have low tpmt liver enzyme so trialling a lower dose. First week not good but after two weeks bleeding stopped, diairrhea stopped and iron count finally went up. So far so good !

I was terrified to take this drug. I struggled on prednisone with the awful side effects. I am reducing steriods now and hoping I can stay on azathioprine

I am feeling always Very very very very tired.when I wake up from sleep I can not do anything properly.

I can not follow up.totally fed up with this

Interstitial Pneumonia Pulmonary

Nausea/heaves/sinus drainage/mouth sores/sore throat/hoarseness/week body/very week and extremely painful legs

1st week started at 50mg just felt nervous and had shakes inside and out,, 2nd week at 100mg I got a terrible cold extreme head drainage and sweating constantly. Then when I start the 3rd week at 150mg is when the worst came about. Vomiting with extreme heaves, loose bowels, and weakness. Dr. cut me back to 100mg. Tried that side effects still the same. Dr. cut me back to 50mg daily. One week later I wake up to use the bathroom and could barely walk. Urinating has become painful. Husband got me the walker. Had that from a previous surgery. Trying to stand was very painful and very difficult. I had a fever of 100.2 which lasted all day. I got the chills often shaking terribly. In other words this med is playing havoc with me. I'm afraid to start it again.

IMURAN (AZATHIOPRINE): Azathioprine is used to prevent organ rejection in people who have received a kidney transplant. It is usually taken along with other medications to allow your new kidney to function normally. Azathioprine is also used to treat rheumatoid arthritis. In this condition, the body's defense system (immune system) attacks healthy joints. Azathioprine belongs to a class of drugs known as immunosuppressants. It works by weakening the immune system to help your body accept the new kidney as if it were your own (in the case of an organ transplant) or to prevent further damage to your joints (in the case of rheumatoid arthritis). Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of azathioprine, especially when used in children and young adults. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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nausea, insomnia, nightmares, increased anxiety, and a definite feeling of irritability

I am sensitive to a lot of drugs, but this made me want to kill myself. Went to the hospital and stopped taking after 3 doses. Starting to feel better, but please be careful with this medication.

While I agree with everyone's comments about how horrible these side effects are. My bronchitis was so scary and awful and it's now cleared up, so the drug worked, and I am alive and not suffering from an infection anymore. And yes, now I am in pain from the side effects and have been unable to make it through a work day this whole week (I stopped taking the pills 2 days ago). I'm glad I took the medication, but I would recommend that if you're on it, expect to be out of commission, stay home, rest, have treats, watch movies in bed, eat yogurt to get some good bacteria back in your body, drink water. Don't try to live you life like you're cured, because this medication makes you tired and if you push it you will get irritable and anxious.

Weight gain, anger issues, vision problems, suicidal thoughts, body aches, extremely tired, memory problems, dizziness and that isn't even all of them

Muscle stiffness, tiredness, forgetfulness, and increased anxiety.

FMS, corneal erosion, bone pain,

I cannot stress enough DO NOT let this gel get on healthy skin tissue. It is very severe pain and bleeding. I feel like my skin is raw and peeling away. When it says let it dry wait at least 30 minutes to move at all. I think the product does its job considering the wart is about gone but so is my entire anal region. It didn't effect me like this until the 2nd rest day but I'm telling you it is so very painful if it gets on healthly skin. I have been using neosporin with pain relief which helps, but I'm wondering how long it will take that area to heal. It is so tender and it burns when I walk. It truly is horrible pain. And it is bled alot that 2nd rest day. If you apply it correctly with patience it will work, however BE CAREFUL! Had I known how bad it was gonnna be I would have been more careful.

HORRIBLE ACNE!!!, migraines (more frequent than normal), slight weight gain, worse than normal cramps, slight change in moodiness, slight loss of sex drive.

woke up at 3AM with pins and needles and felt like I was on fire.... got up and had a glass of began in the trunk part of my body and expanded to my arms and legs - very itchy.... no rash... lasted an hour and a half. almost went to the ER as I felt i was going into anaphylactic shock or something. HORRIBLE AND SCARY. doc only warned of flushing or hot flashes. HA! still a bit itchy now.

The depakote I took made me throw up and diarrhea and it gave me moodswings the moods are gone but I have this feeling in my head after taking them something sticky and itchy and it burns too. the depakote made me itch all over.