Colestid (colestipol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Colestid (colestipol hydrochloride)

Stomach pain that feels like intense stabbing/pinching in lower abdomen

My GI doc started me on Colestipol for my chronic IBS-D. I have been on it for about 2 months now. I'm experiencing intense stomach pain when I take this med. I'm only taking 1 per day but was told to take 1-2 per day. There’s no way I’m taking 2. The stomach pain would be unbearable. My diarrhea has slowed down but I still have to use Imodium on occasion. Not sure I want to continue on this med or not. Also, the pills are HUGE and difficult to swallow even with a large amount of water!

post gallbladder removal diarrhea

This was a godsend. So many close calls. Many times I'd need to use the bathroom after the first bite of food, or immediately following a meal. The non-stop diarrhea had affected my social and work life. Plus, I couldn't even think about dieting in any form because less food meant more diarrhea; and I was steadily gaining weight. Couldn't tolerate the powdered form and it has sugar substitutes. This is so much easier.

I had a major bowel resection 22 years ago due to Crohn's Disease. After my colostomy was reversed, problems with runny stool persisted due to shortening of the bowel. After a year of panic about not being able to reach a bathroom in time, I finally asked my doctor if there was something I could take and he prescribed Colestid. While Colestid is a drug for cholesterol, the main side effect is causing constipation, and in my case, helps my bowels to function normally. No more urgent trips to the bathroom! It has definitely led to a better quality of life for me.

ever since I had my gallbladder out I have had severe diarrhea after eating. this has helped me control this issue

COLESTID (COLESTIPOL HYDROCHLORIDE): Colestipol is used along with a proper diet to lower cholesterol in the blood. Lowering cholesterol helps decrease the risk for strokes and heart attacks. In addition to a proper diet (such as a low-cholesterol/low-fat diet), other lifestyle changes that may help this medication work better include exercising, losing weight if overweight, and stopping smoking. Consult your doctor for more details. This medication is known as a bile acid-binding resin. It works by removing bile acid from the body. In people with high cholesterol, this causes the liver to make more bile acid by using cholesterol in the blood. This helps to lower the cholesterol levels. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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The drs. finally called and the receptionist said the doctor doesn't think heartburn is from the Boniva. Keep taking your prilosec and then your next dose of Boniva in a week (she prescribed 1 month). Ummm, I had reflux but never the symptoms so this burning feeling was new. So I waited and then had to call dr. back. Prescribed 6 days of prednisone, benadryl, and double up on the Prilosec. She didn't want to give anything for the pain. I think she just read the insert or side effects. I hope only six days of Prednisone helps since it is a monthly dose of the Boniva. Currently, the Prilosec has not helped with the heartburn and the skin burning has only eased off. Pain is still coming on strong.

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I read the reviews & decided to just do mine as well. I've been on the pill for 2 months now.. I'll admit the first month was bad.. CONSTANT cramping, migraines, bloating & nausea. But after my first month.. I have no period anymore. I skip my placebo pills & start a new pack immediately. I should be on my cycle now & im not. My skin is very clear. Ive gained a couple of pounds.. no more than 5 but in my case thats beneficial. Im emotional over minor things but its no big deal. Does cause fatigue.. i'll admit. My breasts have become more full.. Still wearing the same cup size but they are just more.. full. Which Im fine with. Overall this pill is great & I plan to always use it. Also I havent gotten pregnant which was my main concern so its doing its job. Plus.. all birth control pills have its side effects.. you just have to decide which ones you will deal with & i love this pill :)

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I was suffering from PTSD and was feeling very suicidal. I wason 5 psycotropic drugs when my psychiatrist decided to give me Invega. Much to my dismay. He did not titrait me off these other drugs before giving me the Invega. 2 days after receiving a long-lasting(30day) injection of Invega I attempted suicide. I don't remember anything prior to my attempt. I am now picking up the pieces of my life. I have been in recovery for the last 6 months. I have suffered multiple broken bones. Legs, arms, feet(heels), pelvis, back bones along with an acquired brain injury.From all accounts I should be dead. I now have to use a walker. My feet and legs are very swollen from all the nerve and vein damage that occurred. I should have not have put on this drug. I blame my psychiatrists poor diagnosis and this drug for what has happened to me. If I had the money I'd sue the doctor and the drug company. My conclusion is that Invega is a very dangerous drug.

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I had such stabbing pains in my stomach. My esophagus felt as if someone was pricking it with pins. I took an over the counter antacid which caused me to double over in pain.I was unable to eat or sleep.

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