Pravastatin sodium (pravastatin sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Pravastatin sodium (pravastatin sodium)

Muscle aches in my arms dizziness confused and terrible stomach problems with diarrhea this is a bad drug I am stopping taking this any trying natural ways to lower my cholesterol this drug makes you feel worse and is not good to many side effects

Severe joint and muscle pain from head to toe.

Started taking Pravastatin and two weeks later developed horrible hip pain. Could hardly walk and felt like I was going to fall. Then got low back pain, dark urine and diarrhea. Then I had two days where I felt so tired and got so dizzy I almost fell on the concrete. I wrote my cardiologist and he told me it was the statin and to stop taking it. It’s been a week now and all my symptoms are getting better. This medicine is a poison and I do not recommend anyone to ever take it!

Constant headaches hard to swallow on the right side of my head headaches every single day and night some are very severe

My neck become stiff this is a very terrifying pain I'm ready to stop taking it I cannot live like this every single day with the pain headaches day and night h

Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Protocol

Severe myalgia. As the years went by it's gotten worse. Also cramps from my toes all the way up to my neck have kept me up all night for years! Kept on getting sicker and sicker. Inflammation that was so painful all over my body, especially my legs.

After hearing several podcasts by Dr. Mark Hyman on Functional Medicine, i decided, since my bad cholesterol has been always low... good always high and my triglycerides 60 or under, that I would go off them and see what happened. Titrated over a week and began to feel better. Two nights after my last dosage... I slept through the night for the first time in 7 years! No cramps! Myalgia is gone... I feel like a new woman! This med needs to be banned! Go off sugar (all types) eat lots og good fat & veggies and you will see your Cholesterol & Triglycerides levels DROP!

Severe muscle pain,arms legs neck.shortness of breath. Would not recommend .made my joint pain worse

I'm having backaches, vision changes and severe leg & foot cramps that disrupt my sleep. I will stop taking it NOW !! I'm glad I read the reviews and side effects. I was prescribed Atorvastatin years ago, then I had a stroke.

I haven't experienced a leg cramps since probably my 30s, I'm 67. Those statin drugs are not good. I'll seek other alternatives to lower my cholesterol.

Fatigue, pain in my hands, joints, shortness of breath, nausea, reflux, rash on neck, dizzy, heart palpitations,anxiety worse, insomnia.stomach issues. Horrible drug. Went on and of this but just can't handle statins.

This pravistatin began making me forgetful much more that i was. Feet cramps started at night.And sleeping began to get disturbed and pains started shooting in one eye,every hour on the hour.

Drs. All prescribe more than 20 mg against manufactuer's recommdation. I have returned to Red Rice Yeast and oat meal three times a week. Lowers cholestral beautifully after a month and safe!!!

This pravistatin began making me forgetful much more that i was. Feet cramps started at night.And sleeping began to get disturbedabd pains started shooting in one eye,every hour on the hour.

Drs. All prescribe more than 20 mg against manufactuer's recommdation. I have returned to Red Rice Yeast and oat meal three times a week. Lowers cholestral beautifully after a month and safe!!!

Over time pretty much everything that was conveyed by others. I don't feel like myself at all!! I do take breaks from taking it and I slowly get my bearings. It hasn't done what I thought it would. My cholesterol is still at 223 after taking this med for about 18 months. I eat chicken, fish, fruits and veggies. Occasionally I do "treat" myself with ice cream or my homemade chocolate chip cookies. However, never enough to not reap the proposed benefits from this drug. Re-thinking this script! I am miserable!!

Muscle pain and later developed Insomnia my doctor won't change medicine but I'm going to be persistent and trying a different medication

Dizzy, memory loss, nervousness and tiredness

Shortness of breath and heart pain

Lowered my ldl but started having shortness of breath and heart chest pain

I think it may be cause of my dizziness and I had godawful muscle pain

Broke out in hives, heart raced,lower back pain terribly

I Cant walk,scared i might fall,my left leg doesn't want to move,like my brain is telling it DONT move. And my right leg also.

