Epipen (epinephrine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Epipen (epinephrine)

Elevated heart rate but saved my life after an anaphylactic reaction to other medication.

EPIPEN (EPINEPHRINE): This medication is used in emergencies to treat very serious allergic reactions to insect stings/bites, foods, drugs, or other substances. Epinephrine acts quickly to improve breathing, stimulate the heart, raise a dropping blood pressure, reverse hives, and reduce swelling of the face, lips, and throat. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

During the first 3 months, i experienced extreme hot/cold flashes, depression, bad acne, muscle and bone aches, headaches, extreme fatigue, loss of libido, loss of natural lubrication, lost a few pounds. After the 3rd month most of the side effects subsided. I only suffered from depression, fatigue, confusion and disorientation/memory loss for the remaining 3 months. I got my period 2 months after discontinuation of lupron and gained 10 pounds coming off it! My periods so far have been pain free and i am no longer experiencing any of the side effects. Did anyone else gain weight coming off lupron?

4 yrs and developed a gastric ulcer, terrible joint, muscle and back pain. Not realizing its cause is from Fosomax. Finally realizing the pain my mother experienced was from this drug. Looked at reviews and the pain I was experiencing was exactly like others on the drug. If anyone files a class action suit against the drug company, I am in. I would never recommend this to anyone! Beware of Fosomax.

I used to be a night owl but now that I take requip I fall asleep early. I wouldn't call that a bad side effect though because I do sleep well now. I have a prescription for .5mg which I usually cut in half. I try to take it at least 1/2 an hour before I sit down to relax for the evening because if I don't and the RLS symptoms start it is harder to relieve the symptoms. On occasion I have taken the whole .5 pill and when I do I sometimes have very disturbing dreams.

Told doctor about symptoms. Will not stop. Have to take for a month.

This started working within a week of putting the patch on.I rarely have hot flashes and headaches seem to be less. I had problems keeping patch on initially, but have put it down very low (to pubic hair line). I work out and shower a lot and it's the first thing I'll try to pat dry. Sometimes I need to use a blow dryer and gently lift up the patch to dry it off.

This is the first time I have had Bv. The antibiotic gave me a yeast infection but I get those frequtly after 27 years of Type I diabetes and almost every time I have ever used any antibiotics.

Fatigue, but not sure if that was the disease or the drug.

weight gain, drowsiness the next day

I hated ortho evra. I really wanted it to work for me because of the convience but it made me really sick. I would be nauseous and even throw up. I felt horrible the second day of wearing the patch every week. I gave it the 3 months and things never got better. I gained about 5 pounds and felt like an emotional wreck the whole time. I felt overwhelmed by everything and would cry often. I switched to nuva ring and LOVE it. I have no side effects what so ever with nuva ring. I would recommend anyone to TRY the patch because its going to work differently for everyone, it just didnt work for me.

dry mouth! I am so thristy all the time. Dry skin. sometimes tired, some wieght gain.