Zetia (ezetimibe) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zetia (ezetimibe)

Throbbing pain in legs and feet a long with burning sensation at the inner arch of my left foot. Pain in lower back and hips interfering with walking. Pain/aching in wrist and hands. Sometimes all over body pain feeling like hot needles sticking my skin. Also fatigue and brain fog, but I can't be sure that is associated with this medication or the two episodes I had with COVID 19 and still have some residual brain fog.

Off and on through the years I was on different statins with similar muscle and joint pain.. Even locking up my left arm. That's why we tried something like zetia but I was also taking fenofibrate along with it. To me this has been a very debilitating experience. Not worth it to me for how it impairs my life.

I'm no longer taking this medication.

I started taking Zetia because I can't take statins for high cholesterol. I'm having hand,shoulder & leg pain. I'm also battling severe acid reflux. After finding this website I will definitely quit taking the Zetia .

9 years later and I still have digestive issues along with muscle issues. Do not take this poison. Big pharm puts this poison out their doing drug trials not telling the truth. FDA is in their pocket. They take old drugs change them and resale them to make billions.

I'm no longer taking this medication.

On Nov 1 st, 2022 I could not walk and diagnosed with Parkinson's. The symptoms were very similar to rigidity of muscles in both legs.I suffered for 15 months. Then in Feb 7 th 2024, I started walking again. But not 100 percent. I have to use cane to walk.Also I was also diagnosed with PSP.

Do not take Zetia or generic Zetia. Also avoid all statins. Instead try Aurvedic medicine. Ask pharmacist if he or she know any good company.

Lowers my cholesterol well with diet. Crestor made me sick, weak, and depressed with muscle breakdown and kidney issues. Zetia is much milder on my system and works well with controlling consumption o saturated fat and sugar.

borderline cholesterol not high

Dizziness, big brain fog, bad weird dreams, blurry vision, trouble swallowing, headache and achy Also inner ear pressure and stomach issues..I am still continuing to have bad nightmares and depression even a week later after stopping, I did not have before taking that. Read others comments, cuz drs swear by this drug, and I quit as of right now. I continue to take 325,mg aspirin a day.

Drs don't want to tell the truth, and keep prescribing.Companies hide important information. Must be all about the money and not the actual safety of the patient. I don't think all Doctors know all the truth, because their books, paperwork from the companies only tell what they are willing to tell. Patients are the true reviews.

Hand cramps (which I've never had in my life), severe shoulder pain left side like my muscle seizing up, very tired, brain fog/forgetting names I know - all in 2 days. Won't continue.

Sadness to almost suicidal. Poor balance, strong lightening bolt neuropathy both legs/feet & ribs. Bloating, constipation turning to diarrhea. Horrible thirst. Blurred vision. Stopped 1 week ago & my legs/feet still aren't dependable.

I can't see that this is safe for any age group and I certainly think that if you are on any other medications along with this, that there could be interactions to the point you wouldn't be able to function. It's slow poison.

Anxiety and depression, horrible night sweats, brain fog and trouble concentrating. I started doing research and decided to take myself off this rx. It has been 3 weeks now and I am finally starting to feel like myself again.

Severe lower back and shoulder pain. Brain fog, Dry flaky skin, brittle dry hair, no energy, strange dreams.

Zetia does not even deserve a 1 rating. Side effects were just as bad as statins. Doctor has taken me off Zetia and am hoping I get some relief from back and shoulder pain. At least my Doctor agrees that this drug is likely the cause of all the described problems. I am very active and healthy for my age. Hopefully now that I'm off Zetia, I will regain some energy and get pain relief.

Steadily worsening decline in flexibility and mobility. Sudden onset of very painful symptoms diagnosed as shin splints with burning pain radiating from knees down shins and the whole foot. Tylenol or anti inflammatories do not touch it. I have spent countless nights soaking in epsom salt baths for some relief. Lots of pain and swollen joints in knees, numbness, pain and tingling in my hands and loss of grip strength. Fatigue, insomnia, brain fog that just slowly creeps in until you think its your normal state. They need to do followup studies on this drug as doctors prescribe it as an alternative for those of us that had the issues with statins and it causes similar problems.

Lowe back spasms after 2 days. Felt like my back was abou to "go out".

Had muscle and joint pain with 4 different statins.

First day: intestinal cramps and diarrhea and mild headache. During the days after, soft stools (not a bad thing for me as I'm prone to constipation), and abdominal fullness and occasional right-sided abdominal pain, like there's a knot there. No headaches (unlike when I was taking statins), but occasional "hot flashes." However, I'm often tired in the afternoons (need to take a nap) because at night I'm typically tossing and turning and don't fall asleep until 4am. I'm been taking the zetia at dinner time.

I haven't had my blood work yet so I don't know the effect on my cholesterol levels. Compared with 3 different statins I took previously, the side effects of the Zetia are not as bad in my opinion. That said, I don't know if they will get worse as time goes on or if my body will adjust.

