Gilenya (fingolimod) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Gilenya (fingolimod)

Rashes, weight gain, acne, hair loss, low sex drive and fatigue.

Serious weight gain I was from a size 10 to a size 18!! I've lost all confidence in myself and completely lost my sex drive. Also depression

I've gained 27lbs I started taking thus medication in November 2019 and already almost 30lbs heavier..Not too many side effects..

Abdominal pain, bloating and weight gain of 15 pounds in first month!! No change in eating habits or exercise. Fatigue and back pain also along for the ride:(. I need to get off of this...depression over fatigue and fat is too much for someone who is already struggling to regain my life!!!!!

Weight gain, skin sensitivity and bumps, cysts, acne, hair loss, icepick headaches, vision disturbance, chest pain, pelvic inflammation, cervical cysts and polyps, abdominal pain, gastrointestinal issues, decreased lung function...

I’ve been free from relapses since 9/2017. Whether it’s worth the side effects is tbd.

My only complaint is the weight gain. I’ve gained 40 pounds. I’m very active and eat somewhat healthy. I cannot get rid of these extra pounds. My stomach, butt and thighs are huge.

Hangover type migraine every morning. weight gain, increased fatigue

Hair loss, fatigue, terrible headache, rash, vertigo, anxiety....

Every MS patient is different, so for me this medication isn’t working, for someone else will be perfect!You need to try, maybe you will be lucky and your body will accept this medication!

Possible weight gain. Gone up a bra size! Tinnitus- not sure if this is MS or drug related. Fatigue.

No new symptoms since I’ve been on this treatment.I also take Vaclovir to prevent the cold sores that this treatment was setting off.

Gilenya has worked well for me. Yearly MRI showed no new lesions. Fatigue still a issue but I’ll keep moving forward.

Gradual weight gain which is stubborn - have been exercising at least 3 times a week (am very lucky to be able to do this) and cannot shift the 14 pounds I have put on since starting Gilenya

weight gain dispite such bad gi problems that I am almost anorexic!!

We are all just guinea pigs. I do t know if I will ever lose this weight. I will stay on this until an attack. Unless I explode from fatness!!

I have dropped a bra size (cup) which is baffling because I have gained a considerable amount of weight. And to top it off my sex drive has plummeted.

So far it has not been as effective as I had hoped.

extreme weight gain,migraine,nausea

stubborn weight gain with fatigue. Not sure if the migraine & nausea are ms related or from gilenya. A small price to pay for saving me from extreme relapses.

My heart rate dropped at initial dose. My lung function has changed.. I know this because I participated in the drug study. I gained weight!!! My diet didn't change and my activity level increased but I've still gained about 30 lbs :( But overall I'm grateful.. My walker and wheelchair are in storage collecting dust!!

Low heart rate, 20lb wt.gain, increased bp

Extreme fatigue, throat aches, swollen neck, vision changes, throwing up (yellow)

Lost 10 lbs. extreme fatigue. Caught the flu. Breast tenderness.

GILENYA (FINGOLIMOD): This medication is used to treat a certain type of multiple sclerosis (relapsing multiple sclerosis-MS). It is not a cure for MS but it is thought to help by preventing immune system cells (lymphocytes) from attacking the nerves in your brain and spinal cord. It helps decrease the number of episodes of worsening and may prevent or delay disability. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Migranes, low libido, irritable, mood swings.

The side effects are not worth it. Will not put my body thru the side effects anymore

Helped with my pain a bunch. Normal pain level a 12 on a 1-10 scale. While on meds I would say a 3-4. I felt like I had energy again, but. The side effects were WAY too BAD!

Nicorette is too expensive so I buy Sam's Club Member's Mark nicotene gum.

First sign was that the pill tasted horrible! Couldn't get the taste out of my mouth. Then the second day I became super sick to my stomach and could barely eat. Towards the end of the second day my arms started to feel cold but burning at the same time, also prickly sometimes, so I freaked out and stopped taking it but today(day 4)I am still feeling the side affects. I've been looking for answers online for a while since I can't talk to doc(it's christmas)and I keep finding information about how it causes permanent nerve damage. I really hope this feeling is temporary!!

Rash on legs thighs stomach chest and arms very itchy

I am taking probiotics. I've never had this much trouble with an antibiotic. I am on a very high dose (750 mg. 3 x per day) and I'm sure that's not helping. Not sure how to rate because there aren't other options for my parasite but this is horrible side effects.

Headaches during first pregnancy (swallow pill). None during second pregnancy (dissolve under tongue).

Worked fairly well till I got serotonin syndrome. Went from 60mg to 30mg then every other day. Withdrawal is hell. Sweating, anxiety, overall pain, shaking, can't function. This already for 3 weeks.

I had been on Zoloft for 6 months and I was happy with it but my friends and relatives said that I was too hyper. Then I took Effexor for a year and gain 15 pounds though I was a healthy diet and exercised 7 days a week. After quitting Effexor, I was worse than before I took it. I couldn't focus on anything. My doctor put me on Paxil but Paxil made me sleep all day. Then he switched me to Wellbutrin XL 150 mg. I was so happy, energetic. I was suprised why I didn't get insomnia by Wellbutrin. But, I got bipolar disorder. When I was up, my mind was so sharp and I was able to solve all of the problem in my life and at work. When I felt down, I was worried about money, future, work, ...I was bothered the most by the anger increasing uncontrollably inside me. I would be upset with everyone, everything in my life. I was happy the most with the weightloss. I am down to zize 4 now .