Niaspan (niacin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Niaspan (niacin)

Occasionally I will feel a flushing, but I know it will go away in 20 to 30 minutes, so no problem.

It really helps my cholesterol levels. I tried 3 different statins before niacin and had horrible leg pain and mood swings. I felt terrible with statins, but niacin works great.

Radical flushing/burning feeling.

The radical flushing that one would experience taking this medication was effectively controlled by taking an 81mg asprin 30 minutes before bedtime, then taking the 4 Niaspan caps with two cups of apple sauce. Usually I am not aware of any flushing effects as I sleep. Occasionaly, I will feel the effect upon waking in the night and rarely upon awaking the next morning. Chocolate and some candy's eaten at bedtime will negate the buffering effect of the apple sauce. These foods also seem to amplify the flushing effect. I would seriously avoid chocolate after taking Niaspan.My cholesterol numbers continue to improve with each 6 month lab test. After receiving a quad bypass at 50, my heart disease was described as "quite serious". Niaspan, along with lovastatin and carvediol have become my daily regimine, and I am having little or no negitive side effects from these drugs in combination.

My Dr prescribed Niaspan and monitored it with me over a year, beginning with 500 mg and every 6 weeks increasing the dosage to 750 mg, 1000 mg, 1250 mg, 1500 mg and then finally 2000 mg. This monitoring allowed my body to adjust to the different strengths. However, my Dr. has now said to stop taking Naispan as studies have recently shown that it is not proven to be as effective as they first thought. Has anyone else heard this? Should I stop all at once or do I need to wean myself from it?

High Cholesterol,cannot takeStatins

I took Niacin ER 2000 mg.for 3 yrs. I expected the occasional flushing and rash on my face. During this time I became very anxious and unable to deal with stress. I was put on two antidepressants. I started with reflux, nausea,inability to eat without coughing and spitting up, severe weakness so much that I felt a "sinking" feeling and would have to go to bed for an hour several times a day. I attributed the nausea etc. to GI problems. On three occasions during the three years I thought all this was possibly the flu or stress. Three weeks ago my face began to swell. I looked like I had gained 20 pounds. My weight remained the same. I had blisters on my tongue and sores in my mouth( attributed by my GI MD and Dentist to stress)My tongue felt like it was on fire. I called my Primary care doctor and he said to stop the Niacin immediately and take ASA and Benadryl.I started to look up the side effects of Niacin on medical sites and blogs. All of my symptoms were there. Within one week after stopping the Niacin All of my symptoms disappeared including GI symptoms. I no longer need my acid reducing prescription. I have much more energy. My husband says I am a different person. It has now been three weeks since I quit. I can exercise now and I will gradually start to discontinue my antidepressants.I wish I had known of All the side effects. I urge you all to Refuse to take Niacin! I have begun a natural treatment of 1 Tablespoon of Organic Virgin Coconut Oil twice a da

High Cholesterol,cannot takeStatins

I took Niacin ER 2000 mg.for 3 yrs. I expected the occasional flushing and rash on my face. During this time I became very anxious and unable to deal with stress. I was put on two antidepressants. I started with reflux, nausea,inability to eat without coughing and spitting up, severe weakness so much that I felt a "sinking" feeling and would have to go to bed for an hour several times a day. I attributed the nausea etc. to GI problems. On three occasions during the three years I thought all this was possibly the flu or stress. Three weeks ago my face began to swell. I looked like I had gained 20 pounds. My weight remained the same. I had blisters on my tongue and sores in my mouth( attributed by my GI MD and Dentist to stress)My tongue felt like it was on fire. I called my Primary care doctor and he said to stop the Niacin immediately and take ASA and Benadryl.I started to look up the side effects of Niacin on medical sites and blogs. All of my symptoms were there. Within one week after stopping the Niacin All of my symptoms disappeared including GI symptoms. I no longer need my acid reducing prescription. I have much more energy. My husband says I am a different person. It has now been three weeks since I quit. I can exercise now and I will gradually start to discontinue my antidepressants.I wish I had known of All the side effects. I urge you all to Refuse to take Niacin! I have begun a natural treatment of 1 Tablespoon of Organic Virgin Coconut Oil twice a da

When I first start taking niaspan I had real bad flashing from head to toe. I then read the pamplet n I started taking niaspan the right way n now I don't have no problems any more I am doing good now.

Waking up with extreme flushing, burning, and itching.

Was doing fine taking Niaspan at night 30 minutes after an aspirin, didn't have any flushing or side effects at all. Then suddenly after 3 weeks woke up with a horribly itchy, red rash all over my body and persistent shortness of breath. Called my cardiologist that same morning and was told to stop taking it immediately because I was having an allergic reaction and not a side effect. It took almost a week and a lot of Prednisone and Hydroxyzine for the rash, intense itching, and shortness of breath to completely go away.

hair loss, including eyebrows and mustache and body hair, possibly premature hair color change to white.

It did lower my LDL cholesterol a little, but not enough, so my doctor put me on pravastatin in addition to niaspan, and the hair loss didn't begin until after I had been on pravastatin for two months

Few episodes of flushing but was ok. 3 months in woke up on fire! Got up out of bed and woke up on the other end of the house by ems. Cracked head. Terrible stuff.

