Trilipix (choline fenofibrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Trilipix (choline fenofibrate)

At the beginning, some stomach reaction but minor as well as nausea and diarrea. However, these were only temporary and after a couple of days or 1.5 week, there were just gone. My triglicerids and lipids are now under control. Another fact: this medication is less nocive to liver than others. I use to have fatty liver and AST and ALT levels are always within range.

Extreme muscle pain and tenderness, also chills

No side effects, dropped my cholesterol. Almost a miracle drug.

for cholesterol and triglycerides

OMG !!!!! This is the WORST medication I have ever taken. First of all you can taste this horrible crap for 3 days after you take it, and it actually made me feel like I was dying. Muscle aches, nausea, headache. I had to go to bed for 2 days after the first pill.

What good does it do you to lower your cholesterol or triglyderides if you feel like you are DYING!!

Trilipix (try LIP ix) has brought my triglycerides down to normal. Occasional dizziness but not all the time. I recommend it.

increased muscles soreness and pain. Great fatigue, great intestinal distress. Had swollen lymph glands near groin. Gas,lack of appetite and mental fatigue, memory affects. I was taking it with Lipitor as my Dr. prescribed.

I have hereditary high triglycerides and it works well for me.

Does the job and I have no side effects at all.

High cholesterol, can't take statin

This medicine is a good alternative for people who get muscle cramps with statins. But it only brought my cholesterol down 50 points to 240. High cholesterol is in my family, but granny lived to be 96 with a cholerterol level of 360!

Tight and sore shoulder, neck, and back muscles. Dizzyness and headaches as well from the tension in my muscles I am assuming.

I stopped on my own about 3 weeks ago and the muscle tension and soreness has eased quite a bit, but not completely. I have asked my doctor for something else.

in 6 weeks, my blood fat level went from 1957 to 250. And yes, that is not a typo! That was great, but after about 4 weeks I started feeling soreness in my knees, then lower back and eventually in my hands. I was on it for a total of 10 weeks before I could no longer take the pain in my back and hands. I hope that the pain goes away. Been off it for 3 days now and have seen no change!!!

I haven't noticed any side effects.

This works wonders! My numbers went from almost 573 to 193, still a little high but I need to work on my diet/exercise still.

This drug causes so much muscle pain in my lower back that I can't stand for longer than 15 min. without being in pain. I used to be active but since taking this drug it's all I can do to walk to the mailbox and back and then I have to lie down. I'm going to ask my Dr. to change me to Lovaza which is natural made from Omega-3.

Taken it a week along with other cholesterol med. No side effects so far. We'll see.

I took one pill. The next morning I woke up with my calf muscles aching like i just ran a marathon and had a general feeling of malaise all day (and wasn't out partying the night before). I recognized the muscle pain to be the same as when I started taking Lipitor. I stopped taking Trilipix after one day. I'll try again in a week to see if the same side effects appear.

TRILIPIX (CHOLINE FENOFIBRATE): Fenofibric acid is used along with a proper diet to help lower "bad" cholesterol and fats (such as LDL, triglycerides) and raise "good" cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. It works by increasing the natural substance (enzyme) that breaks down fats in the blood. Fenofibric acid belongs to a group of drugs known as "fibrates." Lowering triglycerides in people with very high triglyceride blood levels may decrease the risk of pancreas disease (pancreatitis). However, fenofibric acid might not lower your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of fenofibric acid. In addition to eating a proper diet (such as a low-cholesterol/low-fat diet), other lifestyle changes that may help this medication work better include exercising, losing weight if overweight, and stopping smoking. Consult your doctor for more details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I was on Avandia for two years prior to switching to the Actos. I had few issues with Avandia and my sugars were well controlled. I got paranoid about Avandia after seeing all the bad press regarding that drug, so asked my Dr to switch me to Actos. BIG MISTAKE!! If you want to feel extremely tired all the time and and walk around like a zombie, take this drug.I've stopped taking it and will see how I feel after a week. Have a followup with my Dr in 10 days and will discuss switching back to Avandia or trying another drug.

I'm stopping taking the gum as I'd like to keep some hair. I'm horrified that the manufacturer doesn't mention this as a side-effect.

Didn't realize they wew side effects until I went off it for allergy testing. Lethargy, weight gain, bloating, aches all over, reduced libido. I am in day 4 of withdrawal and it is so severe I cannot even begin to express. As someone with lifetime itching...hives..excema I have never had anything like this. Everywhere..not hives or excema but this horrible internal itch. Scalp, face, lips, down throat, ears, down yonder, hands and feet terribly and then spreading everywhere else. When I finally went online there are thousands and thousands of blogs by people saying the same thing. They say they can't get off it and many resume due to the extreme discomfort. Some say it takes weeks or months to withdraw. But only 4 days in and going absolutely nuts I can say that the bloating has stopped..the aches are gone!!! I have been like a 90 year old progressively over the last 2 years and the weight is dropping off although my diet is the same

I thought starting out that this was ok. Wrong. The gas and bloating is horrible. The nausea is unavoidable. I've tried taking st night, but I'm sick between 10am-1pm. I take in the morning and I'm sick 430pm-7:30. I can't win. I just realized my breasts are tender and that's why sleep has been uncomfortable and the bloating has caused my clothes to fit less. Tonight I went on a date and thought I might faint. The nausea was horrible. I was thinking "Omg I'm pregnant" before looking online at reviews. What are the odds others are sharing my struggles? I'm going to stop taking this. No one should go through this for months just to "see" if it works or their body adjusts. Hell to the nah nah nah.

beta blockers were banned from use long term in u.k -bbc news! dueto causing low blood sugar and dieabetes symptoms.when off taken off the drug,symptoms go away! I had these problems! Heads up to anyone who takes these meds!they can kill you! your doctor mightthink you have low b.sugar or D" and treat you for that! get off the beta blocker ,symptoms will go away! and your normal againits like these drug companys and doctors are trying to kills us off !!

I hate taking drugs. I need to ask "how bad was my bone density"? Why did i not ask this before starting a dangerous drug. (I am a nurse, still working, and know better) I exercise and I am healthy, I take calcium and Vit. D. My Dr. wanted me to take the one IV that lasts a year! Thankfully i was smart NOT to follow that advice.Reading this site - actonel is over and out for me.

Headache, loss of interest in activities, 30 lbs weight gain, uncomfortable seizures, pain in legs, feelings of fainting, unable to think clear enough to hold a conversation, loss of my period obesity and sickness