Lovaza (omega-3-acid ethyl esters) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lovaza (omega-3-acid ethyl esters)

Horrible stomach pain like I had an ulcer, back pain like my back was breaking, hives.

short episodes of extremely uncomfortable chest tightness. ER ekg, xrays, bloodwork showed no obvious cause, but the ONLY change in any aspect of my health was starting Lovaza just over a week before.

I'll go back to fish oil, avoiding grains and exercising.

Lowered Tryglycerides from 750 to 300. Lowered Cholesterol from 265 to 230. This drug definitely works, but it is expensive. This stuff is literally Rx fish oil and I wonder whether over the counter fish oil would be equally beneficial. A benefit of this drug is has no adverse effects on liver function. I had to add lipitor to my treatment.

BiPolar and Rheumatoid Arthritis

gas - but my body is adjusting,very high copay compared to other scripts - shiny hair and good skin

My triglyceride level is @ 94.

reduced triglycerides from 300 to 136 in a two month period.

Extrememly expensive and I don't have any insurance whatsoever. No way I can afford $150 every month for it. I'm taking just one a day but it'll have to do. In under 2 months it brought my trigs from 565 down to 200. But I was/am also on Crestor so I'm sure it was the combination of both. I tried taking an OTC fish oil and had gas real bad so went back to Lavaza. At least I smell better lol

brought my triglycerides down considerably and to within normal range

exceedingly expensive. going to a medical plan that does NOT pay anything for this drug. Have cut back to 1 cap night and 1 day. Will taper down. Began modest NIACIN at night, helpful.

Cholesterol dropped 16 points in about 5 months, but triglycerides rose 100 points. My doctor is very confused, as am I. These capsules are not small - I also took flaxseed oil, Co-Q-10 and while the drop in cholesterol is good, the rise in triglycerides is not. I am a severe high risk, but cannot take statins so have to rely on other means to control familial hypercholesterolemia.

My insurance didn't cover this medication, and at $120 per month out of pocket, I can't afford it. My pharmacist advised me to take a fish oil dietary supplement instead. So far my triglycerides have come down over 100 points using the dietary supplemnt. Don't waste your money on this overpriced fish oil.

Constipation; Headaches initially

Reduced triglycerides a bit but not as much as expected, now dr cut dosage and added tricor

Starting TG 468, then brought it down to 210 after 4 months.

bad bloating, very dry hair, eye swelling including under my eye on my face, severe constipation, finger swelling

triglycerides went from 510 to 300 in 4 months with very little diet change.

LOVAZA (OMEGA-3-ACID ETHYL ESTERS): Omega-3 acid ethyl esters, a type of fat found in fish oil, is used along with diet and exercise to help lower levels of a certain blood fat (triglyceride). It may also raise "good" cholesterol (HDL). In general, this drug is used after your blood fat levels have not been fully controlled by non-drug treatments (such as diet changes, exercise, decreasing alcohol intake, weight loss if overweight, controlling blood sugar if diabetic, and regulating your thyroid hormone levels). Lowering triglycerides and increasing "good" cholesterol may help decrease the risk for strokes and heart attacks. Omega-3 acid ethyl esters are thought to work by decreasing the amount of triglyceride the body makes. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I took Flonase through the allergy season for the first time. I usually take only Zyrtec, but this year after having covid last December, I had brain fog for many months that both Zyrtec and Flonase helped with.Even during periods where pollen was low, I'd have bad flare ups. I concluded that the Flonase was giving me too much anti-inflammation, so when it wore off I was taking more only to treat the side effects of the Flonase wearing off, and didn't actually need it for pollen most days.I had few side effects while on the drug except sometimes more energy and occasionally panicky feeling, but mostly I just got relief so I kept using.It's been almost two weeks since my last dose quit cold turkey. I thought I was sick over thanksgiving, but never had other symptoms just brain fog, fatigue, and a little congestion. Sleep tracker also says breathing a slower and more labored.Overall I feel like I have a low level head cold. The withdrawal effects from Flonase wax and wane. Some moments I'm fine, others I'm achy and tired. Overall my energy level went from 8/10 while on the drug to about 6/10 in withdrawal. I also get weird achy pains in some bones.My biggest issue is sleep disturbance/insomnia. I can deal with mild physical symptoms, but for me the strangest side effect of Flonase withdrawal is it seems to cause me to wake up more than usual. I sometimes wake u

Manic episodes, I was so irrited by everything and had several episodes when I got violent and destroyed my living room. In a totally rage! It was terrible! I had never experienced anything like this before, I am normally I very calm and laid back person. I had some loss of appetite. Could not sleep for any longer than a couple hours at a time.

Feels like I had the whole list of symptoms I weaned off of it four and a half months and all hell broke loose I have burning prickling and numb skin all throughout my body headaches everyday have intensified anxiety and terrible insomnia and I've never had a problem with sleeping before and I've never had this much anxiety ever I do not recommend this drug to anyone stay away from it is an evil evil drug it should be off the market

i really dont feel any different

Filling this out for my deceased mother, She died of starvation.

I would recomend it only for those who wish to get there hormones under control..(HRT)

I cant explain how much grief this drug has caused me. I have pkd. 44yr old slight discomfort no have kidney pain. Dr says lets start benicar to lower bp 140/90. 20mg a day of benicar and 20days later it worked. 30days later unbelievable kidney pain. Herromaged kidney cyst never had this before. Dr tells its not the medication? Tried to stop the med got way worse lowered dosage by half trying to weaning off wish i had never used this garbage.