Zocor (simvastatin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zocor (simvastatin)

I am having pretty much the exact same bad side effects as everyone else. Muscle fatigue cramps legs, arms, back pretty much everywhere. Headaches, chest pain, trimbling, anxiety ect… yes this medicine is good at lowering bad cholesterol but it has destroyed my quality of life. Stopped taking it yesterday per doctors advice. If I die because of bad cholesterol the so be it. I'm not going to live the rest of my life miserable because of this hideous medicine.

1, pain in leg muscles2, all-over unpleasant flu-like feeling

after a year, BOTH good & bad cholesterol dropped,INCREASING my heart attack risk! (risk is determined by dividing total Cholesterol by HDL.) Since then, I've been taking mega doses of Vit C (3,000 mg per day) instead and my risk is much more acceptable (lower than 5).

Brain fog, brain zaps, anxiety, nervousness

It dropped my cholesterol big time but the side effects are horrible.

Been on his medication for approximately 6 years to help control a lipid disorder inherited from both parents. I was having mini strokes not knowing that I had an issue with cholesterol. My NP first started me on 20 MG. That worked for approximately 5.5 years, until blood test showed I needed to go up to 40 MG. I haven't had any side effects from the Simvastatin.

All the comments about depression, anxiety, sexual disfonction are bullsh... you will find the same on every drug on this site... muscular pain is a known issue, but I never had it...

My symptoms were so severe I had to be tested for ALS. I have non-stop twitching and weakness that is now likely permanent. Plus, I am in CONSTANT pain from muscle cramps and a burning feeling in limbs. I can’t even hug my children without feeling like my arms are on fire! Stay away from this poison!!!

Hot flushing, fatigue, constant urinating, severe headaches. Anxiety.

Simvorstatin is an awful drug I stopped taking it after the symptoms became worse and worse. I hope I feel better soon. I'll be informing my doctor

It started with flu like symptoms, sore throat, fatigue, leg cramps, chest pain, eye twitching, rash, arm weakness, extreme anxiety, heart palpitations and pounding, ears ringing, and problems finding my words, and memory loss. I pulled my stomach, shoulder, and chest muscles doing the same workout I have done for years.

I stopped taking this drug and felt better in a day. The leg cramps and fatigue left right away. I am 3 weeks off this and feel almost myself. I am weight lifting again with no issues. The chest pains while walking are still happening. Hopefully this will pass too, as I used to walk 2 miles a day. I can only make it a block. My EKG and echo cardiogram showed no damage. DO NOT TAKE THIS POISON!!!!

Pain in arms and legs sometimes chest pain

I would like to go back and take Crestor but was too expensive 100 dollars for 30 peels no pain at all.

Headache, dizziness, nausea, felt like I was poisoned with one pill. I was prescribed the generic (simvastatin).

Will not take something that can make you feel so awful with one dose. I felt ill for several days. You can't tell me this crap is good for you. I will try diet instead. In fact, I have been watching diet, and just had blood test and lowered chol. by 50 pts., LDL by over 60 pts. I eat oatmeal every day, brazil nuts (2-3 nuts only as can give you too much selenium). And cut out a lot of carbs. If I had this success in a few mos., it tells me it can be done at least for some, and I won't consider a toxic statin at all. Docs are handing out statins like Candy! Ridiculous. They pooh pooh the side effects or say it's so crucial to take the drug that you need to deal with the side effects. No thanks. I've done a lot of research and a lot of people are on statins that don't really need to be. In fact one well known Cleveland Clinic Dr. says no one who has not already had a heart attack should be on a statin. Check out Dr. Mark Hyman's online info on statins. Read the book "The Great Cholesterol Myth" written by two highly respected cardiologists. I recently read an obituary that said "died of statin-induced problems". Dangerous drugs.

Severe pain in back of neck. Couldn't bend my head enough to see numbers on my floor scale when I weighed.