Bad drug,it can cause people to lose their job, Cant do their job right!😕

At first I did not notice anything, but over the course of the year I started to get pain in my neck and shoulders. The doctor told me it was arthritis, but when I stopped taking it the pain has gone away.

These are very dangerous drugs and are over prescribed to patients. I will take my chances with the cholesterol and I am currently taking Red Rice Yeast Pills. Not sure if they are helping, these also contain statins, but in a natural form. I will see how my cholesterol is when I go back. The first time I stopped taking the Pravastatin, my cholesterol went up and I went back on them again, only to find out that this is a side effect when you stop taking the drugs, high cholesterol.

I started to notice servive muscle pains and problems even walking in my right leg. I've done nothing to cause such pain. Went had exrays and Imaging done but seems everything looks okay.This is the only medication I've been on. I've stopped taking now for a couple of months but seems like it's became worse sence I've been off. I'm usually very active no problems until now .I'M not understanding what's happening to me. I know it's because of taking this medication. Now I've been using Advil and muscle rubs to get relife and messages. Not a good thing when your doctor dosent have a answer other then pain meds.and I'm not doing that. So now what do I do will this clear up or am I damaged for good and maybe need to buy a wheelchair?

High Cholesterol for the 1st time

Body and joint aches. Weight gain

I HATE this drug. I had never had high cholesterol before, so when it creeped up on a recent blood exam, my dr. prescribed Pravastatin. I do not understand how a drug that makes your body aches, makes you lose sleep because of the pain can be a good solution for someone who now needs to exercise and maintain a healthy body weight? my arms hurt, my joints hurt and I have gained weight. Will try a natural alternative for now.

PRAVASTATIN SODIUM (PRAVASTATIN SODIUM): Pravastatin is used along with a proper diet to help lower "bad" cholesterol and fats (such as LDL, triglycerides) and raise "good" cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. It belongs to a group of drugs known as "statins." It works by reducing the amount of cholesterol made by the liver. Lowering "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides and raising "good" cholesterol decreases the risk of heart disease and helps prevent strokes and heart attacks. In addition to eating a proper diet (such as a low-cholesterol/low-fat diet), other lifestyle changes that may help this medication work better include exercising, losing weight if overweight, and stopping smoking. Consult your doctor for more details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I last took cipro sept 2005. All the symptons that I decribed started to occur 2 days into the medication. Four months later I still have severe muscle twitching and a constant level of high anxiety and nervousness. My doctor will not admitt that there is even a possibility this all could be from cipro. He recommends that I go see a neurologist. But I refuse, I know my body and I know this is directly from taking cipro. I just pray it leaves my body soon. This is very scary!! If anyone has had similar side effects please don't hesitate to email me. 1/25/06

Horrific itching and mild burning on first and second application. It lasted for hours and was truly awful. The morning after my second treatment, I had light bleeding and I'm quite sure it's from the irritation of this "treatment."

Sexual problems (lack of arousal and, especially, orgasmic failure); severe heart palpitation; bizarre dreams; feeling of aloofness; depression and rapid weight gain: though I did not change my eating habits, I gained between 10 and 15 pounds in the first 6 months.

I get the feeling similar to my head being wrapped in cotton -which is by far better than the pain of a migraine. I tried for years to not take a Maxalt until I couldn't stand the pain...this is NOT the correct way to take it! As others mentioned, take it at the first sign of a migraine, for me that is a stiff neck and disturbed sleep as well as highted sence of smell. I found I am able to do just as well with 1/2 a pill, however I am petite and only weight around 100 lbs.

Restlessness, feel like crawling out of my skin, grumpy, crazy

Initially, it helped with the neuropathy pain quite a bit but I always felt confused and foggy. I have gained 7 lbs in the last few weeks since starting it and have been having quite a bit of muscle pain in areas that never hurt before.

Anxiety, diarrhea, headaches, nausea

Going to see doctor in a few days. I will NOT use this medication again!

I was unable to sleep for 3 days straight, and was very hyperactive during that time. When I was finally able to sleep, I really crashed - slept like the dead for 12 hours.

memory loss, sleep driving, double vision