Avonex (interferon beta 1a) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Avonex (interferon beta 1a)

Head ache fever body aches chills tired moody

I’d rather suffer pain than become paralyzed

I need to take break. Medicine is good but the sickness has gotten me to stay home and not to even enjoy weekends or my kids. Can't do it during the week cuz of work. So tired of this ms crap. Hurry up and find a cure already.

Flu like symptoms (chills, sweating) at the beginning but they went away

Works great, had a relapse after year one, and one year 5 but considering that I began with numbness and a blind spot in my eye, this works great, everyone needs to find what works best for them but this has been great for me.

As long as I drink plenty of water I experienced little side effects. Headache and insomnia. However, it did not help my ms at all. A year later I have three times the number of lesions. My neuro is taking me off avonex due to my body not responding to it. Didn't work for me.

Flu like symptoms for a couple of injections. Serious depression, anxiety, achiness, and "the blues" after about 6 to 8 months.

I loved the convenience of the medication. I had to get regular bloodwork. I didn't want to believe the blues was caused by the medication, but I have been off of it for about 6 weeks now and I feel like a new person. No blues or depression, greater energy level, clearer thought process.

Flu like symptoms Mostly chills fever aches Some depression Increased numbness in feet and legs for day or so that goes away

Pain down my spine, severe chills, flu like symptoms, major depression, nausea, headaches, muscle spasm, joint pain.

The twitching and numbing came and went as if I was never on any medication. I just got diagnosed a few months ago, so I really can't tell what's normal for me and what isn't. I don't feel it helped me at all with the twitching/numbness as these ocurred on/off all the time. It made me moody and I lost a few pounds, which was probably the only positive thing out of this.

In the beginning I was having flu like symptoms (chills/sweats, headache, achey muscles, etc). But after about 3 months these symptoms completely stopped and now I have no problems. Sometimes I bruise at injection site, just depends it seems pretty random.

I like avonex a lot, I have been on it for 2 years and have only had one relapse and 1 small new lesion. My husband gives me my weekly injection (I was doing it myself but all of a sudden developed anxiety about it and since he has taken over I have no anxiety about the actual injection). When I was having side effects I found it helpful to drink LOTS of water the day of injection and take alieve every six hours the day of and the day after. I no longer take the alieve but I make sure to be really hydrated and it seems to work.


no flu symptoms but 10 weeks into it developed neutralizing antibodies, and felt very ill, could hardly walk.. am off this ..MD recommends copaxone but I'm not convinced

AVONEX (INTERFERON BETA 1A): This medication is used to treat multiple sclerosis (MS). Interferon is not a cure for MS, but it may help to slow disease worsening and decrease flare-ups of symptoms (such as balance problems, numbness, or weakness). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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