TG I stumbled across similar complaints on the Net from taking statins. It took nearly a year after stopping Zocor for my neck to heal completely.

severe pain in neck and shoulders, headaches, fogginess and memory loss, numbness and tingling in arms, legs and especially feet

I was very active always doing something with my family I had a handyman services I work 10 to12 hours a day always out camping ridings Atvs or out on the Boat we were never home I was in my early 30s still the my doctor ordered blood work said borderline high cholesterol he put me on a low dose ZOCOR.the doctor said watch out for pain in my legs I have never been a small man 250"265 lb.by the time the pain hit my legs I was having chest pain my arms hurt I was hurting everywhere went back to the doctors they did EKG. Told me not to take the ZOCOR that I had a reaction to it I never improved I have put on weight I live on pain meds not able to work or in joy life cant provide for my family anymore I sit home and wait to die

Leg pain, delayed orgasm, reduced ejaculation.

My LDL was near 400. Simvastatin quickly brought it down to a little over 100. While on the drug I noticed my legs hurt bad especially when walking uphill or up stairs. I didn't make the connection, though, until a month lapse in my insurance forced me to go without Simvastatin. Amazingly my sexual problems disappeared in just a couple of weeks and my leg and body pains started to go away. When my insurance kicked in I started Simvastatin again and the symptoms reappeared within just a few days. Am going to quit again and see if the improvement comes back, and if it does I will investigate safer alternatives to Simvastatin.

A lot of pain in legs. Loss of libido. Forgetfulness. Dizziness. Loss of muscle strength in my legs.

I was on Statin for two years. This was eight years ago. When I complained about pain I was prescribed Vicodin and Gabapentin. I had this doctor for forty years. Now I am sure he did not know anything about what this poison can do. I found this website too late. I quit against the advice of my doctor when I felt something cristalize in my leg muscles. Now I spend most of my time in a chair because walking is too painful. I had a muscle biopsy but I can not get a hold of the results.

Posting on behalf of my desceased mother who took Zocor and had no risk factors for pancreatic cancer...tumor on pancreas at age 65, passed within 3 months of diagnosis. Anyone else have this diagnosis?

Myalgia and malaise. I stopped this Ned a couple weeks ago and I still feel achy and weak.This medication has knocked me off my feet and I'm struggling to get back on them.

I warn against taking this drug. I previously took a different statin and experienced these symptoms as well. I didn't link it until I thought hard about what I was doing similarly during those times.

Doctor started me on 40mg and I had nightmares so stopped. Started back on 10mg. No further problems. Cholesterol dropped from 6.75 to 4.5 UK measures don't know us conversion.

I love these tablets as I am addicted to junk food and try as I might I can't do without it altogether. So they help me when I fail.

To lower my ldl, overall cholestero

Terribly calf, and back of entire leg CRAMPS! OMG ! I stopped last night. My doctor increased my dosage to 40mg from 20mg about a year ago. My cardiologist wanted me to go to 80mg! I took ONE 80 mg, one time, thank god. I walk 90 minutes every night, stretching my arms, while walking, really steady, every day, cold,hot, rain, snow,doesn't matter, I'm walking. Now, I smoke half a pack a day. My father had a lot if heart issuses. So, I'm genetically predisposed to high cholesterol. My overall cholesterol was 139, my ldl was 72, INCREASING to 94, one month after I started on the 40mg regiment. My hdl did go up to 41 from 38, my tricliderides are 48. So,why my cardiologist wanted me to go to 80mg,I have no idea. But, I'm done. I'm calling my doctors, both my primary and cardiologist in the morning (it's Sunday). These drugs are very dangerous. I'm thinking to myself, maybe all the walking is causing my leg pain. Now, I've been walking every day for 2 year's straight. So, I figure, my legs must be conditioned by now. So why, when I get out of bed (the simvastatin causes insomnia. .I don't care what your doc tells you. Mine told me it's not the simvastatin. I swear these docs are compensated to prescribe medications. Must be. Anyway, why do my legs hurt so much in the morning? Why, at night, if I turn my leg one way slight, do I develop a leg cramp so bad, it wakes me, and hurts so bad, I wanna scream! The FDA has not examined zocor enough. That one drug, Baylor, or b

Do not take. Do what I'm doing. Search the net for alternative choices. Red yeast rice? Niacin? 2 good alternatives. Funny, red yeast rice contains a NATURAL statin, the one drug company, now says it's Own The RightD TO This Natural drug. Amazing what greed does to people

