Lipitor (atorvastatin calcium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lipitor (atorvastatin calcium)

I'm no longer taking this medication. I do not take any drugs now, just try to keep my cholesterol low with diet and exercise (works a bit). Wee all need some cholesterol. I am prepared to take my chance and not poison myself with drugs.

Although this medicine did reduce my cholesterol I was not happy with the side effects. I still get them from time to time and have not taken the drug for about 6 months.

Well I get drug interactions easily and told my doctor I hoped there were no dude effects. He assured me at 10 mg nothing would happen! after about 4 days of taking it my heart rate shot up to 120 beats a minute. Fluttering and skipping beats. I saw a cardiologist it was so bad! was scheduled for all kinds of tests. After another day I took lipitor and right after my heart began to go wild! I stopped the pill right away and in a couple days my heart rate was 75. I looked up side effects and number one was racing and pounding and high heart rate! I will never take it again! what a nightmare

Mental fog, depression, joint and muscle pains, earaches, shortness of breath, mood changes, sleep disorders, neuropathy

I was on several years with few adverse effects, which is why it took me so long to deduce that statins were causing my problems. I was all happy that despite my deteriorating mental and physical health, my cholesterol was low. Once I realized the cause and after years of fighting with my PCP (who always told me "statins don't cause that") I put my foot down and got off them. Since then, the adverse effects have all subsided (some took longer than others).

None so far but it hasn’t been but a few hours

Severe wrist, arm, knee, and leg pain. Was walking a mile daily and doing 30 minutes of routine exercises daily before taking statin. Was having a difficult time even getting out of chair when on statin.

I stopped taking statin with my doctors approval. Muscle leg and weakness is getting better.

SEVERE muscle pain and tenderness, overall body but especially neck & shoulders. Back pain. Leg pain (tightness in calves). Muscle weakness. Joint pain.Throbbing headaches & painful sinuses with permanently stuffed nose and swelling around eyes. Swollen glands in neck. Sore throat and flu-like symptoms. Sensitive to light. Tummy ache. Irritable. Anxious. Panick attacks. Depressed mood. Constipation. Skin sensitivity. Fatique to such an extent that it hindered daily tasks. Interrupted sleep cycle. Difficulty falling asleep.

Never felt so ill in my life on any meds. Stay away from these meds. Really makes you feel AWFUL

Extreme muscle weakness. Muscle pain throughout body. Memory loss. Brain fog. GI issues. Tinnitus. Muscle stiffness. Runny nose. Fatigue. Constantly felt unwell.

Honestly felt like I was just slowly dying. Stuff is poison. Been off a month and very slowly starting to feel a bit better. Hope no permanent damage.

Muscle pain, muscle cramps, joint pain, irritability, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, trouble with relationships, significant weight gain, appetite increase, acid reflux

Severe joint pain, bad acid reflux, muscle pains, terrible flatulence. I had none of these issues prior to taking this Rx.

I told the Dr that I refused to continue Lipitor & I'd rather die. That's how awful it made me feel. I do not have high cholesterol, but it's the standard treatment with blood thinners after a stroke. I'm now on Crestor & so far no issues.

Massive Hair loss, Tiredness, Depression, Sleepiness just awful. More depressed now that I have lost more than half of my gorgeous hair.

Nausea backe pain, leg,wrist,pain, loss of appetite, rise in blood sugar, had fever,brain fog.

Pain both legs, ankles and shoulders. Weakness is unbearable. Stopped taking it on 7/19/22 and pain went away for my legs, but weakness and ankles are still an issue.also had vertigo but that went away in 5 weeks. Any fully recovered?

On 11/2021 increased dosage from 10 mg to 20 mg and side effect were pain both legs and neck and shoulders. Weakness both legs can’t walk. Vertigo as well. I stopped taking it on 7/19/22 and the pain went away, but still have weakness and both ankle pain. This is toxin.

I really think this is poison to people. People should be aware of these side effects.

Same as so many others. Horrid back and leg pain.

Often wonder how many people we see struggling to get in or out of a chair are simply suffering a statin side effect.That was me after just 2 months of this medication.

This drug is like a slow poison, after few days of taking it, started to feel pain in my fingers, talked to my doctor and they said I can continue the "medication", slowly other side effects started to develop, low energy, tiredness, dizziness, confusion, panic attacks, anixeity, and general feeling of awefulness. I messeged my doctor last night and stopped the medication without their approval, i will never take it again.

Side effeects:Bad diarrhea, bleeding hemroidsJoint pain, no good told Healthcare provider no more went on natural means.

Severe brain fog. Severe anxiety. Depression. Foot pain. Irritability. Fatigue. Headaches. Saw 6 different doctors for these symptoms while taking this medication daily. NONE could figure out the problem. Stopping it today, and will take whatever risks that entails. Stay away from this medication.

I will never take a statin again

Extreme hair loss, confusion, brain fog, short term memory memory loss( thought I developed dementia) cognitive decline) difficulty processing thoughts into a conversation. Loss of balance,

LIPITOR (ATORVASTATIN CALCIUM): Atorvastatin is used along with a proper diet to help lower "bad" cholesterol and fats (such as LDL, triglycerides) and raise "good" cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. It belongs to a group of drugs known as "statins." It works by reducing the amount of cholesterol made by the liver. Lowering "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides and raising "good" cholesterol decreases the risk of heart disease and helps prevent strokes and heart attacks. In addition to eating a proper diet (such as a low-cholesterol/low-fat diet), other lifestyle changes that may help this medication work better include exercising, losing weight if overweight, and stopping smoking. Consult your doctor for more details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My doctor prescribed Vyvanse to help me lose weight because adipex wasn't working. He wanted me to try it before doing any kind of weight loss surgery. In the 2 months I've been taking it I've went from 405 to 370. Basically from walking at least 3 miles four days a week and light weight lifting. First few days I had extreme dry mouth so I started drinking a gallon of water a day which explains the constant urination. No nausea, no headaches or muscle aches. I'm way more focused at work and home. I take it once daily at 6am before I workout and I'm not sleepy until about 10pm.I've taken it as late as 3pm and was sleep by midnight. Do not take with energy drinks because you'll have the crazy jitters. Do not drink alcohol while on this medication because Vyvanse speeds up your metabolism so it burns alcohol more quickly. May sound like a good thing but you won't feel the effect of the alcohol and you tend to drink more to get drunk which can lead to alcohol poisoning. I'm a smoker and it does cause me to smoke more as well which is the only negative point in taking it.

Like everyone here panic attacks anxiety dizzy disordered thoughts fearNose bleeds was when I stopped it. It highlights the dangers of steroids.Never again AVOID

Watery diarrhea.. Headache on day 2, dizziness day 3, severe nausea day 4 late in the evening. Sinus pain, felt like a cold coming on... nope, side effect. Sudden upper left abdominal pain under ribs, and bloating. Never felt completely emptied out.

Heart-burn, weird feelings of hopelessness and not wanting to be around people. Irritable and does make you sleepy.

Kept me up all night. Would not recommend this drug at all. Do not take it!