Lescol xl (fluvastatin sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lescol xl (fluvastatin sodium)

Severe muscle pain in hands wrists feet and knees and neck.

I do have swelling in my right Leg. Sore throat, red swollen blisters and billing skin on arms and allover my body since 2012. They come and go very uncomfortable.

Worsening leg and foot pain cramping weakness and heaviness in my legs also stomach upset and frequent diarrhea weight loss. And depression exhausted all the time 59. Feel like 80!

Blamed all of this on arthritis getting older. Had complete gi work up all negative. Stopping lescol today!

Lately I have had a mild pain in my arms and tingling in my fingers. I have stopped taking the drug twice and the symptions have stopped in a matter of one to two weeks.My level without the drug is 240 and on the drug is 180.

Confusion, anxiety, nausea, insomnia.

Statins are dangerous for millions of us who just cannot tolerate the side effects.

high cholesterol with high blood pr

Sneezing, Coughing, Body Aches, Chills, Fatigue. Weekness and mental confusion and disorientation.

Spent five hours in emergency room ruling out any other possible cause for these symptoms.

I was healthy and active before Lescol. I am healthy and active again, but at age 44 I will probably be on hormone replacement for the rest of my life.Started and stopped LescolXL several times ... I would stop due to stomach-flu like symptoms which on a couple of occasions progressed to pancreatitis and the passing of black, gritty pigment gallstones (hemolytic effect).I also felt "heavy" and would catch my toe on the next step when climbing stairs. I was also depressed and mentally foggy. Finally, I was so groggy on the stuff that I slipped while pushing our trash bin and wound up with 25 staples in my head.After several months off the stuff, I was still experiencing problems and was diagnosed with extremely low testosterone.

After doing a lot of research, I concluded that my problems with Lescol were due to the grapefruit juice effect causing a chronic mild overdose that occasionally became a mega-overdose. I was not drinking grapefruit juice, however I was habitually drinking a lot of citrus-flavored sparkling water containing half the chemical cocktail that is in grapefruit juice. On occasion, consumption of orange juice or clarithromycin provided the other half of the cocktail and kicked the effect into overdrive. Users of statins should understand the chemical pathways by which they are eliminated, and what can block those pathways.

Almost immediately after taking Lescol XL Felt chest discomfort. On the 3rd day the pressure was so severe that it felt like someone was pressing down on chest and the feeling extended into left arm and into neck area. Had to go to emergency room and was hospitalized for 2 additional days. Many tests were run with no positive results. Felt better on 3rd day after emergency room as was not on Lescol XL for 3 days and was released. Went back on medication and guess what. On 3rd day had to go to emergency room again and was re-hospitalized. Many additional tests were run with no positive results. After 3 days on not being on Lescol XL felt better. Was released and now it has been 1 week since not taking Lescol XL and feeling great again.

sore feet. joint pain in knees.

lescol reduced my total cholesterol from 310 to 230. however i experience muscle pain in my feet every day.

I had alittle muscle pain. Am taking C-E Q10 also.

Severe fatigue after taking Lipitor 1 month and switching toLescol XL for 2nd month. Leg muscle aches and finger joint pains. Have stopped taking any satins and started takingco-enzyme Q10. Finally starting to feel better after 2 weeks.

Am having a burning since march in my throat and chest andtightness. Doctors can't figure it out. They think it is acidreflux, but I think its the medicine. Also,bad coughing spellsthat I can't get rid of and hoarseness.

Terrible pain in my side, Sick to my stomach, dizziness, weak. hurt all over.

I take 5 different pills for diabetics, I also have hepitise C, mY CHOLESTROL IS WELL BELOW 200

are these normal side effects for this medication?

LESCOL XL (FLUVASTATIN SODIUM): Fluvastatin is used along with a proper diet to help lower "bad" cholesterol and fats (such as LDL, triglycerides) and raise "good" cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. It belongs to a group of drugs known as "statins." It works by reducing the amount of cholesterol made by the liver. Lowering "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides and raising "good" cholesterol decreases the risk of heart disease and helps prevent strokes and heart attacks. In addition to eating a proper diet (such as a low-cholesterol/low-fat diet), other lifestyle changes that may help this medication work better include exercising, losing weight if overweight, and stopping smoking. Consult your doctor for more details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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The patients I prescribed this to had a plethora of side effects and minimal efficacy.Most of the patients were non responders to SSRI's and SNRI's including augmentation strategies.The unwanted side effects resulted in each patient stopping this medication on their own.I do not see this medication gaining traction in the treatment of depressed or anxious individuals.

I just moved from 150 XL twice a day to 300 XL and then the rash started. I am going to ask my doctor if I can decrease to 150 XL and add low dose Prozac for balance.

Just stopped. Praying these symptoms go away. I will NEVER touch this stuff again.

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