ZOCOR (SIMVASTATIN): Simvastatin is used along with a proper diet to help lower "bad" cholesterol and fats (such as LDL, triglycerides) and raise "good" cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. It belongs to a group of drugs known as "statins." It works by reducing the amount of cholesterol made by the liver. Lowering "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides and raising "good" cholesterol decreases the risk of heart disease and helps prevent strokes and heart attacks. In addition to eating a proper diet (such as a low-cholesterol/low-fat diet), other lifestyle changes that may help this medication work better include exercising, losing weight if overweight, and stopping smoking. Consult your doctor for more details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Severe pain in arms and back. Also lower back. Unable to get up in the morning. Felt like I was dying from pain all over my back. At times pain would radiate to upper abdominal areas. Trying to walk made pain worse. I could barely go round block without taking several stops due to severe pain in back of upper thighs.

Thank God for this site. My doctor prescribed Effexor XR today. He wanted me to change from Celexa to this because I've been on Celexa for five years. Celexa ia WONDERFUL!! No side effects for me EVER! My doctor just said that he wanted me on something else because I had been on Celexa fo so long????? Whatever. I am so glad I found this site. I am throwing the samples away as soon as I post this! I am staying on the Celexa and if he doesn't want to re-new my prescription, then I will go to someone who will. I had severe panic disorder (i couldn't leave my house to even take out my trash!), but after being on Celexa for only a few days, I saw MAJOR improvements. That was five years ago and I have felt fabulous ever since, like my old self. I have been without Celexa for months due to lack of insurance at times and experienced NO SIDE EFFECTS. I don't have to take with food, no worries about nightmares or dreams, lack or sex drive, weight gain, drinking with coffee, NOTHING!

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Lower pelvic pain, extreme weight gain. I don't eat sweets, watch what I eat & excercise. I've never experience this much weight gain in such a short time. No more for me!

It was a frightening experience, made more so since on Day 8 at the doctor's, my nurse concluded that I just had a bad virus. Also, the first ER trip resulted in a missed diagnosis too. Be very viligant of your own symptoms if you take it. Obviously, I can't take it ever again.

Shadow creatures at night. Bad headaches, back pain, and Hair loss.

Headaches feeling sick no energy sexual dysfunction uncontrollable appetite weight gain brain fog no motivation

I could not figure out how I had turned into this angry person who hated myself, and everyone else, I am still trying to battle the depression, I hate looking in the mirror, I cannot lose the weight, I hate being around people when I used to thrive around others. I am ridiculously paranoid about everything when I used to be care free. I am losing the ability to use my hands for more than 5 minutes, then they go numb, and once the feeling comes back there is enormous pain that goes from my shoulder to the tips of my fingers. I cannot grip things tightly at all, and cannot open jars etc. I have a hard time holding my 2 year old for more than a minute at best. I didnt get my shot last month and am trying to flush it out of my system, still havent gotten a period, but I guess that is normal till the 3rd month of not having the shot. I am just hoping that I can get treated for the damage it has caused me and I hope people do what I was too stupid to do, and actually read about what this thing can do to you before they get it. Its a poison in my mind, and I wish I had never taken it. I have such a mess to deal with, and I just hope that I can go back to the way I was, and like myself again once I get my body back.......

I was too unprepared by my dermatologist for the side effects of this medication. I had several BCCs on my face that a previous dermatologist had wanted me to have MOHs surgery for. But having had MOHs a few years before I opted to get a second opinion this time. My doctor asked me if I had heard about Aldara and explained how it worked. It sounded like a miracle cure to me. After all, what woman (or man) wants to have terrible scars on their face especially? The doctor's NP gave me some sample packets and it was prescribed for 6 weeks using 5 days in a row and then off two. I was shown pictures of how it can look and told how to use it but I was still completely unaware. I actually don't think I could have continued if it had not been for the information I have found on the net. After the second week I felt so tired and so bad I wanted to discontinue the use. I was actually suicidal even. The itching and burning was similar to what I think it might feel like to have ants stingi

Nausea, diarrhea and itching. Feel like going to vomit. Day 1 and 2 on drug I was fine after day 3 dose about 9 hours later feel awful. On the weekend so will call doctor if it gets worse ..