Proamatine (midodrine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Proamatine (midodrine hydrochloride)

The first three days I experienced the tingly scalp and goosebumps/chills. By day 4 I started getting a stabbing pain in the chest and pounding in my ears. My doctor advised I cease midodrine immediately. It did significantly help with the symptoms, however my body apparently can not handle the more severe side effects.

Tingly scalp, sudden urinary urges, dry eyes

This was prescribed after an a-fib episode that put me in cardiac icu for a couple of day. During my stay in the hospital step-down unit, I had a tilt table test which I "failed" spectacularly. I had been having extreme dizzy spells for a year prior, especially bad when walking or exercising (which I had quit because of), and sometimes even when sitting! Midodrine really is effective at keeping my energy levels up, and making me feel normal. But like another reviewer noted, it is short lived, so when the effects wear off in about 4 hours after a dosage, I start to have symptoms again. Also, it is ill advised to take within 3-4 hours of laying down, which sometimes is inconvenient when I'd like to take a nap, but then remember that I took my medicine too recently.

Have been taking midodrine for about 10 months. After several months it became less effective for me but i still take it 3 times a day and if i feel bad just take an extra one. It still helps a lot

tingly scalp, goosebumps, chills, itchy scalp. The only one that really bothers me is the itchy scalp. It can be embarrassing and very uncomfortable

It was a miracle drug for me. I was almost totally bedridden due to orthostatic hypotension. Whenever I would stand my BP would drop so low I would be on the verge of fainting. Even sitting was difficult. After taking midodrine I was able to resume most normal activities. It was truly amazing!

Tingling and itchy feeling in my scalp. tingling in my skin and a bit irritability.

I took this to try to help me stop having episodes of syncope. I was passing out nearly 3 times a day. Unfortunately this drug wasn't enough to stop it and I had to get a pacemaker. Since the pacemaker I don't pass out. I still take the poamatine though. So the two together seem to work. If your doc talks about getting a pacemaker I wouldn't avoid it, just get it, I feel so much better with it.

Did not provide the rise in blood pressure that I needed to avoid a pacemaker. Ended up having to get a pacemaker.

Side Effects forproamatine (midodrine hydrochloride) - User Comments


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This drug is a hazard... If you can get off of it - DO IT! I took Omeprazole for 8 years - loved the fact that I could eat/drink anything I wanted - but OH what a price I've paid (literally)! From the time I took this drug I have been losing hair. I did not know at the time it was from this medication. Because of the hair loss, I started to see a dermatologist - who diagnosed me with Alopecia. I saw him for approximately 6-7 years and paid a lot of money for a problem that I could have avoided in the first place! I then went on women's rogaine for many years, then switched to men's rogaine - took a toll on my scalp, so had to get off of that medication - after a few months off of the minoxidil (rogaine) - a ton of my hair fell out - that's what happens when you stop minoxidil. In June I went off of Omeprazole and it "seems" my hair is trying to come back - I mean seriously I lost almost ALL body hair - eyebrows were very sparce, arm hair, hair on my head, etc. ALL BECAUSE OF OMEPRAZOLE... If you don't need to - do not start this medication - if you are on it - get off ASAP!

My son took this horrible antibiotic for 3 weeks and I absolutely feel sick myself for letting him take it for this long.On this medication he had severe headaches, severe nausea and severe abdominal pain and pain in his neck, especially when he looked down. He also had joint pain in various places on his body. He missed 18 days of school. He had a CT scan that showed he had a very bad sinus infection, so we knew he needed to be treated with antibiotics.While taking this medication I had to take him to the ER twice. The last time we went they kept him over night and the next day to observe him. The pediatric neurologist came in said he was having migraines and abdominal migraines and would need to take a preventative for the migraines.My husband and I did some research on this antibiotic and also fell upon this webpage and truly believed it was the antibiotic that was the culprit. I had a hard time believing that my very healthy boy before this sinus infection happened....who was playing soccer, no health problems so far could just develop migraines. I'm sure it happens, but we had a feeling it was the medicine.As soon as we stopped the antibiotic he slowly started feeling better. Today is day 4 off of antibiotic and he is back to his silly, bouncing off the wall, energetic kid again.The headache is completely gone but still having just a little but of abdominal pain.This poor kid had MRI of his head, CT scan of his abdomen, a bunch of blood tests to rule ou

I thought it was a die off reaction at first, but I kept feeling worse even after the 9th day. I was driving to the store today & was so nauseous I had to turn around. The water retention is insane too, I feel like I'm gaining a lb a day. It's also loaded with sugar, so I'm not sure how that can help kill Candida. Maybe the pills are better, but I can't keep taking the liquid.

Headache, irritable, nausea, dry mouth, cant sleep

My doctor gave me this for depression and anxiety.I take every night at 10 pm .At first it made me slurr my speach the first night but got really good sleep and my dosage was 100mg.Now my doctor has me taking 400mg every night sllep good and in the morning no hang over and my mood has changed ,I'm happy more days then i can count I'm no longer depressed everyday and grumpy.I still have my days but not as often.Until I found this web site I had no idea other had gained weight from this.I had no idea others had been gaining weight from this pill.I started taking this I was 112 now I'm alomst 125lbs to me thats alot a weight I cant fit into my clothes !!!! I wake up sometimes not remembering and I'll eat and drink a soda then go back to bed I used not ever drink sodas now at night I crave SUGAR!!!!

On a good note bv is gone but at what price!!!

The taste of the pills makes me sick, that alone makes me forget to take it.

Severe orbital pain and headache on the right side only. Sore throat. Anxiety. Moodiness.

I've noticed everyone on here has many years on me but being diagnosed with narcolepsy at 19 hasnt been very easy. Especially when no one understands what it's like. It's truely a relief to know I'm not crazy or a freak of nature because other people do have and live with narcolepsy also. I've been through 4 different medications over the last year. Each time hoping "this is the one!". First Methlyn ER (Ritalin),2nd Dexadrine 15mg CR, then dexadrine 10mg tabs, and for a while the Dr. had me on a cocktail taking both forms of dexadrine. I have been taking Nuvigil for 5 days now and I feel good, yesterday I woke up extremely agitated with everything and very anxious. I do wake up much easier and earlier than my normal 2:30pm regiment. The only way I can explain how the nuvigil affects me is saying it makes my body feel awake but not my mind. My brain seems very foggy and not so concentrated. I'll be seeing my Dr. today for a follow up.I still have my training wheels on when it comes to being narco, if anyone has any advice that could help me living with this I would greatly appreciate it.

Stomach and constipation problems.