In the beginning flushes. Take before and was able to sleep through it most times. I've been off of it for a month and am feeling I'll. Are there side effects to going off this drug

Don't know why, Lipitor was fine

My GP took me off Niaspan because my liver levels were increasing. Pain in my right leg from my hip down to my ankle every morning when I woke up. Flushing I could put up with. But liver levels are more important

The Cardiologist I was and repeat was going to put me on 2 medications Niaspan and Maltaq for my heart. Both medications almost did me in. Always read the side effects. If they don't sound good to you tell your doctor. If he doesn't agree with you find another doctor who will listen and not just take samples.

had the itching and burning skin, but it has passed ny splitung the doses to one in the morning and one at bed

after a couple of month's it improved my hdl level's significantly

Insomnia, hot flashes, leg pain, swelling in hands and ankles, swelling of face.

This lowered my "bad" cholesterol 25 pts in two months, but not worth the side effects. Have discontinued.

None, rare occasion of flushing, tolerable, even feels goodwen out in 16 degrees below zero

woke up 2am on fire broke out in sweat passed out hit face on hard wood floor.Woke up 45 mins later bleeding and face busted.another trip to doc took me off meds still feel like crap

Took me a few months to get used to the drug at 500 mg. Rich foods in evening resulted in upset stomach. Flushing was noticeable with some daytime itchiness. After a few months, it passes.

I sleep like a kitten when I take Niaspan. I am not on any other drugs except occasional antihistamine in the a.m. The drug works!

NIASPAN (NIACIN): Niacin is used with a proper diet and exercise program to help lower "bad" cholesterol and fats (LDL, triglycerides) and raise "good" cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. It is generally used after non-drug treatments have not been fully successful at lowering cholesterol. Niacin is also known as vitamin B-3 (nicotinic acid), one of the B-complex vitamins. It may be used with or without other medications. Lowering "bad" cholesterol/triglycerides and raising "good" cholesterol helps prevent strokes and heart attacks. Lowering fats may also help reduce the risk of pancreas problems (pancreatitis) in people at risk. In addition to eating a proper diet (such as a low-cholesterol/low-fat diet), other lifestyle changes that may help this medication work better include exercising, losing weight if overweight, and stopping smoking. Consult your doctor for more details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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anxiety, depression, unable to control moods, back pain, nausea, headaches everyday, fatgue ,paranoia, feeling weak, irritability, no periods since ive started it, cramps all day.

Weight gain 60 lbs (running, dieting cant lose any)Mood swings ( depression, anger, all over the place)Lose of sex driveVERY oily faceCurrently period 2 weeks long and counting. but have gone more then a month or 2 without anybody aces (back, chest, legs ect)tender breastlots of vaginal dischargeCant get any other kind cause of Complicated Basilar Migraines. Talking over with common-law about stopping.Worst Medication ever. I would LOVE to be able to go on another kind....I don't recommend this Pill

I was in a fog while I was on this b/c. I recently came off depo., which I was on for 6 years because of the loss of bone density, weight gain, horrible acne, etc. I switched to Seasonale about three months. My face broke out even worse, my breasts were huge and heavy, I gained weight instead of loosing it. I even went off for a while, and when I went back on, the same things started happening again! I exercise 6 times a week, I was eating less than I was while I was on depo, and yet, I was gaining weight. I was in a fog while on this, forgetting several things a day, (which I never do!!!) either at home or at work. I was exhausted, sleeping sometimes 9 hours straight on the weekend, and sometimes staying in bed all day. I did not have a good experience on this medicine, and I have decided to switch to Loestrin 24, so we shall see what happens!!! Wish me luck!!

depression and extreme anxiety

Withdrawal symptoms are nothing to mess with. I ran out of pills over a 4 day holiday weekend, and boy did I feel wierd. I have had recurring depressive episodes since childhood, and this is the second time I have tried anti-depressants. Prozac worked well the first time, but the same dose had no effect this time. I am also in cognitive behavioral therapy and I strongly recommend therapy in addition to medication.

you MUST eat a meal before this med, I had a upset stomach this morning because I didn't have time to eat. This is my second day. Make time to eat, or postpone dose. If you can't eat,(due to nausea) leave this antibiotic alone.

After three months on Zocor, my symptoms included extreme muscle pain in shoulders, rib cage on left side, calves of legs. The pain was so bad, I could not sleep at night. I had extreme fatigue, loss of libido, diarhhea, inability to focus, tingling in hands, pins and needles sensation. I stopped taking Zocor two days ago and the pains are subsiding already. I expect they will be completely gone in a few more days. I was put on Zocor after my open-heart surgery in December. I have decided to take my chances without it. My opinion is that this is a VERY DANGEROUS DRUG with side offects that far outweight any possible benefits.

drowsiness, vertigo, cough, hard to concentrate. It's hard to pinpoint things that could be side effects when they are happening to you. i thought i was just tired because of the time of year, had vertigo because my sinuses were inflamed.

NO Side effects... Diagnosed with ddd at the age of 25, it is birth related, but usually accident related, disk 1 thru 5 lumbar. pain : Lower and middle back, sciatic thru entire right let, buttock, back of thigh, entire outside of calf (knee to ankle) and over top of foot. Left side, buttock, top outside of thigh and under back thigh, over foot from behind ankle. All pain 10 .. Also Fibromyalgia.

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