I'm utterly miserable. I feel like I have sleeping sickness. My stomach is horribly in knots. I am so lethargic. I originally broke the 10 mg tablets in half each day and I felt fine. But my labs came back with a slightly higher reading so I decided to take the complete 10 mg dose. I'm feeling so sick! Can't take statins. I can't even walk. But when I am not on these meds I feel amazing! Perhaps I should just take my chances!

Sleeplessness, anxiety, leg pains, depression, swelling of lips, restless legs.

Do not take this drug! I can’t take any kind of statin but doc said this shouldn’t bother me. Guess what? After taking it for 60 days, I started looking closer at this drug because I felt terrible! It got worse everyday.

Dr told me this medication should not cause me side effects. After taking this horrible drug for just 3 days I've become weak, nauseated, brain fog, body aches especially in my joints, constipation, headaches and daily the symptoms will not go away even after I stopped taking this medication now for a week. I wish I wouldn't have taken it at all.

I was prescribed the generic brand of Zetia called Ezetimibe

I was put on a atorvastatin a few years ago.I took it for 5 weeks and by that time I could hardly walk.The pain in my hip and other joints were horrendous.So I stopped it.Then last October they tried me on rosuvastatin. I took it fir 4 weeks and had the same problems.I stopped it again.They put me back on Rosuvastatin again, which I don't understand why!But they have also put me on ezetimibe too.This is day 21 of taking them.I have all the same muscle, joint, hip problems.But also this time, excruciating pain in my feet and ankles.I have a high pain threshold, but I a m struggling to cope with the pain in my feet. More so on the soles. I feel like I have walked for miles with no shoes on.They are throbbing, burning and horrendously painful.I have taken 2 codeine and they haven't touched the pain.My left leg and hip are in a lot of pain too.Also my shoulder and hands.Plus, today, I have been ridiculously thirsty and drinking water constantly.I feel genuinely unwell. I'm bloated. My eyesight is blurry. The brain fog and memory problems are ridiculous.I feel like I'm getting dementia.I have decided. No more. That's it. I'd rather take my chances and eat better than live like this and be crippled.They may work for some. But definitely not for me.Horrible things.They are as bad as statins!And, after reading a lot of these patient reviews, I realise I'm not going mental, and I'm not alone.

Tried statins off and on for many years and always got terrible muscle pain in upper legs to the point of severe weakness. It would eventually resolve after stopping. My Drs felt I really needed to try another newer and weaker statin that was having good results without side effects.. I was eager to try. Took Zetia for 4 weeks with increasing pain in legs to the point of crying and realized yet again... I could not even take this low dose statin. The pain in muscles and weakness plus severe headaches were horrible. I have been off of Zetia 16 days and just now am beginning to get better, thank God!! Most Physicians focus more on the needed medication and put little understanding in the terrible side effects of so many medications... even often denying they exist. We feel the pain and know our bodies!!

ZETIA (EZETIMIBE): Ezetimibe is used along with a low cholesterol/low fat diet and exercise to help lower cholesterol in the blood. Ezetimibe may be used alone or with other drugs (such as "statins" or fibrates). Ezetimibe works by reducing the amount of cholesterol your body absorbs from your diet. Reducing cholesterol may help prevent strokes and heart attacks. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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i've tried 7 ther medications and i think this will be the one. i take 150mg of wellbutrin and 25mg of lamictal. my husband saw a difference the first day. you could talk to me without getting your head chopped off. less angry, but so energetic i don't know what to do with myself. i can't sit still at all.

It did help my RLS a bit. I had no nausea etc. Biggest help was change of diet and homeopathic remedies. Totally changed my life. I had systemic candiasis which is now gone and so are my RLS and fibromyalgia

It is adictive but far easier to kick than cigaretts. It is the only thing that has helped with anxiety. Andidepresants DO MAKE ANXIETY WORSE some are shear hell to start and worse to stop. Clonazepam is the only drug that helps. Not a cure but it helps. I weigh 250lbs and take 1mg four times daily.

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I have been taking 10mg for about 3 months, I tried to up my dose to 20mg but the mood swings were unbareable. It has helped me significanly with my headaches, which is a blessing. I just need to find out how to take care of my moods.

First shot in February 2023. Will not be getting the second.

The back and joint pain is the worst, along with dry, cracked, peeling, inflamed lips. Have also experienced eczema for the first time in my life.

After two days I started discharge. Slight headache in morning and slight back pain. Palpitations also. I will stop taking this drug. Not worth it. Side effects are scary.

My mouth is a little dry. Sweating is profuse and absurd. I take a non strenuous walk and sweat is running down my face and soaking my shirt. It's so bad that if I play a 10 minute game of ping pong I have to change all of my clothing.

Typically, expect WEIGHT GAIN!! Any person who says the weight gain comes entirely from eating too much has no idea what they are talking about. I am in full control of what I eat but regardless I still steadily continue to see my weight increase (Even when I cut back on my daily food intake) I came off of Lyrica for a period of time and the weight dropped back off. Other side effects I have experienced are chronic stomach bloating, swelling & dizziness.